Status: Active! Still unsure of how long this story will turn out to be, but the next chapter is on it's way! -Brittney

The Times We Felt Alive

Another seven days, heartbeat racing the interstate

I awoke on Saturday night at around 8 PM. I rolled over in my new red comforters. I had a text from Maria, my best friend back in Cape Cod, a text from my ex boyfriend Joseph (which read 'I'm sorry babe, I can't live without you.' After I caught him making out with the school whore a few days ago.), and 2 texts from Jack. One read 'What did Alex do?' and the next said 'sweet dreams, Tiff.:)'
I replied with a simple 'hey.' About 2 seconds later my phone rang.
"Morning, sunshine!"
"So seriously, what happened this morning?"
"How do you even know about it?"
"Alex told me."
"What did he tell you."
"First he complained about Lisa. I know you wouldn't like her. She's nice, I mean... but she's just not good to Alex."
"I actually feel bad for her! Alex was flirting with me, and I had no idea he had a girlfriend!"
"Alex has a right to do that, because she flirts with guys 24/7. Just wait until Monday. She's gonna hate you, by the way."
"And I really don't think Alex was flirting with you that much,"
"I'm just not into guys that want more than one girlfriend."
"Listen, I know he acted that way, but don't get too mad at him. He's just confused about Lisa and shit. That's just the way he acts around his friends."
"If he's so confused about Lisa, why doesn't he just break up with her?"
Jack laughed. "Believe me, we've all asked ourselves that question."
"Ever asked Alex?"
"He doesn't like to talk about it."
"Have you ever thought he might be scared of her?"
"Hm, you might be right. I think he knows it, but just doesn't wanna admit it."
"Monday should be interesting."
I was interrupted by my mom's screams. "Tiff'? Is that you talking to yourself?"
"Who's that?" Jack asked.
"My mom... Yes, Mom!" I rolled my eyes.
"She asked if you were talking to yourself?"
My mother appeared in the doorway. "Ah, you're talking on the phone!"
"Mhm," I answered both Jack and my mother.
"Well, we're getting ice cream, wanna come?"
"Bring me some, Tiff!" Jack exclaimed.
"I guess. I gotta go, Jack. I'll call you later."
"See ya, Chicken Noodle!"
I hung up, got dressed, and met my mom with Blake in the car.
"So who's Jack?" She asked.
"You already met somebody?" Blake asked.
"Actually, two people."
"Jack and Alex. Alex is our neighbor, mom. The 16 year old."
"Ohhh, so where does Jack live?"
I told her where Jack was.
"Anyways, I have you two all signed up for Dulaney High. I'll drive you in until Blake can afford a car."
"Listen, I'm sorry I spent my money! You don't understand, Aunt Kerrie, the game was limited edition!"
"Mom, it's okay. We can take the bus. Or walk. It's not that far away." I assured her.
"I'm not walking!"
"Then you can ride the bus."
"Oh, thank you, guys. I know I hated waking up that early every day." Mom thanked us.
My mother was a stay at home writer. She mostly wrote women's romance novels, the sappy stuff I didn't really enjoy. But she was a good writer. So I try not to bother her much at home, especially when she needs her sleep to overcome writer's block.
One thing I learned from living with a writer-- you never bother them at work. I remember one time, Mom was running around the house crying and pulling her hair out because she only had about 3 days left to write 5 chapters, and was suffering severe writer's block. You don't want to pat her on the back and tell her it's gonna be okay, because then she launches into the plot and basically the entire story, all while screaming in your face that we have no idea what it's like to be a writer and that there's no way you can help her. So it's just more productive to leave the house and wait until she discovers the internet, then Google ways to overcome writer's block. The worst is when she's on her period. But let's not even start with that.
I got mint chocolate chip, my favorite. I looked at the Gaskarth house when we passed it on the way home. The lights were on. I remembered what Jack said about Alex just being confused. I know it was none of my business, but I kind of wanted to get him to open up about his whole Lisa situation. I wondered if Lisa was still there.
Later that night, I called Jack again. We talked about Dulaney.
"So Lisa won't mug me?"
"No, Soup! The worst that will happen is probably a few rumors and dirty looks!"
"I don't want a first impression like that..."
"Ah, who cares, you've got us! And the whole thing will blow over in about a week tops. Alex won't let it get too out of hand."
I looked at Alex's window again. The curtains were drawn. "I think he's mad at me,"
"Aren't you mad at him?"
"Well, yeah, but I think I do need to just talk to him."
"Then talk to him. He's not the type to ignore you."
"Alright, I will sometime."
"Hey, I gotta go. My grandma's yelling at me to get into bed. Goodnight!"
"Night, Jack."

