Status: Discontinued


Zack the Dancer

The following Monday arrived and the group arrived to school at their normal times separately.

When they went to their lockers, no one spoke to anyone and Vernon was enjoying every second of it. He watched from a distance hoping that the boys had decided not to hang out with Sam again.

They went into Ms. Arlington’s class for Science class and sat in their respective seats, but it was Zack whom broke the silence.

“Are we really not going to talk to each other?” he asked causing Cam to speak next.

“I don’t know. It’s up to those two, really,” Cam said with spite.

“Me? Wasn’t it you who argued with me first?” Spencer asked in a hushed whisper.

“Will you guys just stop?” Sam asked causing all eyes to fall on her.

“Is there a problem, Samantha?” Ms. Arlington asked.

“No, there isn’t. Sorry, Ms. Arlington,” Sam answered, opening her spiral as she prepared to take notes.

During lunch, the group sat outside as usual, but it was Sam who broke the silence.

“Did you guys hear about the dance?” she asked.

“Dance?” the boys asked unison. She pulled out a flier out of her bag and handed it to them.


Students are required to dress formally for the event.

It is free, but students are required to dance at least once during event.

We hope to see you there this Saturday at 5PM.

They gaped in shock at it.

“When did the committee decide to do this?” Spencer asked in confusion.

“I don’t know. I guess today,” Sam answered nonchalantly.

“I can’t dance at all,” Zack admitted.

“Oh, come on, Zack! Didn’t you go to that dance two years ago?” Sam asked bumping him lightly with her shoulder.

“Are we allowed to bring dates?” Cam asked pulling out his phone.

“Probably otherwise we wouldn’t be required to dance,” Spence answered as though he were dumb.

“I’ll bring Sarah,” Zack said with a smile.

“I was actually hoping we’d all just go as a group,” Sam said with a hint of sadness.

“Oh. That’s fine, too I guess,” Zack replied.

“But how will we make Zack a good dancer by the end of the week?” Spence asked.

“Zack? Someone else needs lessons, too,” Cam said with a smirk. Eyes landed on Sam and Spencer, but it was Spencer who spoke.

Me? You’ve got to be kidding me,” Spence replied.

Sam laughed a little.

“It’s no problem. I’ll find the best dance teacher and we’ll all get lessons,” she said shaking her head at Spence’s embarrassment.

“I know how to dance,” Cam said in a smug tone.

“Oh really? Dance with me now, then,” Sam challenged, rising to her feet.

Cam scoffed nervously.

“You’re not serious, are you?” he asked looking away as a small smile covered his lips.

“Yes, very. Now, come on!” she answered, grabbing him by the hand as she pulled him some distance away from their food placing her hands around his neck.

His blue eyes stared into her brown ones and jealousy instantly grew in Spence, but he masked it. Cautiously, Cam placed his hands on Sam’s lower back causing her to gulp, but she danced anyway.

The two slow danced before Cam twirled her gracefully and was about to dip her when Sam laughed, pulling away from him.

“I wasn’t done yet,” he said with a laugh, but Sam shook her head.

“I stand corrected then,” she replied smiling brightly as she held her hands up in surrender.

She turned to the other two before speaking.

“So my house tomorrow?” she asked.

“Definitely,” Zack answered before Spence could.

“Great!” Sam replied grabbing her trash along with the boys and the rest of the day went smoothly.

The following day arrived and the group was once again at Sam’s house with a famous dancer named Danseur. The kids didn’t bother changing besides taking off their sweater vests and blazers. Sam was in her uniform skirt, long sleeve, white uniform shirt, and a pair of black heels making her an inch or so taller, but still shorter than Cam and Zack slightly whereas with Spence she was the same height as him.
Cam had his shirt untucked and stood on her left while Spence stood on Sam’s right. Followed by the order, Zack stood at the end on Spence’s right. They were in the hallway entrance where the stairs were as Danseur was busy explaining how “awesome” he was as well as the different styles of dancing.

