Silver Dagger


[A beach before sunset in the world of Terra. The waters are calm and there is a slight breeze. Connor, an average powerless boy, sits on the sand. Diana, princess of Asyntine, rushes to meet him. Connor stands up.]

Connor, Connor! The time has come now. My journey is over. It is time for me to go.

This is the day I have feared for so long.

I have feared it too… but you know that this is my duty. This is what I was born for. I was sent here, to Terra, for a reason. The people of this land don’t have magic like I do.

Yes, I know they don’t. Our world and your world are separated, are they not?

Of course they are. If they weren’t, I wouldn’t have been sent here. The Vell would have been able to come and get me easily.

But you know what that means. I can’t go with you.

Yes… but I will come back. I promise.

Please… don’t speak of it that way. You and I both know what will happen as soon as you leave.

You’ll forget everything about me, I know. But just think, Connor! Think of how powerful I’ll be. I will reverse that for sure. I will have enough power to take you with me, back to my homeland. We will live there together, and we’ll never have to be separated again.

I wish you didn’t have to go.

It is my choice, Connor. I want this.

Do you really? What is it you want? Do you want to return to a home you have no true memories of? You know your memories were erased when you were sent here two years ago. The only proof you have of this place you call home is through the messages from your mother. Is it really the truth in these messages? What if this is all a lie, a big trap to lure you in? The thoughts of being a powerful princess appeals to you, I know. Just think about it. I don’t want you to get hurt. I want you to make sure you’re ready. And think: power in itself can corrupt.

I know I’m taking a risk here. But it’s all I have, Connor. The only home I have here is with you, and here… I’m nothing. I have to hide constantly. I want to be able to use my powers, and gain more. I want to save the people of my kingdom. All I have to do is step into the ocean, and I’ll be there. Home.

Look, Diana. The sun is setting. Look at the way it sinks beneath the water, like its fire is being extinguished. I still feel safe. I know the sun will rise tomorrow, and it will be here to comfort me. But you… when you leave me, I don’t know if you’ll ever come back.

I’ll keep my word. I will come back here for you. Don’t worry about it. I love you, Connor, and I wouldn’t think twice about coming.

You know I love you too. I don’t want to lose you.

I don’t want to lose you either. I’ll be back soon, you can count on it.

I really hope so.

I’m sorry. Well… I guess this is goodbye. I’ll see you again soon.

[Diana begins to walk down to the shore.]



I… I’m sure Asyntine will be beautiful.

[Diana nods, giving Connor one last smile. Connor watches as she disappears into the water, the ocean swallowing her whole. After a pause, he silently walks back up the beach, a frown on his face.]
♠ ♠ ♠
This is written in the format of a Greek play for an English project. It is based on my Diana Crystal collection but is not a part of it. Enjoy!