‹ Prequel: Deamon Shutters
Status: Active~

Shattered Lens


I feel.. Cold.
"Lucy, Lucy." I heard. Who's calling me? It sounds familiar. "Lucy, open your eyes." Is it Ame? I opened my eyes. I was in the park, sitting on the bench.
"W-What? Why am I here?" I asked out loud.
"Lucy, look." I heard the voice again. I looked towards the sound of the voice. I saw someone sitting besides me. It was a young woman. She looked familiar.
"M-Mom?" I asked, startled so much, that I jumped off the bench. She smiled softly.
"Hi, dear." she said, standing. "I see you've met him." I blinked, tilting my head to the side.
"Him?" she nodded.
"Vivi." she said. I was taken aback.
"Y-You.. Know Vivi?" I asked. She nodded.
"Well, it's a long story." she said with a chuckle. "But besides that.. Look at you. My little girl is all grown up now." she said, coming closer to me.
"It has been ten years." I mumbled. She moved a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"I know." she said. "I just like to see how much my little girl grew up." she told me, pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back.
"Mom, why do you decide to visit now?" I asked. She pulled away.
"Because, it's about time for the truth to be revealed." she said.
"The 'truth'?" I asked.
"Vivi will tell you." she said, holding one of my hands. "I have to go now." she said.
"Wait, don't go yet." I begged. She smiled apologetically.
"I'm sorry." she said. She and her voice slowly faded away.
I felt cold again. A bitter cold that swept all over me. I felt shaken. I heard another voice. This time, a male's.
"Lucy, wake up." It's Vivi. I woke up in a gasp, sitting up. Vivi was standing besides my bed. I put a hand to my head.
"Are you okay?" he asked. I let out a breath I had been holding in, nodding.
"Yeah.. I'm fine." I said. I voice rung in my head.
"Vivi will tell you." I looked at him. Tell me the truth.. The real truth. I patted the bed, motioning him to sit. He sat down and I turned to face him.
"Vivi, I.. I had a dream about my Mom." I told him. "She said that it was about time I knew the real truth. What is she talking about? Do you know my parents?" I asked him. He hesitated to answer.
"I knew you parents, yes." he said. "It was.. Ten or eleven years ago. I was at the park, walking around, when I felt something tug at my coat. I looked down behind me and there was a little girl. She had a purple frilly dress and black hair in pigtails. She was crying. I looked around and saw no one. She was a lost child.. And she wouldn't let go of me. I asked her where her parents were and she mumbled and cried that she didn't know. I couldn't just let her cry, so I picked her up. After she calmed down a little, I began to play with her. She had the cutest laugh and the prettiest smile I had ever seen. Then, two young looking adults came running to the little girl.
'Lucy!' They had said out of breath. They looked tired, worn out. I asked them if the little girl was their daughter and they both nodded. They said that they were watching her play and that they looked away for a couple of seconds and she had disappeared.
The father took her in his arms, but she reached out for me. Apparently, she had grown attached to me.
They asked for my name. After that, the little girl would always come to the park and would want to play with me.
Then.. There was an accident.
They were barely leaving the park. They were driving and they got hit by an eighteen wheeler. I ran to the car. The father had died on impact. The mother and the little girl were still alive. The little girl had an injured arm. The mother on the other hand..
'Vivi.. I know I won't make it through.. But.. Take care.. of my little Lucy.' she said. They took both of them to the hospital. I heard that she didn't make it, but the little girl survived.
I was going to take her in, but another family member gotto her.
And I never saw her again. Even if I wasn't going to see her soon or probably bump into her, but I'd try to keep her prmose.
It came close to that time of the year again. I went to the park to.. Re-live the moments I had, I guess, since I hadn't been there in a while.
I was looking up at the cherry blossom trees, when I heard picture snaps. I looked and saw a girl. She put her camera down and looked down sheepishly. I looked at her closely and I smiled.
I had found her again.
And since I did, I remade the promise later on that day.
Ellie and Takeshi. They both came into my dream. They both thanked me. They had thought I had forgetten about you.. But I hadn't." he had a smile on his face that glowed of.. a strange happiness. I couldn't help but smile a bit myself. He looked up at me and I looked down, my cheeks flushed.
I chuckled softly to myself. I think I remember now.
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I'm sorry I took FOREVER to update.