Another Seguin Story...

Another Seguin Story

I was captain of Baylor ice hockey team. No big deal right? No, very big deal. Overall Baylor has won 15 championships, in which I was captain of the last two championships. It was my last year so I was making it my mission to shoot for a third championship.
Our team a huge deal. If not to add huge fucking deal. Especially to my town and my part of Boston. We were the team that everyone expected every player on my team to get at least college level. We were the dream team.
My team respected me. Looked up to me and followed my lead. That's why I think I make a good captain. My coaches were a little uneasy on me joining the team at first but they warmed up to the idea. And I know they knew they made the right choice. I was a fan favorite as well. Posters, shirts, the whole nine-yards. It seemed like everyone was a fan of me besides one person;
my Dad. My Dad; The one and only Tyler Seguin.
Why wasn’t he a fan of me playing hockey? I was a girl. I’m Scarlet and this is my story.

I was the only girl on the team, the only girl who’s ever been on the team ever. I begged the coaches to let me play on the boys team because I couldn’t stand playing with the pansy girls. They were scared and couldn’t play physical. I just hated playing with girls. Its a complete different atmosphere and different game.

I got into my Dad’s car, the Bruins and Baylor practice at the same rink generally at the same time during the day so it was always convenient for him to pick me up. My dad suddenly turned off the engine in the parking lot
“What wrong” I asked
“We need to talk Scarlet”
“I think its time you quit hockey”
“Are you crazy?! I love this sport. You love this sport.”
“Whats going to happen after this anyways? Are you going to try for the Mens team in college too?”
“Yeah. Dad. I am. Get over it. I’m not quiting”
“Then what? Are you going to go to the NHL? Scarlet you’re not being realistic THIS. is never going to happen”
“Fuck you dad. I hate you”
I got out of the car on the verge of tears from being so pissed off. The one person I really needed some approval from, the one person’s opinion that truly matters, was my fathers. And I couldn’t even get that.
I saw Riley walking.
“Ri!” I yelled.
Riley was my best friend. When I was 3 my father made me start figure skating. Riley played hockey. I don’t remember what happened exactly, but our Mom’s became best friends, and so did we . When we were 6 or 7 Riley started making fun of me because I was figure skater and figure skating was “stupid”. And so I ditched the twirls and figure eights, and laced up my hockey skates to be with Riley. Because back then I was in love with him. And even today I still am.
Riley turned around
“Want to come over?”
I made him drive me home. We went to my room and laid on my bed. I just needed to vent to him. That's the kind of relationship we had. He was different. He wanted to listen. And I’d listen to him.
“I don’t get it, my Dad is such an ass”
“I know you love this sport more than anyone. Its unfair that he’d want you to stop or play with those pansy girls”
“But why does my dad want you to play? Last time you were over, you got invited to his office to talk about college teams. I have never once been in his office.”
Riley scratched in head, “I don’t know Scar”
“Hes such a sexist asshole”
“You’re better than like half of the college players on men teams”
“You’re just saying that”

I was done talking about it and we raced each other down stairs to the basement or my “man cave” and watched hockey highlights. And went over plays for the team.

I liked Riley so much. He never saw me that way. If I tried to bring it up the slightest thought of “us” together. He’d say, “Scar you’re my sister” He was so protective of me.

I remember this one time when this douchebag from the other team told me that he didn’t want to check me against the boards because he didn’t want to smash in my boobs. Ri dropped his gloves and fought him. The whole time yelling at him, calling him a little bitch. Riley made the whole team protective of me.

I was part of the guys on my team. The kind that huck loogies on the ice. The kind that rather watch the Bruins games then go shopping or some shit like that. Maybe that was why Riley wasn’t attracted to me. I was too much like him. Too much like one of the guys. The girls he’s gone out with were blonde tiny girls. The kind that finish every sentence like it was a question.

I’ve always been satisfied with the fact that Riley just wasn’t interested in me. I was too butch or “too much like a sister”. I was okay with that. I couldn’t even imagine us dating, it be awkward, he was my best friend, and right now that’s all I needed. I needed no distractions from the game I loved.
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This is a sequel to "Hardships to Hockey to Tyler Seguin" in Tyler Seguin's daughter pov. Tell me what you think, ideas, and comments are really much appreciated. xoxo

Also I'd like you not to get confused with Baylor University. Baylor is a fictional team for highschoolers in Boston :)