Status: Discontinued


Zacktion Movies: Part II

After the group ate, Sam asked Jeffrey to take them home and each person went their separate ways to get ready for the evening.

The boys decided to regroup back at Zack’s house to avoid all of the driving around Jeffrey had to do for them the previous drive. Once dressed in a long-sleeved, blue shirt, some jeans, and shoes, Zack waited for his friends to arrive.

The doorbell soon rung and he answered the door revealing Cam wearing a black, short-sleeve dress shirt, some jeans, and shoes with sunglasses on. His spikey hair was extra spikey as though he took time to make it stay that way.

“What’s with you being dressed up?” Zack asked in confusion.

“I have a date tonight so I have to look good,” Cam answered in self-centered tone.

Zack shook his head at Cam’s words and closed the door just as the doorbell rang again this time revealing Spencer whom was dressed in a blue and red shirt, some jeans, and shoes from earlier. He had his camera on a strap around his neck and smiled at Zack once doing a weird handshake with him before the smile was wiped away from Cam’s appearance.

“Why are you dressed up? We’re just heading to Sam’s house,” he said in weirded out tone.

I, unlike you, have a date,” Cam replied with a bright smile that showed his teeth.

“Did you even think about asking Sam if anyone else could be invited?” Spencer countered causing the smile to erase from Cam’s face.

“Do you think she’ll mind?” he asked in a worried tone.

The doorbell rang again and all three boys headed to the door this time hoping it wasn’t Sam. They opened the door revealing Sarah and Cam’s date. Sarah smiled at Zack while Cam smiled at his date whom was a blond that had pretty green eyes. Sarah was dressed in black jeans, a blue shirt, and some shoes while Cam’s date was in a long-sleeve green shirt, some jeans, and black heels making her an inch taller than Sarah.

The group exchanged hello’s to one another just as Jeffrey arrived to the door. With the girls impressed, they followed the boys to the limo.

Once they arrived to Sam’s house, the girls had their jaws dropped open in awe at Sam’s house. They entered the home being more impressed, but their eyes landed on Sam.

To Spence and Cam, time stopped as she walked quickly down the stairs and greeted Sarah and Cam’s date, but to Zack he was happy to see her.

“You must be the lovely Sarah Zack has told me so much about,” Sam said kindly with a bright smile showing her teeth.

“Yes, I am,” Sarah replied with the same smile with a hand out to shake hands, but Sam hugged her.

“I don’t do handshakes with friends,” Sam said pulling away after Sarah hugged her.

Sarah laughed gently while Sam turned her attention to Cam’s date.

“And you must be Cam’s date. Thanks for not telling me she was coming,” Sam teased.

Cam laughed nervously before apologizing afterward.

“I’m Kimberly,” Kimberly said in a polite tone hugging Sam while Sam laughed a little.

“Well, let’s head to the theater room, shall we?” Sam said leading the way.

“She’s nice. I like her,” Sarah whispered to Zack causing him to smile.

Spence walked in the rear with a sad look on his face seeing as he felt left out while Cam plastered a smile on his face as Kimberly began complimenting everything she glanced at as they passed through the enormous house.

The girls asked Sam lots of questions like where she was from surprising them with California, but being a Floridian originally and how she met the guys, etc. Once they reached the theater, everyone picked their seats with Sam sitting in the first row with the two red chairs while Cam, Kimberly, Sarah, and Zack occupied the row underneath Sam’s .

Spence stood awkwardly causing Sam to take him by the hand leading him to her seat while she sat in the chair to his left making her closest to the wall.

“Did you guys want anything to drink?” Sam asked the others.

“I’ll have water,” Kimberly answered.

“Soda,” the other four answered in unison causing Sam to giggle.

“Alrighty then,” Sam replied to them.

“We’ll go with you,” Sarah suggested suddenly. Kimberly pouted for a second before obliging and followed Sam out of the room to head to the kitchen.

“What’s Kimberly’s problem?” Zack asked after the girls left.

