Be My Additction

Pushed and shoved to agree

  ~~ at the same time~~  
Me and Keller walked to Art talking about random shit.

" So how long have you and Frank known eachother?" she asks 

Two days? Three? 

" Since we started high school." I said. Well it's not a lie really. 

" Do you like him?" this question caught me off guard. 

" Wait, what?" 

" I mean  it's not my place to say or anything but I see the way you guys look at eachother. It's sweet really." she said. 

" Uh...I'm not sure." I said honestly. I mean, sure  Frank was good looking... really good looking with his long brown hair and his cute little hazel green orbs and his perfect--- WAIT. What am I saying.  Did I just call Frank cute? No. I called his eyes cute 

Same thing. 

No it's not. 

Yes it is. You have a crush on Frank and you know it! 

Shut up. 

Make me! 

"Gerard?? Uhh earth to Gerard . Everything okay in there?" Keller asked.  I then realized we where outside the classroom. 

" Uh yeah, I'm fine. " I lie. 

" Okay..." she says, unconvinced. 

We walk in and take our seats. 

" So you're not sure if you like him or not?" 

" Yeah. And I don't even know if he's gay or not." I'm not even sure if IM gay.... 

" Yeah okay..." 

I can see her smirk from the corner of my eyes. 

I sound like a stalker. 

This is why Frank will never love me. 

Nononononono. I ment like. Yes like.  I smiled to myself at the thought.

" freak " Keller mutters under her breath. 

" shut up. I herd that. " I mutter back. She just grins and started texting under the desk. 

" Who you texting?" I ask. 

" If you must know, I'm texting my best friend. You uh....know her pretty well," 

" Oh, really? How?" I ask putting my head on my hands and leaning towards her. 

" She was Mikey's girlfriend." she whispers. 

" Oh. How's Anya doing?" 

" She's still a little depressed but..." Keller smiles " She's kinda opened her eyes to the world and is honestly trying to see the best in things, but she's still the same."  

I smile. She's getting better. Me and Anya weren't really close but we both  loved him. 

" That's good. That's really great." 

" Yeah...she's starting school here next week." 

" Well, she'll have you, Frank and me. It's good to have people you know...except she doesn't know Frank." I blush at the though of him. 

Okay. This has to stop now. 

"Okay class, settle down, take a seat. I'm sorry I'm late...." Mr. Mellark , our art teacher, says once he walks into the room. 

" For your next assignment, I want you to draw someone that's important to you . Someone you deeply care about. It's due Friday." 

While everyone gets started on their drawings, Frank walks by the art room, looks in and smiles at me, we both wave. Then he's gone. He got pulled and then I see him. Jo.

I clench my fists and raise my hand. He seriously can't do this. 

" Yes, Mr. Way?" Mr. Mellark asks.

" My friend needs help." I say.

" Your....friend? Who is this friend?"

" Frank Iero." 
" Ah yes, Mr. Iero, what a fine man. What's wrong with Mr. Iero?" 

" H-h-he's...outside and he need help."  I say trying not to give out to much info. 

" Alright. Lead the way." 

I rush out of the class room and look around. Then I see it. Frank is being pushed agenst a locker and Jo is trying to kiss Frank and is grinding his crotch agenst Franks thigh while Frank I trying to push him away. 

I kinda zone out on what everyone is say and focus on Frank. Poor guy. Mr. Mellark leave with Jo to the office and I dismiss everyone who came out to watch and then go to hug  Frank. 

" Does he do that a lot?" Keller asked.  He nodded and she hugged me us too. 
       " We're acting like chicks." Frank said laughing. Keller and I both laughed. 
     " Well I am a chick." Keller said 
    " But we're not." I said gesturing to him and me. The final bell rings and kids pour out into the hallway. "We'll see ya tomorrow, Keller." I said as the both of us walked to get our stuff from our lockers. 
xoxoxoxoxoxo G+F xoxoxoxoxo 

" So you okay?" I ask once we both get to Frank's car. 

" Yeah, I mean it's nothing compared to what really happens.." 

" Yeah... I kinda assumed." 

" Wanna go get coffee or something?" 

" Sure." 

I turn on the radio and frown at all the pop staions. 

" You can hook up your iPod or something," I nod and hook up my iPod to the radio. 

Mayday Parade's song " Jamie all over" begins to play. I smile to myself because I love this song 

" I love this band." Frank says. 

" I know. Me too."  

We get out of the car and I stop outside the café because I sensed something strange.... 

" What's wrong?" Frank asks 

Out of know where I'm pushed the the ground. 

" Fuck.." I groan. 

" Jo?! WHAT THE HELL?!" Frank yells. Jo pushes Frank down too and then where both drenched in something. It smells horrible.  

It's his piss. 

Thanks a fucking lot , Jo. This is so Fan-fucking-tastic.  
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahhhh! We're back!!! We're both so sorry about not posting. My lover here, Katy, has some serious writers block so I wrote this chapter.
Like my new user? I do ^_^
<3 Kat