Not Good Enough for the Truth

Well... Let's See

The ceiling, a place where the roof and walls touch. Or to me its the place where I stare at a wall and think. The place that shows me lines and possibly hope. You see I am that so to say strange kid. No I'm not proud of it, all the time. Depends on what is going on. For example, the girl, who sits four seats away from me in math, phone goes off and of course the teacher looks directly at me. Oh how the death glares are getting old. I really question myself sometimes.
I really dream of citing in to a point where I could say I have many friends or that kind of thing. Currently, I am unsure. Living where I live can be the worst because everyone gives me that death glare. I walk four feet left and I get a death glare. I walk three feet right and I get a death glare. So many questions, so uncertain. Then again....
Have you ever wanted everyone to be seen as equals. To be thought of as okay and on similar terms as the person next to, near or around me. Well, I know I have. That is the main problem with this town that I moved to over the summer. Every person expects everyone to look, dress and act normal. Yet according to my school and town I am not. So what my hair is currently dyed purple and black. So what I dress in black. Does this make me a bad person? I guess so.... Well then it is up to me to change this whole town for the better!
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Debating about writing this story... Tell me what you think!