Status: Complete

'Seize The Day' M.Shadows Two Shot

The Funeral

I closed my eyes as I stood with my best friends and family as they lowered the casket with my brother in it into the ground. I screamed as I felt a hand on my shoulder I quickly opened my eyes and spun around to see the guy I just so happen to love Matthew Charles Sanders standing there in tears I quickly wrap my arms around him crying as well "M....M......M......Matt.....I........I......I....m......m.....miss......h....h....him" I sobbed I feel his arms tighten around me. " I know baby I know we all do." he whispers as he lead's us to the car that would take us to Johnny's bar. We get out and head in to help set up and we're greeted by a annoying voice of Val DiBenenditto I groan I hate her and she hates me. "Matty I need some help I can't reach" she whines and Matt just ignores her as he helps Johnny bring in some extra glasses and extra alcohol. Val shrikes as she look's over as I set out pictures and a drum set and a few other things Jimmy loved like his stuffed stallion duck Matt and I gave him "what the hell are you doing?" she yelled causing everyone in the place to stop and look at us even Matt and Johnny. I turned and looked at her with tears slipping from my eyes " what I'm putting the stuff out" I said quickly wiping my eyes she glared " well you are doing it wrong, there only needs to be one photo out and it's right here." she says as she grabbed a picture knocking the rest off the table "there" she says I looking seeing a picture of her and Jimmy and Matt I glare as I saw her start to ball "I miss you Jim." she squiks . I grab the picture and take it out of the frame and rip it in half only putting Matt and Jimmy back in the frame "that's better since the bitch messed with my work." I say setting it down. "I'm the bitch." she says I shrug "at least we have two things in common Matt and that we both think your the bitch" I smirk as I hear a chuckle right behind me I turn seeing Matt " Babe time to go." he says I nod as I see Adam Lavigne Val's current fling walk in I smirked as I saw him look over at Val who was currently dry humping a new waiter in the corner. we get home and I get out going over to Matt and kissing him he doesn't wait to kiss me back sucking on my bottom lip I moan as I rubbed my bottom half against his to tease him I heard him groan pressing against me I giggled as I squirmed out of his grasp running into the house I heard Matt right behind me as I made it to the bedroom closing the door and hiding in the attic I heard Matt stop at the stairs "Baby we need to get ready" he called to me. I groaned getting up "ok I'll be right there" I yelled as I went over to a box and opening it I pulled out the dress I was looking for that was my nans I was looking for then left the room I bump into Matt who was looking at my pictures on my phone "Hey what are you doing?" I ask he look's at me and his eyes were a dark brown "how long?" he asks I look at him confused "what?" I ask "how fucking long have you been sleeping around on me?" I looked at him "are you mental I haven't been with anyone but you for the past 8 years Matt and you know that just because Val slept around on you doesn't mean that I would I thought you knew that" I said my voice cracking as I looked at Matt holding back tears. Matt just growled and shoved me back "you lying little whore" he snapped I cried as fell back I quickly got up and rushed past Matt going into our room. I quickly packed the things I had there and all my pictures and left Matt only one picture of us which was from when we first got together I took a piece of paper and wrote


If you think I would ruin something that meant so much to me then I obviously wasn't that great of a girlfriend. so I hope you have a good life cause I'm obviously not going to be a part of this so I hope you can live with yourself and please don't contact me we'll be fine on our own.
Bye Matthew.


p.s. I bet you don't even remember this at all.

I layed the note on the picture and grabbed my bag and left I could hear Matt downstairs I quickly went down the stairs and straight toward the door "where are you going?" Matt asked I turned around "goodbye Matthew" I said going over to him kissing him one last time before leaving for good "Steph you can't be serious just because you cheated on me doesn't mean I'm going to make you leave." he yelled I ignored him as I got in my car I didn't look at him at all as I drove away I went to the airport getting a plane ticket to Ireland where my aunt and uncle live.

*Matt's POV*
'I can't believe it , Steph left me how could this happen?' I thought to myself as looked at the door hoping that maybe Steph would reckon sitter and come home but as I stood there waiting I realized that it's my own fault I should have let her explain instead of just snapping at her. I slowly walked upstairs and into our room I looked at everything and let out a frustrated yell as my eyes landed on something on the bed I went over and picked it up I quickly read the note letting a few tears fall as I did I saw the we'll and that go my mind racing a mile a minute. "We'll? who's we'll?" I mumbled then I got thinking Steph had been getting sick a lot lately....."SHE'S PREGNANT!!!!!!!!"I yelled happily but then my happiness deflated "I need to find her" I said quickly. I grab my keys and my phone "I'm getting my Stephie back" I smile as I started thinking about places she would go. I grab my phone calling the guys and heading to my car picking up the rest of the guys on my way.

*Steph's POV*
I sigh as I wait for my plane I had text-ed the guys letting them know what happened and telling them about the baby "STEPH!!!!!!!!" I hear I look over seeing the guys and to my dismay Matt "you can't leave" Brian said "I have to I can't live like this anymore" I say looking dead at Matt who shrunk back "so what Matt was an asshole when isn't he?" Zacky said partly joking I smile a small smile and then sigh "I'm sorry guys I just can't do this anymore. it was great when we were younger but now I'm 29 and I'm pregnant I just need to get out of here" I cry. Brian comes over hugging me I hug back sniffling."flight 731 to Ireland is now boarding flight 731 to Ireland is now boarding" the curtsey people said. "well that's my flight I'll see you guys I love you" I say as I pick up my bag and head to the gate "July 7 2001 I asked you out a week before that but I had to cancel our first date because Jimmy and I crashed my car. I took you to the fair and we rode every coaster there at least 5 times and then I won you that stuffed skull to go with the stuffed bat Jimmy go you for your birthday that year. I got you home right before your curfew but we made out before you went in which caused you to be late but right before I left you pulled me over and kissed me and Jimmy took a picture" Matt said as I went to walk away I turned around looking at him with tears in my eyes nodded my head "you remember" I whisper as Matt walked closer "I've always remembered" he whispered back kissing me. I pulled back and smiled "can we go home?" I asked him Matt nodded "sure" he said as he lifted me up as Brian and Zacky got my things.
Little did I know that everything was about to change.
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Just so you know I actually like Val I think she's awesome but just for this story I needed her to write her as a bitch. That's the first chapter the next part get's better I think.