Cyborg Love Story

chapter 5 (mad mod and the talk)

Cyborg p.o.v.
i watched BB as we played video games. he seemed different every time ash entered the room or her name was mentioned he would tense, and he would cautiously change the subject as if he couldn't stand to talk about her. i couldn't see what he was worried about. Ash was carefree, kind, funny, tomboyish, and cute. wow did i just say that! oh well its true and raven says you cant change whats true.
all of a sudden ash ran through the door singing "who knew" by pink. that's one of the things i liked about her she would do anything, she didn't care what people thought about her singing, dancing, or her tendency to be crazy! BB quickly looked up then down again at his controller though i won cause he had stopped playing. he stood up and said he needed to go to the gym. ash and i watched him go and when i looked at ash and i thought i saw a look of guilt.when she looked at me though her face was in a full smile with the sun glinting off her beautiful eyes and her smile as big as the ocean.
i sighed and went back to my game wondering weather or not i should ask her to play.
"hey can i join ya?" she asked
"umm sure why not" i said handing her the extra controller
we played for a little while her winning some and then me winning one. the only reason why i think i won was cause she took pity on me. then the lights and siren went off.
"woo hoo finally!" i yelled looking at ash.she looked terrified.i laughed.
"its ok it just means we have a mission." i said the others quickly joined us and robin briefed us saying mad mod had broken out of jail and was terrorizing down town. we looked at BB who was staring at ash. " want to come along" he asked hesitantly as if he was scared she would explode.
"yeah" she said excitedly.

Ashtons p.o.v.
i was so thrilled when Garfield asked me to go with them. maybe things will get better. maybe things can go back to how they used to be! as we flew i thought about the past, about how we would play silly things, or play around with our gifts, and even when Garfield threatened to beat someone up cause he made fun of me. i smiled thinking about the past. oh how i missed those day. they were great, but i had to ruin it all!
i looked over and saw cyborg looking at me. he had been doing that all the time and i was starting to wonder weather or not he liked me. i mean he was kind, he had a cool car, and he had some cute biceps! thank goodness he couldn't read my mind, then i remembered raven and looked at her and made sure she had a straight face she glanced at me and i saw knowledge gleam in her eye. she had so much blackmail on all of us it was crazy!
we stopped at the bank and saw whom i supposed was mad mod standing in front of us. he was old, had barely any hair, and had a freaky looking cane.
"ello my duckies have you missed me."
"um no" Garfield said
"but I'm pretty sure your friends at the prison are looking forward to seeing you again" robin replied.
"i ain't going back to that prison you little snot" mad mod replied
"did he just call a snot?" i asked in disbelief.
"it seems as if you have an extra lovie today." he said looking at me. cyborg tensed but i didn't care there was nothing this old man could to scare me! then it hit me "did you just call me a lovie?" i asked in disbelief. cyborg snickered.i looked at him "whats so funny? he just called me a lovie!" i said getting slightly annoyed.
"don't let it get to you." cyborg said
"whatever." i said. mad mod, who had been watching me with interest, said "well i would love to stay for tea my little duckies, but i am sad to say i must leave." he pushed the top of his cane and disappeared. "wow" i said. everyone else was looking for him. me, being the idiot, stayed put and had a mini heart attack when he showed up unexpectedly in front of me. i cried out and fell back. everybody looked and froze, everybody except Garfield who quickly turned into a rhino and rammed into mad mod. mad mod flew right into cyborg who fell back, stood up quickly, and grabbed mad mod by the cuff of his shirt.
"are you ok?" Garfield asked not offering his hand. i sighed and said ya. i stood up and shook myself off. things were improving. he had saved me. "thanks." i said simply even though on the inside i was so freaking out! maybe things will get better, or worse only time will tell.

BB(Garfield)s p.o.v.
i cant believe i had done that. i saved her, my sister who had tried to kill me, i saved her. at first i wasn't sure weather or not i was happy i had saved her until i saw her face. pure joy. she was glad, she thought i was forgiving her by saving her sorry butt. anger like i had ever known flew threw me. this changed nothing, i did not forgive her. i only saved her cause of the brotherly instinct i had. it was barely even my own free will!
raven, who was probably feeling my anger, said "why don't we go out for pizza." i looked at her and smiled, my way of thanking her. we went to our regular hang out, the pizza place. Ashton kept talking about things then cyborg asked about her powers. she laughed.
"ok, so i have all four elements, earth, wind, fire, and water. also though i have electricity." as she talked she gave examples of each. making dirt move, making the wind pick up, lighting a candle in a table, making water put it out again, and slightly zapping cyborg. when she did that i froze. i was scared, what if she started again. she glanced at me and the fear i had been holding in burst out. raven immediately looked at me. "what kind of pizza do you want BB?" Ashton asked
"I'm not hungry."i said. ever body looked at me. raven stood up "lets chat." she told me.
i stood up and followed her. right when we were out of hearing range i started talking.
"I'm sorry. its just that when she zapped Cy it made me remember, and i guess i have been holding in the fear i felt when I'm around her, and seeing her do that made it all burst out!. also when i saved her I'm not even sure weather or not i even wanted to save her. all i know is that it was the right thing to do and that it was my duty to protect her. afterwords though she looked at me as if all was forgiven and its not. i don't forgive her, but i cant stand to hurt her! what am i supposed to do." at this point i was glad they couldn't see or hear us cause i was crying.
i expected raven to scold me for crying or get angry for what was going through my head. i looked at her. "look BB" she said "these things your thinking or feeling are natural. no one expects you to forgive her and it doesn't matter what you were thinking when you saved her, you did. thats all that matters you saved your sisters life and i am sure that she is grateful. take your time in getting closer to her and forgiving her, and when you do then you will know why you saved her." i looked at her. i knew she could feel how grateful i was and when i was about to thank her she raised her hand to shut me up and said "don't think me yet BB. thank me when you forgive her, no matter how long i have to wait.'
i smiled and walked back ready to fight for a veggie pizza.
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ok so still looking for comments!!
i have readers though!!