We spent all day Sunday cleaning the house and finishing up the unpacking. After a rough night's sleep of tossing, turning and staying awake most of the night, I awoke at 6 AM on Monday morning.
I quickly straightened my hair to make it look nicer, and got dressed. A pang of nerves ran up my spine and made a lump in my throat. I've never, ever been to a new school before. I know I already met Jack and Alex, but what if I don't have any classes with them? Or worse, lunch? I glanced out my window at Alex's room as I put on my makeup. His lights were out.
I grabbed my bookbag before walking out of my room at 6:30. I banged on Blake's door for a wake up call.
"Whut!" I heard him yell sleepily.
Downstairs, Mom was cooking eggs and bacon. A cup of orange and apple juice sat next to two plates.
"Morning! Yours is here," She dumped some eggs and bacon onto the plate next to the orange juice. "Eat up. If you wanna ride the bus, it comes at 6:45."
"Nah, I'm walking." I scarfed the food.
Blake stumbled down the stairs and into the kitchen. He went to the fridge and grabbed a Pepsi. Mom grabbed it out of his hands just before he cracked it open.
"What the hell?"
"I have apple juice on the table for you. You are not drinking Pepsi at 6:30 in the morning."
"I always do..." Blake sighed irritably. He still wasn't dressed.
"New house, new motto. We're now living a healthy lifestyle. Now Blake, eat up and get dressed! Are you walking or taking the bus?"
"Ugh, neither."
"I'll tell you when I'm ready," Blake grabbed his food and apple juice and went upstairs.
"Don't you dare leave that plate up there!" Mom yelled after him. She sighed.
I grabbed my bookbag and headed out the door. "Thanks for the food, mom. Bye!"
"Bye, hun! Have a great day!"
I put my earphones in and started playing Green Day. It was very cold out today. I looked up the road. I could see more middle and high-schoolers walking to school. More nerves shot up and down my body.
"Hey, Tiff! Wait up!" I heard over the blast of my music. I turned around. A red-faced Alex ran up to me. I took out my headphones.
"Hey, Alex."
"Tiffany, I'm sorry about the other day. I shouldn't have acted that way."
"Nah, it's okay. I guess I overreacted. I'm just so used to jerks hitting on girls when they don't even know them, and I dunno, I just met you so I figured you were like that."
Alex stopped. "Please don't think that. Believe me, I know I acted wrong. Jack yelled at me and I really don't want t start out on the wrong foot. What I mean is-"
"-It's fine, Alex. I understand." I gave him a smile. "I just want to know what's up with you and Lisa."
Alex's mouth moved into a thin line. "We just fight sometimes. We've been dating since Freshman year. She's just always been there for me during the tough times, you know?"
"But you seemed irritated at her."
"Well she was supposed to be away with her family for the weekend. But she didn't want to go, so she yelled at them and told them that she was staying with me. Which, obviously, irritated me a little."
"So did she stay with you for the weekend?"
"The first night. Then my parents got kinda pissed and made her leave."
"Where'd she go?"
"Home, I guess. Her parents never trusted her home alone, but she just told them she was at my house."
"And that's it?"
"That's it."
Sounded like Lisa took advantage of Alex a lot. But I didn't tell him this.
