Another Seguin Story...


We we’re scrimmaging against each other. It was the day before our opening game. I looked to my corner of my eye and I saw my Dad walking towards the stands with someone who I couldn’t tell. Why was my Dad here? The person that absolutely hates the idea of me playing hockey. As they approached I looked at the guy standing next to my Dad. Oh. My. God. He was beautiful. So gorgeous and perfect. Tall. Young.
Right then I got slammed into the boards and layed sprawled out onto the ice. I blacked out. As soon as I regain consciousness, I looked up to see my dad, Riley and my coaches.
“Oh my god, scar are you okay? I’m so sorry I didn’t realize I hit you that hard” Riley said as he had his cold hand on my face.
I waved his hand off my face.
“I’m over it Ri. I’m fine don’t worry about it, I’m good. I’m a hockey player. “

I got up. My coach made me leave practice and get some rest. I was so embarrassed. Mortified. Why did my Dad and hot guy have to be here?
We were walking to the car..
“Exactly why I don’t want you playing hockey Scar”
“I knew you were going to say that”
“How do you even let someone hit you like that?”
“Hmmm..maybe I got distracted because you actually showed up”
“Don’t give me that. I’m the only reason you’re on this team”
“Fuck off”
I started walking faster
“Scar, C’mon do’ be like that, you know you can’ handle playing with the guys. See look just what happend”
I ignored him, this is what I had to put up with everyday.

We got to the house as I started to hustle up the stairs my dad yelled
“I invited Carson for dinner”
Hearing his name caught my attention. I paced back down stairs.
“Who’ Carson?” I asked
“The new rookie on the Bruins”
“Maybe you should try to talk him out of playing hockey too” I said sarcastically

I was so excited, from what I remembered he was basically perfect. But I was also nervous because he basically saw me get layed out on the ice. Easily the most embarrassing moment of my life.
My parents were out. I spent sometime getting ready, I had to impress this guy. Push-up bra. Make-up. Hair. Check.
The doorbell rung. Who could it be? Carson isn’t suppose to get here for like 3 hours. And my parents are out. Hmm...
I opened the door, it was Riley and a couple other guys from my hockey team. Luke and Kyle. Who I were both really close with. Guess you can call us the “group”. They walked in without me offering. They were my bros.
Riley began to speak, “Scar, how you feeling? I’m so sorry about that hit”
“Don’t even Riley, I don’t want to hear it. Why are you apologizing?” I asked
Before Riley could respond, Luke budded in, “Scar are you wearing make up?”
Dammit I forgot. Shit
“Woah you have boobs!” Kyle said sarcastically
I punched him in the arm
“fuck you guys, my Dad is bringing over his teammate, he told me to dress nice”
Riley got in on the fun, “Didn’t know dressing nice meant shoving your boobs in the guys face”
Everyone cracked up
“Watch the teamate be Chara!” Kyle said in between laughs
“Yeah enough guys, time for you guys to leave” I said, as I kicked them out the door.

As they left I heard them talking from outside my door.
“This Bruins rookie must be something real special huh?” Luke said to Riley and Kyle
Riley agreed “Never in my life have I seen her like this”
Kyle exclaimed, “At least we know shes not lesbian!”
All of them cracked up

Oh how they thought they were so hilarious. Too bad the most action they get is with their right hand. Assholes.

My dad gasped when he saw me,
“Scarlet, you look beautiful”
I wanted to hate him for only thinking I’m beautiful because I had make-up on, but I couldn’t because that was one of the only times he's ever complimented me on anything.

The doorbell rung, my dad answered the door, it was Carson. He was even more hot up close. He was tall, about 6’4. Muscular arms. Wearing a backwards Bruins hat . Blue-green eyes. The kind that made you melt. And straight white teeth. Which was weird for a hockey player. Yep its official this guy is perfect.
“Are you going to say anything to our guest?” My Dad said embarrassingly.
Before I got the chance to say anything Carson reached out to shake my hand.
“Hi I’m Carson. Carson Heath. Nice to meet you.” He said looking directly into my eyes
“Scarlet Seguin. Nice to meet you.”
I blushed.

We sat down and started eating. I had a billion things I wanted to know. I started by asking how old he was.
“19, almost as old as your pops when he started.”
“Where are you from?” My mom asked
He swallowed, “Saskatchewan, Canada. But played hockey mostly in California”
“No wonder why you’re so tan.” I said without thinking. Shit.
He blushed
“How is hockey is big in California? It doesn't even snow there”, my mom said ignorantly
Annoyed I said, “Duh mom, have you heard of the San Jose Sharks? and actually it does snow.”
Carson laughed

We finished eating
“Why don’t you and Carson go out and play some pond hockey, show him a thing or two Scar.” My mom suggested
Carson agreed, “Sounds good, I’ll get my skates and stick from my trunk”

I was so excited to skate around with him. I put my Baylor sweats and sweatshirt and my Bruin beanie. When I came out he was already skating and playing around with the puck.
“Don’t worry I’ll go easy on you.” He said smiling
“Oh you won’t need to, if anything I should be going easy on you.”

I took the puck from his stick, did a spin move and shot it in the net with the back of my stick
He was impressed
“You’re mom is right, I do have some things to learn from you.”
“You got that one right” I laughed

The world around us was completely dark besides the bright lights for the pond. Completely peaceful and quiet. It was gently snowing. Looking up, I could see a million stars. Never have I seen so many.

“Lets go 1 on 1”
“Oh its on”
I had the puck and skated past him and deked it in on the top shelf. Hell yeah.
“Scarlet scores and the crowed goes wild!” I said imitating a hockey announcer
He skated towards me
“Oh hell no, no one gets and scores past me” he said in a half serious voice
He started to get closer
“I just did” I said as I bit my lower lip
“You’re hell of a player Scarlet, you know that?”
“So are you Carson, so are you”
I put my stick across his chest bumping him. Cross checking him so lightly. He grabbed and held on the stick.
By now we were close. I could feel his warm breath against my face.. I looked up to look into his crystal clear blue eyes. He looked right into mine. Closed his eyes
And kissed me.
Carson kissed me.
His lips were so soft against mine.
Carson Heath just kissed Scarlet Seguin
Did this just happen? No it couldn’t have. I had to be imagining it.
You know when people say time just stops? It did it that moment, it had to. There couldn’t be anything more happening in the world then Carson kissing me.

I let Carson out the door. My parents were sleeping. A hundred things were running through my mind as I lay in my bed. Replaying everything that happened that day. Cursing at myself for letting Riley hit me and hitting me in front of Carson. The chills I'd get thinking about Carson's eyes. Smiling at the thought of the kiss Carson and I shared.
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Let me know what you guys think! Comments, ideas, predictions. Everything is much appreciated! xoxo