Brighter Than the Stars

Chapter 16: confused

Michael's POV ~ I'm out on a walk. I need to relax and clear my head. I feel like my thoughts are driving me crazy and it's all because of her... I bought an ice cream cone and ate it while I walked. About an hour of enjoying the city view I decided to get back. When I got back to the bus no one was there do I took a short nap.

I woke up but I didn't hear any noise so I guess I'm still the only one here. I got my lap top and logged on to my twitter.

"Hey Michael." Zach said causing me to jump

"Guilty conscious?" he asked smirking when I jumped

"No. I just didn't know you were here and u didn't hear you come in." I said

"I have actually been here for a while." he said

"Really, where I didn't see you?" I asked

"I was in my bunk trying to write a song." he said frowning

"Can I see!" I asked

"I don't know... I'm stuck on the verse and I don't know where to go from there." he said

"Let me see and maybe I can help you." I said and he sighed

"I would but I'm too lazy to go back there." he whined

"Get your lazy ass up and bring me the song." I ordered. He got up and came back and handed me the song.

"It's pretty good." I said. We worked on the song then we went out for some food.

"I want to do something fun." Zach randomly said

"Like what?" I asked

"Bowling." he answered grinning

"Right now?" I asked and he nodded

We went bowling and Zach got got in a bowl off with two other guys. At first it was just Zach and I bowling for fun but these guys came and got in the lame next to ours and kept saying how good they were and started showing off to us. Soon Zach and I started showing of as well then they challenged us. Of course Zach and I didn't go easy on them and we owned them.

"That was so fun." he said as we were heading back

"Yea it was, I should listen to your crazy ideas more often." I said laughing

"My ideas aren't that crazy." he said

"Uh hum... think what you want." I said

"So Zach, you and Kira?" I asked winking

"What about us?" he asked

"Do you like her?" I asked grinning

"That is the stupidest question you have ever asked." he said not amazed

"No it's not, come on, tell me. Do you like her?" I asked again

"We are just friends and nothing more." he said

"I think you two are hiding something from us." I said

"Why would we hide our relationship." he said

"So you DO have a relationship?" I asked

"Ugh! No we don't, we will never be more than friends." he said

"I'm sure if you ask her she'll tell you yes." I said

"Wait, does she like me?" he asked

"I don't know." I replied

"But you just said she'll say yes, how are you so sure?" he asked

"I don't know on. Why don't YOU ask her?" I asked

"So Kira, you and Zach?" I asked when I was alone with her

"Me and Zach what?" she asked

"Do you like him?" I asked

"Why would you ask such a thing?" she asked

"Ey, don't answer a question with another question." I said

"Then don't ask stupid questions." she said

"C'mon tell me the truth, do you like Zach?" I asked

"I like him obviously but not the way you're thinking. He has been my best friend since forever so of course I have feelings for him but NOT in a romantic way." she said

"You told us he was your biggest crush and YOU kissed him, remember?" I asked

"I was in sixth grade! That was years ago! I moved on from that." she said

"Don't be scared just ask him." I said

"Bye Michael." she said walking away

All of us were sitting together on the bus but Kira and Zach sat as far away from each other and haven't said a word to each other either.

"Did you and your little girlfriend get mad at each other?" Taylor asked Zach walking in sending the tension between them

"She's not my girlfriend!" Zach yelled at her

"I don't want to agree with Taylor but she's right, what's up with you guys?" Tori asked. I could tell by the look on his face that he was mad but not at the whole Kira-Zach thing, but because he's still mad at Taylor.

"Why would there be something wrong with Zach and me?" Kira asked

"You guys have been acting weird." Cam said

"I know what it is." I said smirking

"Shut up!" they both yelled at me at the same time then looked at each other

"Ok what's up with you three?" Cam asked

"Ask them not me." I said putting my hands up

"Wait," Zach said quietly looking at Kira, "Did this loser have the talk with you?" he asked pointing at me

"You asked him too!" she accused looking at me

"Hey, I'm not a loser I just wanted some answers." I said in defense

"What DID he tell you?" Kira asked Zach

"Um... He asked me... He asked me the stupidest question. He asked me if-" Zach awkwardly tried explaining

"I think he asked me the same thing." Kira said

"You don't right?" he asked her

"NO. Do you?" she asked

"NO." he said

"Lies! Admit it, you two like each other!" I exclaimed and there was a knock on the door and Kira went to get it.

