‹ Prequel: Deamon Shutters
Status: Active~

Shattered Lens


I went to her room and knocked on the door.
"Lucy?" I asked.
"Go away!" came her muffled cry from inside. "I don't want to hear or see you!"
"Lucy, listen." I tried the doorknob. Unlocked. I pushed the door open a little and saw a figure curled up on the bed. I saw a slight movement and a gasp as she moved her hand.
"Shiro." A black figure suddenly rose out of the shadow in front of the door. It growled at me and lunged at my hand. I stepped back and the door shut, locking.
"Stupid mutt." I muttered, shaking my hand a little.
"Go away." she said through the door.
"Lucy, I'm sorry." I could hear the whimpers she was trying to hide.
"I don't care. You should've thought about it." she said. I sighed a little.
"I wasn't thinking and I was.. worried." I explained. "Please forgive me." she stayed quiet.
"Leave me alone. Go away." she replied. I looked down and nodded to myself. I went downstairs. As I was going down, one of the maids was coming up.
"Oh, Master Vivi. It's time for dinner." I evaded looking at her and nodded.
"Thank you. Go tell Lucy to join us." I told her. She nodded.
"Yes, Master." she said, continuing up the stairs.
I went into the dining room. Felten was talking with Norie.
"Maybe now that she hates Vivi, she'll leave." she said.
"Norie! don't say things like that!" Felten told her.
"Don't take her side! Things would be better if she wasn't here!" she exclaimed, standing. I cleared my throat. They both looked at me.
"Vivi! How long have you been standing there?" Felten asked, smiling nervously.
"Enough to hear that you want Lucy to be gone." I said, not making eye contact with him as I sit across the table. Felten waved his hands in a panic.
"No, no, no! I don't want Lucy gone! It's Norie! Norie wants her to leave!" he exclaimed. Norie grunted.
"If she wasn't here, things wouldn't be like this." she said, sitting down besides Felten. "I wouldn't have been sent to this stupid Earth if it wasn't for the Elders-"
"Master Vivi!" the maid from before stepped into the dining room. "Miss Lucy.. She's not in her room." she said, out of breath. I pushed past her and up the stairs. I went towards the room. There were keys attached to the door and it was slightly opened. I pushed the door open, going into the room. Felten and the maid came in behind me.
"I knocked on the door and I got the keys and unlocked the door since she didn't respond. I opened the door then I realized that the room was empty." she explained.
"Did any of ther other maids see her leave or go out of her room?" I asked.
"I asked if they had seen her go out, but they said they hadn't seen her come out of her room since she stormed in crying." I saw something flutter in the corner of my eye. I turned and saw her curtain floating inward. I went to the curtain and pulled it back. The balcony door was open. I put my hand to my forehead, holding back from hitting myself.
What have I done?
"Look around the whole mansion. Inside and out, every room, everywhere. Get all the maids to search for her as well." I said, turing to them. Felten and the maid nodded and went off. I turned back to the window. "I'm sorry Lucy.."
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The past two chapters made me so emotional ; A ;