Empty Bottles, Broken Dreams

Chapter One: Intro

Zacky wandered away from the party to look for his boyfriend. “Hey, Matt, have you seen Brian?” He asked. “Last I saw him, he was going upstairs. Zacky nodded, heading upstairs to search. “Brian? Are you up here?” His question was answered by the sound of puking coming from the upstairs bathroom. He opened the door to see Brian on his knees in front of the toilet. “Brian, hun, are you okay?” He asked quietly, shutting the door and kneeling next to him. “Mhm.” He mumbled, wiping his mouth with a towel and flushing the toilet. “Come here.” Zacky cooed, reaching his arms out and pulling Brian against his chest. “Brian, you have to stop this.”

“Stop what?” he said, his words muffled by Zacky's chest. Zacky sighed and said, “Brian, you know what. You need to stop drinking like this.”


“Why?! Brian, look at yourself!” Zacky put his hands on Brian's shoulders and held him up, his face in front of Zacky's. “I can't take you anywhere with alcohol without the day ending in you puking in a toilet and passing out!” Brian drunkenly pushed Zacky's hands off of him and stood up. “So what? At least I know how to have fun. 'snot my fault you're such a tight ass.” He snorted. Zacky knew he was only drunk, but the words still stung a little. He stood up so their faces were almost level again. “Brian, there is a very fine line between fun and...and...this.” He said, gesturing toward the toilet.”Whatever, let's just go home if you're gonna be bitchy and ruin my fun.” Brian staggered out the bathroom door, and Zacky followed behind him, waving somberly at everyone as they walked out the door.

The second they got to their apartment, Brian went straight for the couch to watch TV, passing out almost instantly. Zacky stared at him sadly for a moment, and then kissed him softly on the cheek and turned the TV off, heading to the bedroom to sleep alone.

The next morning when Zacky woke up, Brian was still passed out on the couch. He went to the bathroom to take his shower, and finish the rest of his morning routine. When he came out of the bathroom, he saw his hungover boyfriend sitting at the table, his head in one hand, a cup of coffee in the other. When he heard Zacky's footsteps in the kitchen, his head slowly came up. “Zacky...” Zacky turned around and looked at him. “Zacky, I'm really sorry.” He said. Zacky stared at him a few more seconds, before turning back around to fix himself a cup of coffee. Brian sighed and stood up, as much as it pained him, and put his arms around Zacky from behind. “Baby, please don't be mad. I really am sorry. I know I got carried away. I'm sorry. I love you.”

“Promise me you'll stop.”


Zacky turned around and looked Brian in the eye. “Promise me you'll stop drinking. If you really love me, promise me you'll stop.” He pleaded, looking up at his taller lover with desperate eyes. Brian kissed Zacky's forehead and pulled him close. “I'll stop. I promise. I'm so sorry.”

Zacky reached a hand up and stroked Brian's hair, and leaned up to kiss him softly on the lips. “Thank you.”