"Maddie!" Zach shouted when he saw her. He ran up to her and hugged her as if his life depended on that hug.

"Hey what's wrong?" she asked him

"I missed you." he said

"There's something else, I know it." she said

"I'm just glad to see you." he said

"If you were here last week you would understand why he's like that." Kira said, Zach was still hugging her.

"What happened last week?" she asked him softly

"It was something Taylor said." Zach mumbled

"What did Taylor tell you?" she asked

"It doesn't matter anymore." he said

"Oh yes it does. You're still mad about it." Cam said. Since Zach wouldn't tell her she went to look for Taylor and she came back pulling Taylor's hair.

"What did he go crying to you?" Taylor asked

"She looks madder than you." I whispered to Kira about Madeline

"What did you tell him?" Madeline demanded

"Oh, he didn't tell you about my little joke?" Taylor asked. Taylor told Madeline that she told Zach his family was dead and he believed it then she ran off. After things got back to normal we had a great time and Madeline told us she came for a visit.

I woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes. I looked around and realized that everyone fell asleep in the lounge.

"Zach." I said shaking him

"What?" he asked

"Do you smell it?" I asked

"Smell what?" he asked sniffing then opened his eyes and sat up

"Pancakes!" he shouted. He sat up and went towards the kitch and I followed him.

"Good morning sleepy heads." Madeline greeted. Zach sat down and put his head down on the table. Madeline went up to him and messed up his hair and when she did that he looked up at her sleepy and annoyed then she squeezed his cheeks.

"Stop." he mumbled yawning

"But you're so cute! Why is my little brother so cute?" she asked

"I'm not." he said

"Not what? Little or cute?" she asked

"Little." he said yawning again

"Why don't you go back to sleep and I'll call you when the food is ready." she said and he shook his head

"He's stubborn, you won't convince him. He probably wants to be the first one to get a pancake." I said

"I'm taking a shower." he mumbled and got up

"I'm watching cartoons." I said and left the kitchen. Thirty minutes later everyone was up and sitting at the table waiting for the pancakes.

"Hey these pancakes have chocolate chips!" Zach said surprised

"A little birdy told me someone here loves chocolate chip pancakes." she said

"Did you talk to my mom?" Zach asked and she smiled

"Thanks." Zach said "They smell SO good." Kira said. We ate the pancakes and they were delicious.

"Now we know which of the Porters inherited the cooking skills and we all know Zach and Vic didn't." Cameron said

"Hey I don't cook that bad, my cooking it pretty good thank you very much." Zach said

"Then how come you never cook?" I asked

"Um maybe because you guys don't let me." he said sticking his tongue out

"So is my lovely sister staying for the show?" Zach asked a bit before we went up for soundcheck.

"Of course I am." she said

"Well hello there." I said greeting some fans

"We love you Michael!" they cheered

"Well I don't love you- just playing I love you guys." I said as I helped set up

"Michael, Cameron said to tell you- oh... The fans are here..." she said as she ran on stage

"Hey you..." a fan said staring at Madeline as her mouth hung open

"Why do you look like Zach?" asked an other

"Um... Well... Um... He is... Um... He's my little... brother." she said awkwardly

"I am NOT little and Maddie weren't you calling Mikey for that one thing." Zach said winking

"She never finished telling me for what Cameron needed me because she meet some people." I said

"Who?" he asked

"Come take a look." I said and he came on stage

"Oh, looks like you meet my sister." I said

"You're her little brother?" a fan asked

"NO, I'm not little, besides she's shorter than me." he said

"Yes but you my little brother because you are younger that me besides, you're not that tall." she said pinching his cheeks

"Stop." he complained in a kid voice

"She does that all the time." I said

"What if they hate me?" she whispered

"Why would they hate you? You're awesome." Zach whispered back

"You know, she can can actually dance not like this loser." I said, I laughed at his reaction then went to look for Cam when something cracked on my head. I looked up and an egg filled with glitter cracked on my face.

"Who's idea was this?!" I asked and heard running. I followed and I was barely able to see Kira and Cam. They can run all they want but I will get them back and it will be
When they least expect it.

