Status: One-Shot :"3

Oh, I Wanna Make Myself Clear

And baby clearly,
I need some balance in my ears right now
Cuz I've been freaking myself out

And I've been waking this whole town,
And then I turned myself, inside out,
la da da da da[/i

Spencer knows about his baby.

Now, Collis and Spencer are waiting patiently for the baby to arrive.

Collis is a week overdue, and quite frankly, she's annoyed.

The birth of baby Pierce.

Companion to Don't You Know I'm Thinking Of You Everyday.

Inspired by: Stays 4 The Same (;

Disclaimer: Don't own lyrics. Do own plotline, characters, and baby Pierce! There might be another story that goes along with this. Frankly, I love Collis<3Spencer (; soooooo cute!