Status: Semi-Hiatus

Endeared Reverie

Chapter 3: The Social Ball

“Oh! Can you believe it?” Felicity gave off an aura of pure ecstasy.

“Tonight, tonight will be the night where we’ll dress is decorated gowns, and dance our cares away!” she waltzed around the tiny space.

I picked up the invitation, it read:

Dearest Citizens of Versailles,
I, King Louis XIV cordially invite you to take part of the annual Social Ball scheduled for Seven-Thirty this evening. I do hope you all can attend.

“It’s just another ball, Felicity.” I stated, bluntly tossing the fine printed paper.

“Emilie!” She gasped saving the paper from touching the cold, unworthy floor.

“Think about it! Fine men will ask you for a dance, perhaps the King’s nephew!”

My thoughts blocked out Felicity’s dramatic speech. The King’s nephew. He’s the one who saved me. He’s the one who held my hand.
“Til we meet again.” His voice haunted my mind since that fateful day.

“Emilie? Have you been listening to me?” the young child waved her small hands in front of my face.

“Yes, you were talking about how amazing lunch will be.” I said absentmindedly.

“Hm, you sure are acting strange. Go get dressed, it’ll be time for the ball before we know it.”

As soon as Emilie retreated to her room to change, I started to change as well. But, strangely my neck started to feel brittle.

How odd, I hope I’m not getting ill, I thought while rubbing my swollen limb.

“Yes, Emilie?” I turned my head with sharp movement that I cried softly as the pain crept up my neck.

“How does this look?” she inquired as she stepped into my bed chamber.

She looked so elegant, and gorgeous. If only I could be her for tonight.

“Emilie! You look amazing!”

Her dress was a brilliant royal blue, and her cuffs were of black lace. A very elaborate gown that suited her magnificently.

“Felicity, you don’t look so well.” She approached me with such suddenness that I moved back to protect my neck. I wanted to cringe from the pain that accompanied the movement. There was no way I was missing tonight, let alone let Emilie miss it. I didn’t want her to worry about me. She has enough worries.

“Oh, don’t worry about me, I’m perfectly fine!” I seemed to be cheerful.

She stared at me with uncertainty.

“Come on, we’ll be late to ball at this rate.” I tugged at her left arm until she finally budged.

As I entered the ball room, many people were scattered about. They were elaborately dressed with the finest silk, and cotton. The symphony forted with Handel’s: Song Of Jupiter. I wondered if that young maiden from the village would show up.

“Vincent!” my whole world of joy shattered at the sound of the annoying voice that belonged to the bubbly eighteen-year-old: Aurelie.

“Why the sullen face my love?”

Instead of answering the wicked woman, I stalked off to the gardens.

Why mother? Why must you choose the most horrible women!

Just then, I noticed two figures approaching the estate.

“You know, it’s dangerous for a couple of young ladies to walk alone to the palace.” I scoffed as I advanced towards the two silhouettes.

“Not as dangerous as almost getting hit by your carriage now, is it?” The taller shadow responded.

It took me a moment to realize that the shadow was the fair maiden in the village. I chuckled at the response, and waited until she became visible in the light. Her creamy pale skin glowed from the palace lights. Her silky brunette hair was pinned up in perfect ringlets that cascaded down her neck. And her dress. The blue, and black gown complemented every curve her petite body had to offer. She was quite the sight. Never in my twenty-one years have I ever seen a woman as beautiful as her.

“Well would you look at this, we meet again my lord.” She curtsied.

I bowed, and gazed deeply into her hazel orbs. I was completely mesmerized until I noticed a young girl who appeared to be ten or twelve.

“I’ll be waiting for you inside Emilie. Just don’t take too long!” she giggled right before she quickly curtsied to me, and scampered toward the palace entry.

“She’s quite the charmer.” I watched her run off.

“Yes, she makes my days a little less gloomier.”

Her sweet face seemed as if she was carrying some sort of burden.

“Is something the matter?” I gently placed my left hand on her right shoulder.

She shuddered at the contact, and quickly moved from her place.

“I’m fine.” She managed to get out.

“I’m sorry.”

“Oh, no. Don’t apologize. I wasn’t ready for that.”

Mother, why on Earth can you not pick a lovely lady like her?

“Say, I’ve never met you properly.” She stared innocently into my blue eyes.

“Vincent Chevalier. And whom might you be, lovely maiden?”

“Emilie Fournier, my lord.”

“What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” I cupped her chin with my index finger, and thumb.
She took hold of my hand, and pressed it gently against her soft, red lips.

“Come along, the party will be starting within the hour.”
We walked in unison toward the palace.

I couldn’t control the enthusiasm that shot through my body. The ball seemed like a figment of my imagination. The room was crowded with dancing couples as the symphony preformed Vivaldi’s: Four Seasons: Spring. Laughter, and chatter echoed in the whole palace. Chandeliers brightened the corridors, and added more life to the everlasting extravaganza.

“This way, my lady.” Vincent pulled me out of my world.

We twirled around the ballroom. Every couple turned their attention to the sight of us. My heart pounded with the adrenaline that pulsed through my veins. Nothing could destroy my happiness. Or so I thought.

Vincent drove us to an abrupt halt.

“My lord, the music hasn’t come to a finale, is something the ma-“ I looked up to see him staring at something or someone with pure distaste. I turned my head to where his gaze was settled, and gasped at who was in our path.

Aurelie Eisler. The niece of the King of Austria. I took my hands off of Vincent’s physique, and curtsied immediately.
“Vincent, love, what is that thing?”


“She is not a “thing” Aurelie…” he defended.
She glared at me, and took hold of Vincent’s palm.
“Come dear, your mother wants to discuss our date tomorrow.”

Vincent gave me a look of despair, and apology, and vanished with Aurelie.
Love? Dear? Date? Could be betrothed? Of course. Why else would she call him those terms of endearment? Why couldn’t he have told me in the beginning? I closed my eyes for they threatened me with tears, and slowly walked to a balcony. The only place with enough privacy to hide my unworthy being.