Cyborg Love Story

chapter 1 ( it can't be her)

Beastboys p.o.v
Ahh.. i yelled as i was thrown across the room. "uhg, is it me or is this guy just getting tougher?" "its usually just you" cyborg laughed. then he was picked up by a remote controled arm and thrown next to me. "what about know" i teased
"give up teen titans. you will never be able to defeat me!!" control freak yelled. "we'll see about that" robin yelled while throwing his birdorangs at him. they sliced through the arms making a clean cut. starfire moved in while contol freak was busy and threw some firebolts at him. "not so fast" control freak said whipping around and grabbing her with a special arm. "i made this specificly for you. there is no way you can break that!" he yelled in triumph. she struggled but couldnt break free.
while everything had been going on i had changed into every different animal i could think of and attacked him, but those stupid arms kept getting in my way! raven was throwing things at him using her powers and cyborg was blasting it. robin was to worried about getting to starfire to realy attack it. we were losing...bad. then out of the blue one of the arms whipped around and knocked raven put of the air. i turned into a cheatah ran over to her and caught he before she hit the ground.
she was unconscious but breathing. cyborg got knocked to the ground too and didn't get up. that left only me to fight control freak and there was no way i could defeat him by myself. uh-oh we were so screwed.
Ashton or Ash (bb sister)
i was walking around looking for him when i saw a bunch of wierd stuff happining over at the video game store. if i knew my brother he would be over there, he loved video games..and wierd tofu. so i walked in and descovered a girl, wearing a lot of purple, trapped in an arm thingy, a guy wearing an R on his shirt lying in front of me with a half machine dude lying a few feet away. then i found him, my brother, he was standing in front of the thing holding a girl and looking realy usual.
"hey" i yelled turning the thing away from my, still frozen brother. the thing was actually a geeky looking guy with a remote control in his hand. realy i thought i was expecting more of a challenge. i simply looked at the remote and it started going haywire. i heard a scream and glanced over. "crap" i had totally forgot about the girl! i used my powers of electricity to break the arm off of the machine and the power of air to slow her decent to the ground. i looked around and saw my brother standing there, still, staring at me like he was seeing a ghost. "um are you ok?" i asked him
"um yeah, you just look realy familar"
"well im pretty sure i should sense we used to live together." i had expected joy when he saw me again, but the look on his face was pure terror. "are you ok?" i asked slightly concerened.
he continued to stare at me until the chick in his arms moved. he shooked his head and looked around him in concern. he looked at me slightly ashamed "um,ash, do you think you could help me out?" i looked around and saw three people awake and three asleep. "sure" i shrugged.
the purple girl grabbed the R dude, i used my powers to make me and machine boy float, and my brother turned into a pterydactle and carried the girl.
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i know its kinda short, but this is my first story and i would love some in put please!!!
i am also looking for ideas!!
its kinda botchy too oops!!
also i decided to make bb and ash twins at 13 yrs old, raven 14, star 14, robin 15, and cyborg 15!!
(copy and paste on seperate tab)