We just finished cleaning up and
Cameron, Zach, and I were sitting in the front in the stage. We like sitting up here remembering the night we just had or imagining what will happen.

"Zach..." Cameron said sounding confused

"What?" Zach asked

"You just text me saying "who's this?"" Cameron said

"I didn't text you anything, I haven't even used my phone." Zach said. I took Cam's phone and sent a text back to this person.

To "Zach": who are you and why do you have this phone

From "Zach": I found it

To "Zach": oh really you found it?

From "Zach": I didn't steal it I swear! I don't even know who's phone this is

To "Zach": you don't? Why are you texting me?

From "Zach": I know it belongs to someone from Allstar Weekend I don't know if its the guys but I'm sure it isn't Zach's

To "Zach": why don't you think it's his

From "Zach": because there is a contact that days Porter

To "Zach": ok what do you want and how did you really get this phone

From "Zach": I found it on the floor!

To "Zach": then why did you text me if could keep the phone

From "Zach": for 2 reasons 1. I'll feel guilty keeping it and 2. I have a better phone. Please just tell me who you are

To "Zach": why do you want to know who I am

From "Zach": I want to give the phone back but I don't even know who it is because the contact name is a nickname

To "Zach": I don't know if I can trust you

From "Zach": if I wanted to I could have giving the #s out and told everyone Cam has a gf cute pic btw
I won't blackmail or anything
Meet me in 1 hr @ the venue

"I guess we wait..." Zach said

"How did you lose you phone anyway?" I asked

"I don't even know when I lost it the last time I used it was to call you." he said pointing at Cam.

An hour later we saw a girl standing around, I'm guessing it's the girl with the phone.

"Want to play a little prank?" I asked

"What are you going to do?" Cam asked hesitant. I told them the plan then I went up to the girl with a rag on my face.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?" I asked changing my voice

"Waiting for someone." she said quietly

"I'll wait with you." I said

"What ate you going to do to me?" she asked

"I'm not sure yet..." I said

"My cousin's here he-he's in a band his name is Zach Porter." she lied and I tried not to laugh

"What is your cousin going to do to me?" I asked

"Kick your ass." she said

"I don't know how he's going to do that if he's tied up." u said pulling her to where Zach is. It looks likes he's being kidnapped.

"Say goodbye to your cousin." I said behind him and I took my phone out and made it look like a knife

"Noooo don't hurt him!" she yelled

"Stop right there if you don't want me to... to... if-" Cameron said

"Just stop, you killed it. Everything was going well but nooo Cammy had to forget his line." I said

"Sorry I forgot ok!" he defended

"I wanted to be the bad guy." Zach complained after he untied himself

"Zach you're a horrible actor." I said

"Jerk." he said pushing me

"If I were you I would punch him for scaring me like that." Zach told the girl as she stared at us

"Oh my gosh, I hate you guys! How could you do that to me! I thought you were going to kill me, I thought Zach was going to die! I almost cried! Ok I don't hate you guys I love you guys why?" she asked

"It was Michael's idea!" Zach and Cameron blurted at the same time

"So Zach's your cousin?" I asked smirking and she blushed

"Um... about that... I kinda lied." she she confessed

"You're crazy if you think Zach can kick my ass." I said. Zach and I started arguing and Cam told her to ignore us and that eventually we would shut up.

"So which of us do you think you were texting with earlier?" I asked

"Wait, I was texting one of you guys?" she asked surprised

"Yup and the phone you have belongs to one of us." Cam said

"Well it has Michael's voice for the voice mail..." she said thinking

"No it doesn't." Zach said confused. She called the phone to show him the voicemail.

"I'm too cool to answer but leave a message and it better be important and maybe I'll call you back?" questioned

"I was bored ok?" I said innocently. We finally told her it was Zach's phone and I told her to prank call him all the time. She promised us she wouldn't give his number our or say anything privet about us. She told us her name is Cayandra and we hung out a little before she left. After she left we left to our next city and Madeline stayed behind saying she was going shopping tomorrow then she would go home. Girls and their shopping.
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i know i said i would update faster now that im not in school but i have been busy sorry :(
so do you think Kira and Zach really like each other?
who does Mikey like?