Turning Page: The Beginning

Turning Page: The Beginning

I felt a cold, hard feeling on the side of my face. I felt a cool breeze brushing by me. That was when I felt the pounding pain in my head. I was waking up. I slowly opened my eyes, the pain in my head increasing. I winced as I slowly sat up from the cold floor, looking around me. It was dark and damp. There was a bed in the corner with no sheets or pillows. Bars covered the tiny window above me. Where was I?

I lifted my hand, running it through my hair to move it away from my face. I winced when my hand brushed past my forehead. I brought my hand down and saw spots of blood on it. What had happened to me?
I slowly got to my feet. I took a step forward and groaned as a sharp pain shot up my left ankle. I grabbed the cold wall beside me to stop me from falling. This place was unfamiliar. I could feel the fear beginning to set in.

The door then swung open making a loud bang as it hit the wall. I jumped in fright and watched as three figures stepped into the room. Two of them were wearing white coats. They looked like Doctors or some sort of Scientists. The other was dressed in a Black button up shirt with Black trousers. His eyes were Crimson Red. I've never seen eyes like it in all my life. They were so beautiful, so inviting. I couldn't shift my gaze from him.

"Dawn Foster. Eighteen years of age. 5ft 3" One of the men in the lab coats began to read off of a chart.

"Mother and Father both deceased. No siblings" The other man in the lab coat continued.

"You're prettier than the last girl they brought in" The man with the Red eyes smirked at me.

I watched him, completely frozen, unable to move.

"Leave us" He ordered the two doctors.

They hurried out and closed the door behind them. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat.

"W-where am I?" I finally managed to ask.

"ISB. The Institute for Supernatural Beings" He told me.

"What? Supernatural?" I asked, confused.

What was he talking about? Supernatural Beings? That kind of stuff doesn't exist.

"Vampires, Demons, witches. You're all here so we can conduct scientific experiments on you" He replied.

"I don't believe you. Please just let me go. I won't say anything to anyone I swear" I begged.

I didn't want to be here. I mean who would? This guy was crazy. I just wanted to go home.

"I can't let you go princess" He smirked at me.

"Lets say you're right. I am not supernatural. I'm just a girl!" I replied, almost yelling.

He then grabbed my arms and pressed me tightly against the wall. I gasped and stared up at him, terrified.

"That's where you are wrong" He whispered, leaning down close to my face.

"Please, just let me go. I don't believe a word you're saying" I replied.

"I can prove it to you if you'd like?" He asked, smirking.

That's when I saw them. His fangs. My eyes widened. He then leaned down to my neck. I then felt his fangs grazing my neck. I could feel my heartbeat beginning to race.

"Please...don't" I barely managed to whisper.

He pulled away from me. He still had that seductive smirk on his face. I watched him, feeling myself begin to shake with fear.

"Make yourself at home" He said as he began making his way to the door.

He opened it and walked out, closing it behind him. As I heard the key in the door, locking it, I slid down the wall wondering how I was going to escape.