They grew annoyed very quickly and it wasn’t until Cam spoke when the jaws of Danseur stopped moving.

“Can we just learn how to slow dance? That’s all,” he said in an annoyed tone.

Danseur stopped speaking for a few seconds and held a hand to his head then began shaking it.

“No, no, no! You can’t just learn one dance! I am Danseur; ze best dancing teacher in all of France! How dare you say such a thing?” Danseur asked with his French accent coming out every other word.

“Did he seriously just ask that?” Spencer asked Sam causing her to laugh slightly.

Danseur stared sternly at them just as Sam’s laughter came to an abrupt halt. He walked to Sam before pulling her away from the boys and stood there using her as an example.

“First, your partner places the left hand on your right shoulder while the other is placed in your left hand,” Danseur began, but Zack cut across him.

“That’s ballroom dancing. We’re just trying to learn-,” he began, but Danseur cut across him.

“Silence! You asked me to teach you four how to dance, yes? Then zip your mouth and pay attention!” Danseur exclaimed heatedly.

Sam pulled away from Danseur before staring at him incredulously.

“Um, excuse me, but my friends are right. I only asked for slow dancing and if this is how you’re going to act, then you’re fired,” Sam said folding her arms across her chest.

Danseur stared at her incredulously before grabbing his bag and then walked out entirely. The kids stared at him as he walked out. The door slammed shut before anyone spoke.

“Well, so much for that idea,” Cam said walking to the steps as he sat down.

Sam put her hands over her face as she shook her head.

“Zack and I will be fine, Sam-honest,” Spence said soothingly as he patted her on the back. Cam noticed the gesture, but rolled his eyes before heading upstairs.

“But this is all my fault! If I wouldn’t have hired such a horrible teacher, none of this would have happened,” Sam exclaimed after removing her hands.

Zack looked down at the ground realizing Danseur left a pair of dancing shoes, but they looked sort of old. They looked to fit his size.

“Danseur left these shoes. I’ll go outside and see if he’s still here,” he said quickly grabbing the shoes before darting outside.

He spotted the man in the parking lot talking fast on the phone and sighed before walking towards the car.

“What are you doing here?” he asked once he saw Zack.

“You left these, Danseur,” Zack answered holding up the shoes.

“Yes, I know. I-I don’t want them anymore,” was all Danseur said before getting into his car.

“W-wait. Why not?” Zack asked.

“This is the seventh time in seven months I’ve lost a job because of how much I talk and quite frankly, I think I’m going to give up dancing since I’ve lost my touch. Goodbye, Zack,” he concluded before starting the ignition and pulled out.

Zack watched him go, but as he did so, the shoes glowed with a white blue light. A sigh escaped him before he walked back to the house.

“Did you catch him?” Spence asked.

“Yeah, but he says he’s quitting his job,” Zack answered.

“What? Why?” Sam asked with shock.

“He said he thinks he lost his touch since this was his seventh time losing a job in the last seven months,” Zack explained.

“Well, he has to see why, right?” Cam asked finally.

All eyes landed on him as they practically urged him to continue.

“He’s a horrible teacher,” he said blatantly.

“That still doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be hired again. Who knows what kind of lifestyle Danseur’s living now,” Sam retorted.

She ran up the stairs away from the others and the boys watched her go.
“Nice going, Cam,” Spence said sarcastically before chasing after Sam.

Cam rolled his eyes at his friend and walked to Zack.

“You know I think the same as they do, right?” Zack asked him causing Cam to sigh.

“I didn’t mean to-,” Cam began, but Zack cut across him.

“You did, though. I don’t know why you’re so harsh to Sam sometimes,” he said.

He took off his shoes and put on Danseur’s old shoes as Cam watched him. The white-blue light went through Zack after putting on his right shoe last and instantly he began dancing with Cam.

“Zack! What’s wrong with you?!” Cam asked incredulously.

“I-I don’t know. I just can’t stop dancing!” he answered.

The two looked at one another before Cam pulled away
♠ ♠ ♠
It's been FAR too long!

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