“I don’t know. She’s kind of smothering me,” Cam replied shaking as a shiver went through him.

Spencer rolled his eyes at Cam’s actions before speaking.

“They seem to like Sam which is a good thing,” he said looking back towards the door.

“Yeah. Sam’s so nice. It’s funny, really,” Zack replied.

“What is with you and Sam?” Cam asked suddenly staring coldly at Spence.

“M-me and Sam? Nothing. We’re just friends,” Spencer answered.

“I couldn’t tell. Sam grabbed your hand,” Cam retorted with a hint of jealousy.

“Wait, why do you care, Cam? Aren’t you here with Kimberly?” Zack asked before Spence could say anything else.

“I am, but I’m just asking,” Cam answered looking at the screen just as the trailers began playing.

“No, you’re not. Why are you asking that? Are you jealous?” Spence asked staring at him.

“Guys, this isn’t the time. We’re here to watch a movie with my girlfriend, Kimberly, and Sam. Just relax and have fun,” Zack tried, but he couldn’t help but ask the question himself.

“Just when did either of you start liking Sam anyway?” he asked the two causing an argument to break out between the three of them to the point in which none of them could understand what the other was saying.

The movie began playing and the white light around the screen happened again just as one statement was said.

“Sometimes I wish I could just disappear into a movie than to listen to the two of you!” Zack exclaimed.

The light came out causing an extremely bright light to shine causing Cam and Spence to cover their eyes and Zack was pulled into the movie.

“W-where did Zack go?” Cam asked worriedly.

“Let’s split up to find him,” Spence suggested, but a voice cut across him.

“Guys, I’m right here!” Zack answered in the movie avoiding the traffic and robots.

Spence and Cam’s eyes landed on the screen and their jaws dropped again.

“This is really bad!” Spence said.

“What’s really bad?” Sam asked now in the doorway.

“Whoa! Why is Zack in the movie?” she asked running to the screen.

“One minute we were arguing, then the next Zack was in the movie!” Cam answered.

“Wait, slow down. Why were you guys arguing?” Sam asked looking at the three of them.

“That’s not important. Can you get me out of here?” Zack asked coming to the other two’s rescue.

Sam placed her hands on her hips.

“Maybe Zack wanted to get out of this world so badly that he ended up getting sucked into the movie,” Spence said as the gears churned in his head.

“What did Zack say anyway?” Sam asked now intrigued.

“He wished he were in the movie than to listen to us,” Cam answered feeling a little angry and embarrassed.

“Ok. It had to have something Zack felt full-heartedly the time he said it, but that doesn’t explain how to get Zack out,” Sam said as she began to think of a solution as to how to get Zack out of the movie.

Suddenly, they heard voices approaching.

“It’s Sarah and Kim! What are we gonna do?” Zack asked.

“Cam will hold the girls off while Sam and I will figure out a way to get you out of the movie,” Spence suggested.

Cam nodded before his eyes landed on Sam whom nodded back to him in return. He took off as Spence began to speak.

“I have to head home to get some equipment to analyze everything,” Spence said to Sam with a look in his eyes.

Sam nodded in response deciding to finally speak again.

“OK. Just explain to Jeffrey that you have to do that and he’ll take you,” Sam said biting her lip from nerves.

“You’ll be OK with Zack alone?” he asked just as an action scene began to take place in the movie.

Both of their eyes landed on the screen as Zack dodged the attacks and movements of things in the movie as best as he could.

“Sure she will! Go ahead!” Zack exclaimed.

Spence nodded to Zack and was about to run off when Sam grabbed his hand, staring him in the eye.

“Hurry back,” she said in a definite tone. Spence nodded as they exchanged looks that said so much yet nothing was said before he took off.

Once the room was empty, Sam’s attention went back onto the screen as an exhausted Zack panted in the corner behind a vehicle as the Robots began revolting, but it hadn’t reached him yet.

She sat in one of the chairs in that row and put her head in her hands.