Alex changed the subject. "Um... didn't you say you had a cousin that lived with you?"
"Does he go to Dulaney?"
Alex looked around."Where... is he?"
"I dunno, it's his fault if he's late."
We made it by 7:10, Jack waving us over in the lobby. "Want us to give you the grand tour?"
"Let's get her her schedule first." Alex suggested. "You should be in my homeroom, too."
There were many stares at the three of us when we walked to the main office. I got my schedule, and Jack departed for his homeroom.
"See ya 2nd period!" Jack waved.
I had 2nd period English with Jack, 3rd period Advanced Drawing with Alex, lunch with both 6th period(in which Jack hugged me jubilantly) , then 9th period Chemistry with Alex.
Alex and I walked to our homeroom, with Mr. Fitzgerald. He was the 12th grade calculus teacher, and everyone calls him Mr. Fitz, Alex explained.
"Welcome to Dulaney! Alex, you can show Tiffany to all her classes today."
The people in my homeroom were nice. Alex introduced me to some of his friends, Matt F, John L, Bridget H, Aiden G, and Manda F. They told me that It won't be long before I become part of the Dulaney family. The school was relatively small, compared to my old one. Everything seemed to go well, up until lunch.
I had a packed lunch (my mom wouldn't dare let me buy school lunches back in The Cape, and she definitely won't let me now,) and I sat at Alex's and Jack's table. Alex was there, with his packed lunch, and Jack and most of the other people were away buying theirs. I sat next to Alex at a red circular table. Manda was also in our lunch, and boy, can she talk. I kinda drifted away when she started talking about her Trig teacher.
For some reason, things have been kinda weird for me and Alex today. During Art, we barely talked. Not like he was avoiding me, or I was avoiding him, we just didn't have anything to say. But it made the air uncomfortable, and I didn't like it.
What made it even worse was that I saw Lisa at that moment. She strutted over with a friend in my English class and gave Alex a kiss on the cheek from behind.
"Hey, Babe." She whispered. Her friend was staring at me. Should I have sat somewhere else?
"Oh, hey," Alex said. He turned around and gave her a kiss. I didn't watch them though. It was kinda gross, to be honest. I wondered when she'd get pissed off because I was there.
Jack came over. "Get it IN!" He wooped loudly as he sat down next to me. Alex blushed and turned away. Lisa sat next to Alex, and her friend next to her. Her friend looked uncomfortable. Lisa pretended to not notice me. I soon caught on that she was trying to make me jealous when she started touching Alex a lot, laughing really loudly, and kissing Alex almost every minute. Jack told me she doesn't do this often.
Something I found pathetic was she or her friend didn't eat anything. Jack started this conversation.
"Hey Lisa, where's your food?"
"'Im not eating?"
Jack replied with the same snooty tone. "Why, nawt?"
She glared and stuck up a perfectly polished middle finger. It really looked like it was directed at me.
Alex was trying to get me into conversations, but I backed away. I kinda felt bad for Alex, but then again, if he was that miserable, he would break up with her. He looked annoyed and looked at me apoligetically sometimes, but he never said no to her obnoxious affection. This disappointed me a little. Lunch went by quietly for me, I kinda went in on Manda and Jack's conversations.

