Cyborg Love Story

ch. 6 (the ending)

Cyborgs p.o.v.
We arrived at the tower well past midnight. "Well I don't know about you guys, but I'm pooped. I'm going to hit the sack. See ya in the morning."
I walked to my room feeling depressed. I should of been the one to save Ash not BB. I was glad she was all right, but it would have been so romantic. Uhg why am I thinking about romance I am a teen titan, we save the city not fall in love with our best friends sister! My door opened and as i was getting ready for bed I saw myself in the mirror. Anyway, I thought, there was no way a beautiful person like her could fall in love with a freak of nature like me.

Ashtons p.o.v.
As I walked to the gets room I saw bbs door and couldn't help but remember the pain on his face after he rescued me. I was bewildered! Why would he be in pain from saving me? Did he regret what he did? Did he want me to die? No, I thought he might be mad at me but he wouldnt want me to die. As i was thinking someone walked into my room. I had expected it to be raven but when looked up i was shocked to see garfield staring at me with a crazy look in is eyes. He stared at me for awhile. Then fell to his knees with tears falling out of his big green eyes.
"I have everyday to forget about you, to forget about what happened, to forget about how you tried to kill me and then left me in the middle of the ally for dead!" Garfield was yelling at this time so the whole rest of the titans were rushing in. All of them looked worried, even Raven. "You tried to kill me!" Garfield continued to yell, oblivious to the others.
"I had a chance to get away and you wouldnt let me take it! You were always a little self-centered but I would have never of thought you would..." He trailed off engrosed in painful memories.
The rest of the titans stared around completly clueless about what was going on. Raven stepped forward, "I think its about time we heard an explanation." She looked between Garfield and me. I wanted Garfield to do it but he was way to distraught and unfocused to do anything but shiver. I stepped forward but before i could say anything Garfield left as fast as he had came. I then took a deep breath and began;
"Now you have to understand i did not get my powers natuarly. My dad was what you would call an evil scientist. He liked to experiment on things like rabbits, mice, monkeys, and the occasional human being. Whenever BB got his powers it gave my dad the idea to create the ultimate villian, so he made a formula and, because BB was still to weak to do anything, he tested it on me. His innocent little 7 year old girl! Anyway the test, obviously, was a success. He created a person that had all of the Earth's power at her fingurtips. He didnt just stop there though, he wanted to make sure that she would do anythig and everything he said. So he created a chip that had to be implanted in the brain. It didnt work though and by the time we were ten BB and i had decided to leave. We were going to go and face the world together as siblings. Only trouble was is that he got an offer by a group known as the Doom Patrol. He was going to acsept. I couldnt take it, I had lost my father, mother, and freedom. I couldnt loose the only thing keeping me alive and sane. So i told him that i had a present for him. He met me at a deserted parking lot where i blocked him from leaving. I begged him to stay! He wouldnt though. He said that he had a great opportunity that came only once in a life time. I got so angry that i lost it i hurt him. After i saw what i did i ran away i couldnt stand to see the destruction,or the agony i created. I came here because our dad is after us. He wants to see how far our twin thing goes; if one feels pain does the other, if one is sad does the other automaticly now, and if one dies can the other feel it?"
I finished talking and looked at all of the horror and disgust on everyones face. Everyone except Raven, she stood there as if she already knew. She didnt look or talk to me. I started picking up my things and getting my bags out. "What are you doing" Robin asked. "Im leaving. Nobody wants me around, and the sooner i leave the better." I sighed. I was going to miss this place. As i walked towards the front door to see Robin with his batrangs out, Raven with a bunch of things floating, Cyborg with his guns poised and pointed at me, and Starfire with her hands glowing like fire. Oh my gosh, I thought, their going to kill me.
"You're not going anywhere." Cyborg said menacingly.
"Not unless Beast boy wants you too." Robin agreed
We all looked at Garfield and noticed that he wasn't paying attention. He seemed to be in his own little world. I was about to get frustrated when he surprised us all by saying "I want her to stay," his gaze met my eyes, "I don't want to loose you again."

I knew that our dad was after us and that one day he was going to catch up with us, but those sorrows could wait. I had my brother back.
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ok so if you saw the young justice episode saturday you will no how bb (a.k.a. Garfield) got his powers.
i am not goig to put that into my story.
comment plz.
thanks beaniebabies for being my first commenter.