Another Seguin Story...


After their practice I went to go run some errands with him. He needed a new suit and finish up some other things. Just spending time. with him for the whole day. I absorbed every minute. My cheeks were sore from laughing and smiling so much. It was night by the time I got home. And my dad was waiting on me.
“Scarlet what the fuck was that today?” He said in a yelling tone

“What was what?”

“You made a fool out of me in front of everyone that I work with”

I scoffed, “Yeah and you said girls can’t be as good as boys. I’m faster then an NHL player.” And gave him a sarcastic smile and walked away

“Oh where do you think you’re going I’m not done with you” He yelled
“Well I’m done with you”
“Oh and not to mention what was going on with you and Carson huh? I had to come home to your mother almost crying because she found some fan taken photos of you and him on almost every social network”
My heart dropped. “What?” I said softly
“Yeah some fans were calling you a slut on tumblr, And your face is on all these sports and teeniebopper blogs.”
“This is a joke..all we did was hold hands” “I said as my voice cracked
“Yeah thats enough to set everyone off when he’s a heartthrob. You can ask your mother how that is when we started dating”
“Oh my God......”
I couldn’t wrap my mind around all of this. This could ruin my hockey carrer. This could ruin Carson’s image. Why didn’t I think of this? How could I be so carless? How could people be so mean?
“Scarlet” he paused, “You know what this could mean right?”
I didn’t say anything. And he knew I knew.

You see Carson he’s a rookie. He’s the fresh face on the team. Young blood. Young talent. And a heartthrob. And I could understand why. He’s well...Carson. He’s bringing in the spotlight from people who aren't Bruins fans or even watch hockey. Off the ice he is charming and funny. And it shows on interviews and when he meets fans.
My God he’s perfect. How did I get someone like that? But besides the point when a heartthrob starts dating someone their image is ruined. Just take Justin Bieber for example, when he started dating Selena Gomez, see how many Bieber fans dropped off.
Carson fan girls were going to be the same way.
And for me, no team wants to have a girl on a team. Less alone a girl that is Carson Heath's sidekick. It shows weakness.

I was in my room, laying down on my bed with my laptop scrolling through the endless pictures of Carson and I on all these websites and tumblr. My mom knocked and came in
“Everything alright Scar?”
“No, this is all so dumb” I sighed
She sat down on the bed with me and put her arm around me
“I know how it feels Scarlet. It was the same way with me and your Dad.”
She paused, “It all started happening around when the Bruins won the Stanley Cup in 2011. I think I heard every word in the book from everyone. Especially since he had proposed to me. Just around that time. I found out I was pregnant with you. And people started talking even more. Saying that he knocked me up the night they won the cup and that was the only reason he proposed. But they didn’t know how me and you dad felt. We were and still are crazy in love.”
I smiled. She knew all the right things to say.
“You just have to know and trust Carson, thats all” She advised
She gave me a hug and left

The doorbell rung, and it was Riley. He was holding a tub of ice cream.
“You know me so well” I rolled my eyes and laughed
“Lets go shoot” he said

We went to my so called, mancave and did slapshots as hard as we could at our old washing machine which didn’t even look like a washing machine anymore.

“Man we have fucked that piece of shit so bad” Riley said as he hit another one which made another dent
“Nice one!” I said
“So Ms. Scarlet, how is it to be officially dating Carson Heath, the hottest player in the NHL?”
“By hot I mean he’s on every fucking highlight on Sports Center. And his face is on this tub of ice cream.” He said holding it up to show me
“It amazing and terrible at the same time. It’s too much. And you know how big this last season is for me and I don’t want some teenage fling screw it up.” I sighed
There was a long pause
“I’ve been talking to this girl, and I’m starting to really like her.” He said as he smiled at the ground
“Holy shit Ri! Who’s the lucky gal?” As I nudged him
“Its Alison.” He said said quietly, almost in a whisper
“Are you joking?” I said bluntly
Alison was this figure skater that skated at the same rink that we did. She was this blonde bitch who literally threw herself at every hockey player. I had to stop myself from almost laughing at the thought. She was rude, annoying, and basically a slut.
“C’mon Scar she’s not that bad? She’s got a nice rack.”
I punched him
He corrected himself, “I mean eyes”
Riley could be with any girl. But not Alison. I hated her so much.
He kept talking, “It’s not like Carson is Mr. Perfect either”
“Oh really? What did you mean by that?”
“He’s a fucking NHL player Scarlet, open your eyes. You should know what hockey players do on the road. You’re a hockey player on an all boys team. You should know this.”
“Me open my eyes? Oh please. Alison has slept with almost every guy on the team and our rival team.”
“Whatever Scar. I’m not going to talk about this.” And he left.

I sat there stuffing myself with ice cream. Crying. I don’t even want to date Carson anymore. And I don’t feel like touching another hockey stick or puck like ever. All of this was too much to think about.
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