Brighter Than the Stars

Chapter 10: The Designer

Taylor's POV

We are back from Europe and we are staying home for a bit. There are only two reasons why I like touring with Allstar Weekend is because I like going to all the places and because I get to be close to Cameron. Few days ago I drank a bit and pretended to be drunk and I kissed him. I know how original... I had been dying to taste his lips and WOW! All I can think about is when I will get to have his lips on mine again. Crazy things can happen so I can't wait for tour to start again soon. I looked down at Zach sleeping on the couch and slapped his head. He didn't wake up so whatever. I hate him anyway. I looked at him again then I got an idea and I couldn't stop smiling. Let's see how deep of a sleeper Zach really is. I had a jar of freezing water and little chunks of ice. I put a little down his shirt and nothing so I put more. Little by little I put more water on his until he finally shivered and made a weird noise. He is so wet, why hasn't he woken up? I poured almost half the jar and he grunted. I grinned and I finally decided to pour the whole thing when I was stopped.

"Get away from him!" Madeline said her voice strong and powerful but at the same time soft and calm.

"I can do what I want." I said

"I'm not going to let you do anything to him. I can't believe what you just did. Why?" she asked

"It's fun." I said

"Just leave him alone." she said

"How did you get in here?" I asked

"I got a key. I just got off of work and decided to visit." she said

"Let me try just one last time." I said and I was about to pour the whole thing but she took it away from me.

"I'm not going to let you bother him." she said

"I have been bothering him basically for his whole life so how are you going to stop me?" I asked

"Why?" she asked

"I've always hated him." I said simply

"Look at how you left him, he is so wet and this water is freezing." she said mad and tried to wake him up.

"My way is more affective." I said getting closer to him.

"Don't get near him." she said

"You don't tell me what to do and I don't like you getting in my way. I have made his life miserable ever since I can remember and you're not going to stop me." I said

"He is my brother and I'm not going to let you keep doing things like these to him." she said protectively. I rolled my eyes at her then walked away. I think I am going to hate her too.

Cameron's POV

"Hey Cam." Kira said

"Hey." I mumbled

"What's wrong?" she asked sitting next to me.

"Nothing." I mumbled closing my eyes.

"Cameron." she said

"My stomach hurts. I feel like I'm going to explode." I admitted

"Do you know why?" I asked

"I ate too much, way too much." I said whining.

"You would." she said

"It's food. You can't say no to food." I said and she shook her head.

"Do you need anything?" she asked

"I don't think you can do much besides hoping it goes away soon." I said. She stayed with me and listened to me complain until I felt better. Zach called saying it was time to meet the designer so Kira and I left for the meeting.

"What's her name?" I asked the guys

"We don't know, Stef never told us, besides, we never asked." Michael replied

"We are dumb." I said. How could we not bother to find out her name until now? Stefanie just came in saying that the designer is almost here.

"Tell us about this girl." I said

"She told me she used to live in San Diego and that she has not been to the U.S in a long time. She told me that she is excited for this job but other than that she didn't tell me anything personal." Stefanie said

"You guys are starting a fashion line, how about a fragrance?" Kira asked

"Oh yeah, 'cause people will want to smell like me." Mikey said and we laughed

"I want that sexy Allstar smell!" Kira shouted right when someone walked in. The girl looked up at us and I couldn't believe my eyes. Am I dreaming? Is this really happening? The others were also shocked when they saw her.

"Is it really you?" I asked

"It is." she said looking at me; she is Tori, my Tori.

"So you're our designer?" Zach asked, you could still hear the shock in his voice.

"Yeah, I am." she said. She looked gorgeous. It is so like her to make a punk outfit look cute and give it a piece of her own. She looks flawless, of course she does, she is Tori, she is perfect.

"Did you know who we were?" Michael asked

"Not until recently. I- I missed you guys." she said "I see you all know each other." Stefanie asked

"We went to high school together." Zach said

"Ok well we should get to work." Stefanie said and we nodded. Throughout the whole time we couldn't stop looking at each other. She is back and I am not letting her go this time. After we were done with the meeting we went out to eat. She told us all about Europe and all she has done, then we told her about the band and what we have been up to. It felt good to be able to hangout again. I was scared and thought I wasn't going to see her again. I am glad that didn't happen. She told us that for the past week she had tried to find as much as possible. She joked that it was the stalker in her. She also told us that she spent most of her time going through our videos. Tori was laughing at something that Zach said when I thought of something I didn't think about before. Does she have a boyfriend? How could she not? I can't ask her. What do I do? As if reading my mind Mike asked her.

"So Tori when are you presenting us your fiancé?" Michael asked. Wait what? Fiancé? No she can't be getting married!

"Oh I don't have a fiancé. It's a joke me and my friend have, we both have a ring on our wedding finger, we are weird ok. Besides it keeps the weird guys away from us." she said laughing. Ok so she is not engaged, I still have a chance. Zach looked at me and laughed, Kira kept winking and smirking at me. They are so embarrassing.

"How come you guys are all single? How is that even possible?" Tori asked

"I love the single life." Michael joked

"I'm not looking for a girlfriend at the moment, I think I want to focus just on music." Zach said

"I don't mind being single." I said

"You guys are full of excuses." Tori accused. We continued to talk about random stuff until she had to go.

"You still have feelings for her don't you?" Zach asked when we were alone.

"What do I do?" I asked

"Take her out on a date." Zach said

"You think so?" I asked

"That's what I would do if I just found the girl I loved, but then again that's just me. You should also ask Mikey for some advice." he said

"Advice on what?" Michael asked

"On what to do with Tori." I said

"Text her or call her and be all like; 'I missed hanging out with you, we should go do something'. It's really up to you Cam." Michael said

"I'll think about is." I said

"What is there to think about?" Zach asked

"Zach is right, don't waste your time. Just do it." Michael said

"Wait a second, Zach, you said I loved her. I- I never loved her." I said

"Cameron don't lie to yourself, you know deep down that you always lover her and you still do. It's kinda obvious
actually." Zach said

"It's true, whenever you used to look at her there was something there and I still see it now. Don't let her get away again Brah." Michael said. They kept bugging me like little gossip girls about what I should do with Tori and where to take her and a bunch of other stuff. They are right, I do love her.
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i reposted the last 2 chapters since mibba deleted them
i will post the next one asap