After lunch was over, my day got even worse. Alex went to walk me to 7th period when Lisa stopped him.
"Babe, she's in my next class. I got it." She kissed him, again.
"You sure?" Alex was uncertain.
She raised her eyebrows. "Yes," she said sweetly. I gagged.
Alex smiled. "Okay, is that cool with you, Tiff?
"Um... I guess."
"Okay. Thanks, Lisa."
Lisa snuck in another, long, kiss before Alex waltzed away in the other direction. Lisa turned to me.
"This way." She walked ahead of me.
"How do you even know what class I have?" I glared from behind. She was walking at an incredibly fast pace.
"Spanish with Mrs. Long?"
I looked at my schedule. "..Yeah."
We walked on to what seemed like the end of the school, when she stopped at a deserted part. There weren't any classrooms. I didn't know what to do, so I played along. The bell had already rung. Lisa turned to me.
"So Tiffany, you're Alex's neighbor?" Green eyes burned into me.
This was completely irrelevant. "I guess so."
She narrowed her brows. "You guess? Well I would sure hope so when I find you in my boyfriend's house, when nobody's home?"
I stared. "What's your problem?"
She looked offended. "I get irritated when girls I don't know are in my boyfriend's house... probably just wanting to get in his pants."
This... bitch! "Excuse me?" I wanted to scream at her.
She stared evilly at me. "I'm telling you now and only once, Tiffany, if I catch you with him again, you're going to wish you had never come to Dulaney at all." And with that, she trotted away, leaving behind a flowery scent and a swing of her hips.
I was baffled. I stared at her from behind. She was halfway down the hall when I yelled after her. "Hold on! Where are you going? Who do you think you are," I ran up behind her, "just coming here and yelling at me for no reason? I never did anything to you-"
"Say that again when you don't mess with other people's boyfriends?" She smiled.
"I wasn't!" I yelled slowly.
Her glare pierced harder. "Okay. Spanish room's down that right corridor, 4th door to the left." She pointed down the hall. She then whipped around, slapping me in the face with her hair and she was gone before I could yell again. I wished I could function better in high pressure situations like these. Extremely angry, I went to Spanish, and ended up embarrassed by being so late. Even worse, Mrs. Long had made me explain why I was late... in Spanish. It was hard remembering the words, and I had to try to not start breaking down. There were a few people I recognized, but nobody talked to me.
By ninth period I had wanted to die. I realized it was my time of the month when I went to the bathroom during eighth period, which made me pissed because I had to use toilet paper, and I didn't have any pads. I wasn't supposed to get my period for another week, so I didn't even worry about it.
I walked into ninth period and went over to Alex.
"Hey," he said, barely looking at me. He was taking out his books.
"Hey." I said back. A hand clapped my shoulder. I jumped.
"So, new student? God, these people never tell me these things!" A tall, round male face greeted me. He had brown eyes and brown facial hair. He was balding at the top. A smile was on his face. "I'm Mr. Flint. Alex lready has a lab partner, but she's out today, so you can sit next to him for now. I also make sure the pairings are boy-girl. We'll figure out who you'll be working with tomorrow. Sound good? Just follow along for today and I'll get you a textbook and everything after class." He talked alot. I just nodded.
"Alright! Everyone get out the fusion labs from Friday, and pick up from where we ended. Collect your test tubes from the back and finish! Quiet down!"
I sat most of the period watching Alex perform the lab. We made small talk, him telling me that Mr. Flint was our adviser and stuff about his partners weird condition that makes her out temporarily. He seemed confused, lost without his partner. Mr. Flint bustled around the room, helping whoever was lost. A few times he had stopped to Alex, and had to correct what he was doing.
"Mr. Gaskarth, this is the third time you've added too much sodium chloride!"
Alex put his hands up to his face. "I'm so-orry! I dunno how to do this!"
"Read the textbook, boy!" Mr. Flint sighed. "Tiffany, is it? Will you help him? Just make him read the passage before he blows up my classroom? You look smart, so..." He walked away mumbling.
"Interesting man," I said.
"Hate him sometimes. He doesn't help me much anymore, because, well, Amber usually does all the work..." Alex opened his textbook to a random page and simply looked at it. He then put his elbow up on it and stared out the window.
"I feel like... weird today. I think you're annoyed. I'm sorry... I don't even know what is going on today." He put his hand to his head.
"It's been rough, yeah... but uh, It's okay I guess." I didn't know if I should tell him about Lisa.
He looked up at me. "Lisa wasn't herself today, sorry about her. She gets real jealous, real easily."
"No kidding."
"Seriously. She needs to chill out... I really really like her, but now my friends are getting annoyed, and I'm getting annoyed with her... and fuck," Alex put his hand to his face again and shook his head, "I just don't-"
"Gaskarth! WORK!" Flint boomed from across the room.
"Fuck!" Alex whined.
I smiled sympathetically. Fuck whatever Lisa does. I'm not afraid of what she'll do, Alex won't let her. And I won't either. "Don't worry, Alex. Here." I turned to the correct page. "Let's see what you've gotta add here..."
Alex seemed a little better after that, and I walked home with Blake because Alex had to stay after. He didn't tell me why, but he walked off with Lisa (she gave me a very dirty look when he went off with her.)

