Status: Active! Still unsure of how long this story will turn out to be, but the next chapter is on it's way! -Brittney

The Times We Felt Alive

We get high, we let go

Alex wasn’t at school for the rest of the week. I didn’t want to go at all, so the last 2 days were long and weary. Fortunately, Thanksgiving Break starts this Monday, and we’ll be on break until the next week. As usual, Thanksgiving is on Thursday and Black Friday is the next day. Alex insisted on taking me shopping to “apologize.” Although I would refuse to the apology, I didn’t because I need to shop for Christmas (and, Alex’s birthday, the 14th of December.) Alex came to my house on Saturday when he told me this. My mother invited him inside and we sat on my bedroom floor drinking hot chocolate.

“I still feel awful.” Alex stared at his steaming mug.

“Alex, for the thirtieth time, don’t.” I was really getting irritated by his apologies, but I tried to understand. I mean, of course he feels bad. We just became close anyways, and I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be embarrassed like that…


“Just don’t! Listen, Alex. I totally get why you’re embarrassed, but please, don’t feel bad. Really. It’s getting irritating.”

Alex frowned and looked at me, although his eyes were sincere. God, I couldn’t help but fall into those deep brown eyes. It took a great deal of effort to look away.

“Alright, I won’t. But I’m taking you to Arundel Mills on Black Friday anyways to show how sorry I am.”

“Arundel Mills?”

“An outlet in Hanover. It’s humongous. I’ve only been there once or twice, but I and you need to shop and I wanna make it up to you. Alright?” He flashed a smile with that one crooked tooth.

I tried to drop the phase I was in by that smile. “Oh… alright, but how are we getting there?”
Alex grinned. “I take my road test on Monday. License here I come!”
I smiled back. “Seriously? That’s awesome! But you better pass it, hahaha.” I didn’t realize Alex was turning seventeen up until now. It’s strange, being this old. I really don’t feel any different than I did before, but when I was around 13 I thought 17 and 16 year olds were so mature. It’s just… Weird.
“I know right, if I don’t I’m not sure what we’ll do. Drive anyways and live the wild life?” He gave me a thumbs-up and a toothy grin.
“Ah, deff! The rebels we are,” I sarcastically laughed.
A few minutes passed, us taking our sips of hot chocolate. I looked out the window and noticed the grey sky. I almost brought it up, saying we might be getting snow, but caught myself. No way am I talking about the freaking weather. Then again, it is just-
“Hey Tiff. Wanna go to Zack’s tonight? He’s having a party.” Alex almost seemed nervous.
Zackary Merrick. I’ve only really talked to him once, barely, in school last week. We exchanged a nod and a “hey,” but that was about it. The basic knowledge I’ve gained was 1) He’s got curly hair that he tries to maintain but it really is hopeless, I would assume. 2) He’s got a nice build. 3) He’s a quiet kid, but he seems smart. 4) I think he’s dating some girl named Jennifer who’s in my art class. She talks to Alex sometimes (and teases him about something all the time, Alex never tells me what it is, but he’s always blushing,) and I think Alex mentioned something about Zack to her. Anyways, I’ve got nothing to lose, I guess.
“Sure, why not. Who else will be there?”
“Definitely me, Jack, Rian, Vinny, you know, everyone. Zack’s parties are legendary. He actually hasn’t had one in a while, probably 3 months. See, his dad goes away for work a lot, and his mom is really laidback. She’s a very nice lady, though, don’t get me wrong.”
“So is she not gonna be there or something?”
“Ummm I’m not sure. I think Zack said she’s away for the weekend. If so, be prepared to come home really late… haha.”
“Hahaha, alright. I’ve been to a couple parties back in Cape Cod. My ex used to have them all the time… I guess I wasn’t really the partying type.”
“We’ll make you the partying type.” Alex grinned.
“Hahaha, should I be afraid?”
“Never! We won’t pressure you into doing anything. At least I won’t. And here’s some advice—don’t listen to Jack when he’s drunk.”
“…Why?” I ask.

“Just…” He shook his head and smirked. “You’ll see.”
Soon after, Alex had to leave to meet with the band. He didn’t specify, just said they had to talk about future concerts or something. I asked Mom if I could go over to Zack’s tonight. She doesn’t really know Zack, but she seemed alright with it after I told her Jack and Alex would be there. “You are sixteen, it’s just so hard to picture it… you have fun tonight.” She said as she retreated into her office.

At about 4, my phone buzzed from a text from Jack. It was a group text. ‘Hey you guys! You know how we were gonna party at Zacks? Well we decided since we were gonna perform downtown tomorrow, we might as well perform tonight, and party later at Zacks. The date didn’t work out too well for some of us tomorrow anyways, and we worked it out with the park managers to have the concert tonight. So if you have any questions, just text me, Alex, Rian, or Zack. Concert starts at 630. Oh and, if you don’t have any ride to Zacks afterwards, we got a small bus that can hold about 10 people in the back. Seeya tonight ;)’

I guess that’s what they were meeting about. I told Mom about it and Blake’s going to drive me, Alex, Rian, and Vinny to the park at 6. I’m stoked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Very short chapter. Sorry it sucked, i created this over a long period of time between stress and just fucked up shit. Anywho, thanks to my lovely readers c: Chapter eight is soon to come.