Another Seguin Story...

Chalk Talk

The car ride home was silent. And when we got through the doors of our home my Dad took a deep breath and said,
“I don’t even want to talk to you right now.” As he shook his head

I wish my Dad would have just yelled at me. I wanted to know what he was thinking. He looked so disappointed. I went into my “man cave” and slapped the puck into the washer machine as hard as I could. I didn’t know what to think. So much was going on. My mind was running a million miles per hour. Tears were running down my face as I continued to slam it into the washer.

I turned around and my Dad was leaned against the doorway.
I wiped my tears and hopped he didn’t see them.
“Sit down Scarlet.” He said calmy
I didn’t think I was ready to hear what whatever he was about to say.
“Your mother and I stayed up all night calling your phone, left messages, called every single one of your teammates. None of them knew where you were. Almost called the police until I thought I’d try Carson’s house. And 6 in the morning I find you in his bed? I am so disappointed in you Scarlet. I thought we raised you better than that....”
"I'm sorry, Dad"
"Carson is a star rookie, he's probably sleeping with a girl every night. How stupid could you be to go over to his house at night and expect nothing to go wrong?"
"Dad! We didn't have Sex!"
"So what did you guys do? Watch a movie and cuddle until you fell asleep? Bullshit. Tell me that Carson didn't want to have sex with you. Tell me and look me in the eye. "
I lowered my voice, "I wanted to have sex with him, but he wanted to wait."

"I-" He stuttered. “I’m glad it ended the way it did then. I was worried sick about you”
I looked up at him, “You were?”
“Of course I was. Why wouldn't I be?”
“I always thought you didn't care about me.”
“Scarlet, I may not be father of the year. I may not always be around. But for God sakes Scarlet I care so much for you”
“Thanks Dad, I mean it”
He got up and started to pace the room as he ran his fingers through his hair. He grabbed a picture of me from when I was 4, just started playing hockey. And he smiled at it.

“I mean it too. You have the world ahead of you. You’re a damn good hockey player, and you’re going to go places. Don’t mess it up for the simple short things that won’t even matter years from now.”
That caught me off guard, “I’m going to go places? You hate me playing hockey though.”
He sighed, “Lace up your skates.... I want to tell you a story”
♠ ♠ ♠
Tell me what you think! This one is a little bit shorter because the chapter after this will be posted very soon. Please tell me what you think of this story so far, any predictions, or hopes I'd love to hear all of them. Thanks for subscribing xoxo