“He’ll be back soon. You’ll see,” Zack said comfortingly.

“I know, but I’m still worried about you guys,” Sam replied.

“Why?” Zack asked.

“An enormous amount of energy must have been used for you to get into the movie. So the argument was about me, right?” Sam asked catching Zack off guard.

“N-no,” he stammered, but Sam cut across him.

“I overheard you guys arguing, Zack. I would have come back sooner, but Sarah and Kim wanted to check out the table games. I can’t believe Cam and Spence both like me,” she said in shock.

“Well, you’re a great person. You’re nice, smart, sassy, independent; just a lot of things a guy would want in a girl,” Zack admitted.

Sam blushed horribly before laughing.

“I wouldn’t think standing up to Vernon would be considered sassy,” she said with another laugh.

“Trust me, Gwen did it all the time and she was our friend,” Zack said with a smile.

“I know you guys miss her, but she doesn’t want to come back or at least not right now,” Sam replied.

“What do you mean not right now?” Zack asked causing Sam to become uncomfortable.

“Look, Zack, it’s complicated to explain and I promised Gwen I wouldn’t tell,” Sam answered vaguely.

“You keep saying that, but what’s really going on?” Zack asked, but Sam shook her head just as Spence walked with some device he’d created.

“What’s that?” Sam asked.

“It’s my dimensional reader. It hasn’t been tested yet, but it’s supposed to read other wormholes if they’re present,” Spence answered.

“So if a wormhole opens, this thing can detect it?” Sam asked to make sure she was correct.

“Right. We have to recreate the exact circumstances as we did earlier in order for him to get out,” Spence explained.

“You’ll need Cam, then and for someone to distract Sarah and Kim,” Sam began trailing off.

Spence nodded at her before she took off and it wasn’t too long before Cam showed up except this time, the two stood in front of the screen just as the movie was coming to a close.

“We’ve got to hurry,” Spence said hurriedly.

“Enjoy your time with Sam?” Cam asked folding his arms across his chest.

“I just got back here,” Spence retorted.

“Oh really? And her grabbing your hand didn’t feel nice to you?” Cam asked.

“You were there earlier?” Zack asked.

“Of course. I lost track of Sarah and Kim and found my way back here, but when I did, I saw Sam grab Spence’s hand. I was angry so I left and found my way back to them,” Cam explained.

“Cam, it was nothing,” Spence tried, but Cam cut across him.

“It wasn’t just nothing. I’m beginning to wonder if you’re even trying to stop her from falling for you,” Cam said.

“It’s not like I can control anything that happens especially not with Sam,” Spence retorted.

“Guys, come on. We have to get me out of here,” Zack began as an argument broke out between the three again.

Again, it wasn’t until Zack said, “Ugh! I wish I could be out there with you guys so I could give you a piece of my mind!” when the white light shined again and Zack was transported out of the movie and back into the room.

“No, don’t go in there!” Sam’s voice said when Sarah and Kim went into the room.

Zack waved at them while Sam stood behind them sighing as she caught her breath.

“Why not? Awh! We missed the movie!” Sarah said disappointedly.

“No worries! We can watch it again,” Sam said with a smile.

“Did I say how awesome your friend is?” Sarah asked walking to Zack.

“Absolutely!” Kim agreed walking to Cam whom flashed a fake smile, but it was quickly erased as Sam looked at him.

Spence had a look as though he didn’t want to be there.

“I’ll go and get the popcorn,” Sam said before taking off, but this time Spencer went with her.

The four took their original seats, but when Sam and Spence returned with the food and drinks, they were shaken up a bit. Each person was thinking about the argument that happened between the boys about Sam and even when they went to bed in their separate homes that night, one thing was certain; things would never be the same between them.
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I've officially decided there will be four seasons of the Zack Files.

Each season will occur each school year and there will be specials such as summer, Christmas, and a College special.

I don't know why, but I'm very interested in writing this story so this story will become the new main while the rest will be reordered as well.

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