Punk's Not Dead

In 1971, Maxigan Richardson was a young 13 year old when she met John Simon Ritchie in Hackney. They became fast friends, but only to realize they lived a mear two blocks away from each other.

John and his friend, John Lydon, both have a crush on her.

Soon, John Lydon meets a girl named Ramona and John L. forgets all about Maxigan.

John R. falls for Maxigan. So...Maxigan falls for Sid Vicious.

Today in 1978, Maxigan is faced with the burden of having to take care of Sid, right after the death of his lover, Nancy Spungen.

[Re-write of my old version of Punks Not Dead.]

How can she cope with Sid, after he's lost the thing that means most to him?

...Or has he?