Status: Complete

Tight Jeans & Elevators

The soul reason I keep believing

Brian had always felt something towards Kevin, and Kevin had always felt something towards Brian; but both were too scared to let one another know, through fear of rejection and losing each other. They were both so close and the best of friends in what they thought was a conventional way, but what they didn’t realise was that most friends didn’t look at each other in the way that they looked at each other. Most best friends didn’t spend most nights curled up together talking about nothing in particular like they did. Most best friends didn’t get a butterfly like sensation in the pit of the stomach like they did when they were around each other. Most best friends didn’t do a lot of things that these two did, but to Brian and Kevin it was normal.
At the moment both boys were at the mall looking through all of the new summer seasons stock. So far neither Kevin nor Brian had purchased anything, as they had many more shops to visit. But Kevin was certain of one thing that he was going to buy, as Brian’s birthday was coming up very soon. On visiting one of Brian’s highly favoured shops, he had come across a pair of jeans that he immediately fell in love with. To be honest Kevin was also planning on buying them for his own self pleasure as he was for the blonde boy’s happiness. As soon as he had walked out of that dressing room in those skin-tight jeans clutching to every contour of his legs perfectly, as he twirled around asking his best friend “What do you think of these?” Kevin was speechless. Words fell out of Kevin’s mouth without him realising it.
“Huh?” Brian asked to Kevin’s luck too preoccupied examining the jeans in the mirror to hear what was said.
“Uhm, I said they look good. Yeah, good.” He couldn’t blame his slip really, what else could be expected when that denim so perfectly framed that cute little ass of his? Kevin couldn’t keep the smile off his face just thinking about it as they stepped into the elevator.
“What’s up Kevvy?” he must have noticed his growing smile.
“Oh, nothing, just...thinking about something,” he couldn’t help but smile even more. The smile soon left his face however when the elevator began to shake and the lights flickered on and off before the shaking stopped abruptly. The lift had stopped. No one else was in the lift except from the two boys and as Kevin looked around, he spotted Brian curled up in the corner trembling.
“Brian!” he rushed over him and pulled him into his arms. “Don’t cry! We’re going to be fine, the lifts just stopped.”
“K-Kevin. I’m s-scared,” he was a wreck. The brunette pulled the young boy into his lap and soothingly stroked his sun-kissed hair. He gently pried the boy’s hands away from his eyes with his free hand and wiped away his tears with his thumb.
“Don’t be scared Bri, I’m here.”
“Promise me you won’t let me go,” Brian sniffled cuddling up into Kevin’s protective arms, feeling safer than he ever felt before.
“I would never let you go.”
“T-thank you,” he hiccupped with another sob.
“Awehh, come on Bri Bri, don’t cry, I hate seeing you sad. Come on; don’t ruin your pretty eyes.”
“You think I have pretty eyes?” It was out now, but it was true, Brian had the most entrancing eyes that Kevin had ever seen.
“Uh, yeah,” he blushed a little but then he looked up and saw that the boy in his arms was blushing and biting his lip in a way that made Kevin’s heart race.
“I think you have really pretty eyes too.” He whispered now throwing the brunette’s heart into overdrive. “And really pretty hair.”
“R-really?” he stuttered, not sure if he was pulling his leg, hoping, wishing, praying that he wasn’t.
“Yeah,” he giggled. “You know, I know something that will make me feel better.”
“What’s that?” Kevin asked, wanting to know what could make this beautiful boy in his embrace feel better. He was startled when his reply came in the form of Brian’s lips pressing to his. He felt sparks fly and he could almost swear that he saw fireworks, but it was all cut off far too soon as Brian pulled away. Kevin opened his eyes, to see the young boy below him biting his lip once again, trying and failing to conceal that gorgeous grin of his.
Kevin couldn’t resist he leant down a quickly pressed his lips to the soft ones of the blonde once more. He pulled away reluctantly and kissed the young boys nose, making him squirm.
“About those jeans earlier, what did you really say about them?”
“I said they looked cute on you.”
“I love you,” he giggled childishly, making Kevin fall from him further.
“I love you too.”
1 Week Later
“Oh my gosh! Thank you Kevvy! They’re just what I wanted.” Brian was holding up the jeans that he had tried on in the shop that eventful day. He ran into the other room making Kevin laugh as he did so, after a few minutes running back out with them on. He began to twirl around in them, once again asking his now not only best friend but boyfriend how they looked.
“Cute,” was the first words that escaped Kevin’s lips once again. He smirked at his memories, now content that he could tell Brian what he was really thinking. The blonde carried on strutting around the room and the brunette looked on with lust growing in his eyes and love in his heart. He was fixed. That cute ass, those tight jeans, he couldn’t help but get excited.
“Cut it out Brian,” he whined smiling. “You’re such a tease.”
“Well,” the birthday boy smiled, sitting in his loves lap and staring deep into his eyes seductively and gently pulling at some of his hair. A small moan escaped the brunettes lips, making the blondes smirk widen. “Since you brought the jeans, you technically own them, so you can choose what you want to do with them.”
“And what exactly do you have in mind?”
“Well...that’s up to you,” Brian whispered in a provocative voice, causing many tempting and explicit ideas to form in Kevin’s head.
“Happy birthday Bri,” he whispered against his neck kissing it gently. They both knew that they had a fun night ahead of them.
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So I hope that this makes you smile as much as it makes me smile. I'm actually really proud of this as I just...I don't know, I just find it really cute. I really hope that you'll leave me a comment and tell me how you feel about this, if you liked it, anything whatsoever. STAY AWESOME - Jack xx

Exits and Entrances - We Are The In Crowd