Turning Page: The Beginning

Greetings From the Vampire

After sitting there for an hour on the floor wondering whether I was going to die or not the door was pushed open. I lifted my gaze to see the two doctors who had came in before with that creep were standing there. I watched as they made their way over to me.

"Come with us, Dawn" The Blond one said.

I managed to see his name badge. It read Dr Stephen Harper.

"No, please, just let me go" I began to beg.

"Jared wants to see you" The Brown haired one replied.

His name badge read Dr James Savage. They then picked me up by my arms. I started to struggle but, for doctors, they were quite strong. They pulled me through the door and we began making our way down the hall. There were rooms on either side of us as we walked. This didn't look like an institute it looked more like a prison. A thought then hit me. Is that what I was? A prisoner?
We then stopped in our tracks to let someone by. This guy was huge. He must have been over 6ft tall and he had massive muscles. As he walked by us he was dragging something behind him. My eyes widened as I saw it was the body of a girl around my age. She looked as if she had been beaten to death. I then had a horrible feeling in my stomach. What were they going to do to me?

We turned right at the end of the hallway and came face to face with two huge wooden doors. The doctors pulled them open and dragged me inside. The room was vast and quite dark. I then noticed someone sitting on, only what I could describe as, a throne. As we got closer I saw it was that creep from earlier. The two doctors then threw me to the ground infront of the creep. I groaned as I hit the floor pretty hard. The two doctors stood at either side of the room.

"Dawn, it's nice to see you again" He smirked at me.

There we go again with that smirk! Is that all he does?

"Why am I here? I've told you I'm not supernatural. You have the wrong girl!" I replied.

"How did your parents die?" He asked me.

I stared at him "What?"

"Answer the question" He ordered.

"Car crash" I whispered.

I watched him as he rose from his "throne"

"That's what you think happened" He said, making his way over to me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

He then reached down and picked me up by my throat. He rested his other hand around my waist as he held me close to him. I knew he saw the fear in my eyes and I knew he loved it.

"They were murdered by a vampire" He told me.

I looked at him. He loosened his grip on my neck but still held me there.

"You know how I know?" He asked, leaning down to my neck again.

Shivers ran up my spine as I felt his cold lips press against my skin. I wanted to scream out for help but I couldn't. I stood there, frozen in fear.

"Because I was the one who killed them" He smiled against my neck.

I let out a deep breath as if I'd been holding it in.

"You smell good like your mother did" He whispered as I felt his fangs graze my neck like before.

My eyes widened. He killed my parents? First I learn there are vampires and god knows what else living amoung us but now I find out that one of them killed my parents. He then threw me back and I hit the ground with a thud.

"Take her back to her room. I need her well rested for the ritual" Jared ordered the doctors.

They did as they were told and picked me up from the ground. I began to struggle again. Ritual? What was he talking about?

"See you soon, love" I heard Jared say before the doors closed behind us.