Turning Page: The Beginning

Fragile Little Human

I had no idea what kind of people lived in this house. They could be the sweetest and kindest people in the world. On the other hand, they could be blood thirsty killers. That last thought sent a shiver down my spine. My heart was racing in my chest. I winced with every step I took. My ankle was very painful. It felt like someone was hitting it with a sledgehammer over and over again. The cold breeze that brushed by me made the open wound on my cheek sting.

I slowly approached the house. I used the stair rail to help myself limp up the steps quickly. I took a deep breath, trying to calm down as I came face to face with the door. I slowly brought my hand up and knocked on the door. I gazed behind me to make sure no one had followed me from that god forsaken place. A flood of fear washed over me. What if there was no one in? Would those doctors find me here? No, I was just being silly. I always managed to make myself paranoid.

I battled with myself in my head for a moment until I saw someone had opened the front door. I stared at them with frightened eyes. I could feel myself beginning to shake. Not from the cold but because I was terrified. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat.

"Hello?" His angelic voice rang in my ears.

He was beautiful. He had medium length Brown hair and the most gorgeous Hazel eyes I've ever seen. He must have been just under 6ft tall. He wore a White button up shirt with the first few buttons undone. I could tell just by looking at him he had a nice body. He was also wearing light Blue jeans and a pair of Black converse.

It wasn't until I heard him clearing his throat that I was snapped out of my daze. I stared at him.

"Um....I-i need help" I managed to stutter out.

I watched him as he looked me up and down. He gazed behind me before stepping back, letting me come in. I slowly stepped inside, hearing him close the door behind me. What was I going to say happened to me? Hey sorry but I need you to save me from a Vampire and a bunch of phsyco doctors who held me captive for who knows how many days because they think I'm a Supernatural Being? I don't think so.

"What happened?" I heard him ask.

I looked up at him "You wouldn't believe me if I told you"

He smiled down at me "Come on. Lets go sit down and you can tell me everything"

For some strange reason I began to feel safe with him. I began to feel safe in this house. I nodded slowly and followed him into the living room.

I gazed around the living room. There was a huge flat screen TV on the wall. The walls were a Cream colour. The sofa was Black and looked as though it could fit about Eight people on it. The curtains were also Black. As I sat down with him on the couch I noticed a piano in the corner of the room.

I loved to play the piano. My mother...well foster mother...taught me how to play. I missed her.

"Okay so when your ready you can tell me what happened" He said.

"Well you're gonna think I'm crazy" I said, laughing nervously.

"I won't. I promise" He smiled gently at me.

"I was kidnapped and held prisoner at an Institute for...Supernatural Beings" I said, hesitating to say the last part.

I searched his face. He didn't seem shocked or surprised by what I'd just told him in the slightest. Instead he looked like he'd heard something like this before.

"Um, I managed to escape and I found your house" I continued.

He nodded slowly "Don't worry. You're safe here. I'll go and get the first aid kit and we'll get you cleaned up"

"Thank you...um" I said, not knowing his name.

"Aaron" He smiled.

"I'm Dawn" I smiled back at him slightly.

I watched him leave the room to go and grab the first aid kit. I ran a hand through my Dark hair, sighing. What kind of mess have I got myself into?

I sat back against the couch only to find someone else sitting on the other chair to my right. I screamed in fright and jumped up onto my feet. I then winced as the pain in my ankle shot up my leg. I felt my leg begin to collapse from the pain. Then I felt someones arms around me, catching my before I fell. I looked up to be met with the most inviting Ice Blue eyes I've ever seen. His Jet Black hair hung over his pale face. He wore a Purple shirt and Black jeans.

He smirked slightly at me. My heartbeat quickened. Who was he? I watched him. He looked over me before finally meeting my eyes again. It was like he was studying me, taking me in.

"Such a fragile little human" He smiled at me.

"Dante what are you doing?" I heard Aaron ask.

"She got a fright. I caught her before she fell" He shrugged.

Dante helped me sit back down as Aaron came over with the first aid kit. I watched him open the box and pull out a few wipes. He then gently began cleaning the cut on my cheek. I winced slightly as the stinging sensation came back.

"So where did you find her?" Dante asked, sitting back in his seat.

"She came to the door in need. ISB had her" Aaron replied, cleaning my wound.

"What would ISB want with a human?" Dante asked curiously.

"I'm not sure. They wouldn't have kept her there if they didnt have a good reason though" Aaron answered, closing over the first aid kit.

I stared at them. They knew about this place? They knew it exsisted?

"C-can someone please tell me what's going on?" I asked as I felt fear washing over me again.