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I Will Always Love You

If I Should Stay

Walking into school everyday is like just going through the motions of your life everyday. It's not even like you have to practice them anymore. You're like a robot and you do it without asking.

You start your day by dressing yourself. Usually it would be the cute little dress your mom, who had to be a fashion designer or had to do something with fashion smuggled from work into your home. Then you did your makeup. It had to be perfect everyday. Then your hair. Usually if you're smart you flat iron it and them pull it into a slim pony. If you're not the smartest cookie in the jar, you curl your hair and leave it down. Since it's usually rainy in Michigan, your hair gets frizzy and you're looking like a poodle for the rest of your day.

Next you have your breakfast of a glass of water. It's delicious.

Then you get your cell phone, sunglasses (although you don't need them), your book bag, and that cute little iPod that you've been dying to throw in your best friend's face.

Next you get your ride. If you're like most of the cool kids, you don't ride the bus. You either walk (hello, you need to burn off those calories) or you have your butler or your hot older brother drive you.

Once you arrive at school, you have to meet up with your posse and throw your newest gadget in their face. They won't talk to you for the rest of the day, but hey, at least you know you made someone jealous.

This happens throughout the whole school year.

It isn't very different for me, Callee.

Sure, my mom is an accountant and my dad is a historical fiction writer but I've managed to keep up with the latest trends though. I saved enough money for the iPhone S. I even got my older brother, Hallow to drive me to school. At school, though, I trade my iPhone for my copy of Pretty Little Liars and then I’m not interested in bragging to my friends. I like talking about boys not toys.

Vicki waited for me by the pink sign in school that says ‘Give your friends hugs not drugs’ everyday. There we checked pits, eyes, and breath. It had been our ritual since 6th grade whenever I gave the nice position of best friend to Vicki trading over Freya to the pops.

The pops were the group of girls that got everything they wanted. I mean everything. They got the newest gadgets, newest cloths, newest makeup, and even the newest pets. Once a Great Dane went out of popularity and the Chihuahua was so in, the Great Dane was given affectionately to the gardener, the maid, or even the garage and little yipper was brought into the house and given love and affection…until a poodle or even a cat was in.

Unlike the girls who actually cared what pet was in, I preferred my Beagle, Jujube over my brother’s annoying cat, Marti.


“Good morning, students! I’m glad to see everyone is wearing bright colors today, because it is a cheery day! We have another great year of marriage for our seniors and we’ve got a few new students who will be introduced! Our day will seem shorter today, but we’re going to try to get all of the info packed in right now!” Ms. Tin, the middle-aged secretary said into the microphone. She then handed over the microphone to Mrs. Jacobs, the principal.

She grinned, “As Ms. Tin told us, we’ve got a great day. We’ll be having separate meetings all day. You should’ve already picked up your schedule, so I need to get y’all into your classrooms. Seniors, please stay here. We’ve got to tell you about the marriage this year!”

All of the other students filed out of the auditorium. I sat straighter in my seat. My sister, Cassidy, who had graduated three years earlier, had done this. She said that the marriage was fun. Of course that was three years ago.

The presentation started.

“We’ll be pairing you up today, but first we’ve changed some things. This year it will be much more exciting!” Mrs. Jacobs clapped her hands. “First things first, like every other year we’ve paired you up and made you each take classes together and experience some of the things that come with marriage-such as car accidents, financial issues, pregnancy, infertility, clinics, cancer, diseases, and other things. That will happen again this year.” Mrs. Jacobs held up a big poster. “But, this year we’re actually going to make you married. You’ll be living in an apartment or house, depending on your income weekly, and you’ll be experiencing the many advantages and disadvantages of marriage. For example, if I were to get married and get the best income for myself I could live in a house. This will be your home for almost the entire school year and we will be providing fake money that can be used here at school to purchase numerous things. Today, after you find out your partners and find out your month one situation, you will be going home with your new spouse. You’ll get enough clothes for the week. You’ll be aloud to visit your house anytime during the week. Clothes, baby clothes, food, laptops, cell phones, et cetera.” Mrs. Jacobs used her fingers to list the et cetera items. “There are cameras in your house or apartment so you will be monitored. You’ll also be required to attend marriage counseling two times a month, of your choice.”

Some groaning occurred from the audience. I even groaned. If I got stuck with a dud, I would end up having a horrible year.

But I still had enough common sense to know that their was still a small glimmer of hope that I could get paired with Hayden. Hayden had been my crush since forever. He was sweet, nice, and totally handsome.

