‹ Prequel: Deamon Shutters
Status: Active~

Shattered Lens


I woke up to an orange glow. Maybe it was a dream. I rose my hand, examining it. No child-like hands. Was it really a dream?
Images flooded my mind.
Felten. Norie. Toni. Shiro.
I sat up and got out of my bed, looking for my camera. Once I found it I grabbed it, and looked out the door. No one was around. I crossed the hallway and went to the photo room. I pulled out the film, laying it out. I saw a note laying on the counter, with instructions on it. I hummed to myself and followed them, setting a few photographs to develop, and went back into my room to change clothes.
I came back and a couple photos were done. Some were of Norie, while the others were of Shiro and our garden. I heard the door open.
"Miss Lucy! You're up!" It was one of the maids. "We've been looking all over for you." she said. I hummed.
"What for?" I asked.
"Well, for breakfast of course." she said. I tilted my head to the side.
"Is Norie here?" I asked. She hummed now, and nodded.
"She joined us earlier today, so she'll be with us." she said. I nodded.
"Okay then." I replied. "I'll be there soon." she nodded and went out the room. I picked up the finished pictures of Norie in a manilla envelope. I then went downstairs, to the dining room. Everyone had started eating. When I entered, they got quiet.
"The girl we've been waiting for." Felten said with a smile. Norie rolled her eyes.
"The one we've been waiting to leave." she muttered. I went to her, holding out the envelope to her.
"Here, take this." I said. "It was some photographs I took of you when I was.." I didn't finish the sentence and she rose an eyebrow, and took the envelope. She opened it and looked at the picture. She had a slight blush.
"Well.. Thanks." she muttered. I smiled a bit and sat besides her.
"Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked. She cleared her throat.
"Just because you gave me pretty pictures doesn't mean that we're friends." she said, turning away. I laughed.
During breakfast, I avoided looking at Vivi. I felt.. Embarrassed. Shy. I had slept in his bed with him. I never wanted to leave his side. I was so.. So childish. But now it's different. I can't do any of that anymore. I'm 'grown-up' and now, I can do things on my own way.
After breakfast was over, I went up to the photography room. I was about to go up the stairs, when I was stopped by somebody.
"Is that all? Not even a 'good morning'?" I turned around. Vivi was leaning against the wall by the front door. I jumped.
"V-Vivi!" I exclaimed, somewhat shocked. "G-Good morning!"
He bit into my neck. Demons. I put my hand to the bite and felt the gauze. It was real. He had a pained expression on his face.
"Do you have to wear that?" he asked, going towards me. He pulled it off gently.
"S-Sorry." I said, looking down. He stood still then rose a hand to my chin, making me look at him.
"Lucy?" he asked. I blushed and pushed him away. I backed away and ran upstairs. I went to the photography room, closing the door behind me. I took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry, Vivi." I said to myself. "But.. Things can't go back to the way they were before.