Status: |Ongoing.|


Chapter 1

Finally. Home.

“Seeeb!!! I’m baaaack!!” My older brother came almost sprinting from behind the corner, enveloping me in a hug. He’s always been very affectionate and pretty touchy-feely since our parents basically abandoned us when he was just 18, leaving me in his care, so it was perfectly normal for him to greet me like this every day when I come home from school.

Now, at the age of 24, he’s a successful writer for children’s books. He’s still a child at heart, so he can easily relate to them. I’m only 17, and Seb’s not only my brother, but my best friend as well: I tell him absolutely everything.

“So, how did school go? Those bullies still giving you problems as last year?”

“No, no, don’t worry, those guys already graduated. I’m sure this year’s going to be different. In a good way,” I told him, grinning. “Actually, I have some exciting news to tell you,” I continued. “Yesterday I signed up for being the host of a Polish exchange student… I hope they pick me, wouldn’t it be exciting? He would be staying with us for a whole year!”

I noticed that Seb’s smile had faded a little. “Yeah! That’s great… Although, I kind of liked being just us, you know?”

“Aw Seb, don’t worry, nothing’s decided yet. Chance is, I won’t even be picked, loads of students signed up for it.”

I finally detached myself from my brother and made my way to the kitchen. “Hey, is there anything to eat? I’m starving!” I said, while basically raiding the fridge.

“Nope, sorry Ty, I forgot to go food shopping today. We’ll just have to order take-out for tonight,” he said, looking a bit sheepish as he ran a hand up the back of his head.

“Oh, that’s fine. I want pizza though,” I said, giggling a little.

“Sure, whatever you want Ty. So, want to watch a movie with me tonight? We can watch one of those romantic comedies you like so much.”

I looked at him, a bit skeptic about his decision, “Are you sure? I know how much you hate them.” Seb feigned shock, “What are you talking about? I absolutely adore those mushy movies!”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Don’t mock me! They’re fun to watch…”

“Yeah, but no straight guys actually enjoy watching them, so I don't get how you can.”

There’s one thing, only one, that I haven’t been able to tell my brother yet: I’m pretty sure I’m gay. I’ve never had much experience in the love department, or any at all for that matter, but I’ve never been attracted to girls. I mean, sure, I can say which ones are pretty and which ones aren’t, but I’ve never wanted to actually touch one of them, as I have with guys.

I haven’t told Seb because I am, I’ll admit, terrified that he won’t accept me. He’s never shown any signs that he might be homophobic in any way, but if, in the slight chance he won’t accept me, he throws me out of the house, I have no where to go. I have some school friends, but I’m in no way as close to them as I would have to be to ask them for a place to stay.

“Whatever, Seb, you can pick one out of my ‘mushy’ movie collection,” I said, rolling my eyes, “I’m just going upstairs to take a shower and change in my jammies.”

“Ok, make it quick though, I’m ordering now from your favorite pizza place!”

At those words, I quickened my pace; I couldn’t wait to watch one of my favorite films, cuddled into my brother, eating my favorite pizza. That’s what I call the perfect evening.