The next few days passed leisurely. Tuesday and Wednesday, Lisa acted the same. I just talked to Manda and Jack the whole time. Alex actually pushed Lisa off him one lunch.

"Lisa." He said as she leaned into him and nibbled his ear. The pathetic thing about this was that she was trying to make her affection a lot more obvious to me, because I didn't let it bother me. But it kinda did. Anyways, as Manda, Jack, Vincent, Zack (Quiet bassist in ATL whom is extremely nice and smart,) Carly (Lisa's friend who took notice of the annoying affection) and I got really annoyed, Alex stood up and walked out holding Lisa's hand.

Alex came back about 15 minutes later without Lisa. He sat down with a sigh. "Went into the bathroom." Nobody talked. Eventually Carly got up and walked out to see what happened. Alex told me later that he didn't break up with her, but that I was his friend and she needs to deal with it and stop being all over him. She cried and ran into the bathroom.

The next day was different. Lisa gave me more dirty looks but didn't kiss Alex once. I was really fucking crampy that day and I swear I almost flipped shit on Lisa when she purposely bumped into me in the hallway. I complained and cursed about it to Jack. He let me get it all out of my system as we walked to ninth period (our classes were in the same hallway.)

And I know this is off topic, but in homeroom Alex invited me to dinner with his family. "Yeah I know we should have done it on Friday, that's what I told them, but Mom's got something to do for work on Friday and it involves her traveling across Maryland. So just tell me if you can?"

I don't know why I could put up with Alex. A lot of people like him (he is very attractive,) but most people that got to know him either pitied him because of Lisa or called him a douchebag because of what Lisa says, or because of his blunt attitude. He wasn't extremely popular, he didn't really want to be in that crowd. Well, he also acted oblivious to all the talk about him. Lisa was extremely popular, but a bitch--typical, I know, but she was, so a lot of people listened to her. Some people would come up to Alex and yell at him for no reason. He would just look at them and say, "What the fuck are you talking about?" in this one voice that was just so great, it would shut them up. Because they knew he really didn't know what gibberish the person was saying, so eventually they just walked away.

The talk about me was a different story. Jack had told me there would be rumors probably, but as I got to Dulaney it was just stares and whispers. Nobody ever came up to me. The only people that were nice to me were Alex, Jack, Manda, Vincent, Matt, Zack, Rian, Amber (she was actually a very nice girl, and really pretty,) and sometimes Carly. Carly confuses me when she talks about Lisa and says shes such a bitch, then goes and becomes her best friend. Things that keep me up at night. But for such a small school, it surprised me that I still didn't know what the talk about me was even about.

Anyways, I went through the day and got lost trying to get to eighth period. It kinda brought me down, because the teacher was a total jerk. She had yelled at me in front of the entire class. She wouldn't believe I got lost, thought I was out wandering the halls with guys. Maybe the rumors were about me being a whore, because she seemed pretty convinced that I was. Some people in the class told me she was strict, though. Ninth period sucked that day because I started participating, and doing terribly. I used to be great in Chem, but now I just can't do it.

When I got home, I went straight to bed.