“Right, now I’m going to pair you all up!”

Everyone sighed.

“Alright. McKenzie Wallow and Jonah Rea, Savannah Ro and Jenner Kate Rough, Heaven Alis and Jacob Hills, Mei Rou and Scott Hacke, Sadie Lisen and Laken Roberts, Callee Robbertson and Hayden…” I didn’t even hear the rest of what Mrs. Jacobs said. There was only one Hayden in the entire school. My Hayden.

I walked to the front of the room and saw Hayden.

Hayden and I had been friends since 5th grade whenever we met at Sierra Li Elementary School. I’d gone there my entire life. Hayden had transferred from his humble home in Kentucky and moved to Texas and my town.

“Hey, Callee.” He greeted me.

“Hey, Hay.”

They had this hat thing going on and Hayden reached into the one labeled boys. He pulled out a slip of paper. I grabbed one of the papers from the girls and read my income.

You work 4 days a week (Tuesday-Friday) from 9:30-4:00 at a highly anticipated hair salon/nail parlor.

Earning: $200 a week + tips (decided by Mrs. Jacobs/marriage counseler)

I threw the paper into my little wristlet thing that held my credit cards and money.

I leaned over towards Hayden. Hayden was extremely taller than me. “What’d you get?” I asked.

“I got…” he handed me the piece of paper.

You work 6 days a week (Monday-Saturday) from 10-5 at Wilkson College.

Earning: $1,000 bi-weekly + overtime money (decided by Mrs. Jacobs/marriage counseler)

“Not bad.” I muttered. I threw it into my wristlet, knowing that Hayden would lose it.

“Now, we have to pick a situation. We’ve got a counseling session today to talk about our month situation.” Hayden pointed to another hat. “Girl gets to pick this time.”

I reached into the hat and pulled out a piece of paper.

Situation of the month:
Congratulations! You’re pregnant! (: Wait until everyone has their situations. This is a big deal! TALK TO MRS. JACOBS AND/OR MARRIAGE COUNSLER!

I shut my eyes. Great, now I’m knocked up?

I handed Hayden the paper and he read over it.

He chuckled. He put a hand on my stomach. “So, I’m gonna be a daddy?”

I laughed. “Sure.”


“Now that everyone has their situations, are there any couples that have a ‘special’ situation?” Mrs. Jacobs asked into the microphone.

Hayden hesitantly rose his hand.

“Yes, Hayden and Callee?” she asked. She motioned for us to come up to the podium. We handed her the slip.

She smiled as she read over it, “You guys will be going first to room 102. Ms. Alexander has all of the supplies needed for this situation. And congratulations.”


I narrowed my eyes as I looked at the lady that was sitting across from me. She was wildly smiling like it was something happy.

“So basically, I’m supposed to pretend that I’m actually knocked up and wear a belly pad under my shirt until I give birth?”

Ms. Alexander nodded. “Yes! It’s a great program actually. It will teach you to be careful whenever you’re pregnant. You’ll need Hayden or someone else to carry your books for you. We’re starting you guys out with $5,500 dollars since you’re little miracle. You guys will go to the shop now and pick up some maternity clothes and other things. We’re also starting your pregnancy at six months, Callee. Every three weeks we’ll move you up another month.” Ms. Alexander stood up from her spot on the ugly plaid couch. She went to her desk and picked up a packet. “So, here’s your six month belly. You’re to wear this everywhere you go, including to bed. You need to know how it feels to sleep with a pregnant belly. Also, this does have a bit of a weight on it. It’s not just air. This would feel like an actual belly. The only time you’re aloud to take this off is to bathe.”

I groaned.

“Stand up, so that I can put the belly on you.”

“People are going to talk.” I complained.

“People are going to know it’s fake.” Ms. Alexander corrected. “Including both of your parents. Daddy, you don’t have any questions do you?”

Hayden shook his head.

I stood up.

Ms. Alexander lifted up my blouse and pushed a belly pad onto my skin. It had a bunch of weight on it. I could only imagine nine months.

“My blouse!” I complained.

It wouldn’t go over the bump. Ms. Alexander tapped her chin.

“Hayden…can she have your sweatshirt?”

Hayden shrugged and then pulled his Hollister sweatshirt off. Ms. Alexander pushed the sweatshirt over my arms and then zipped it up.

“Perfect.” Ms. Alexander said.

She handed Hayden the money and then said, “Go…it’s time for you to get clothes that fit and food.”

I sighed.

It was going to be a long pregnancy.
♠ ♠ ♠
~I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston~