My Journal Writings


"Aaaahhh!" I screamed, "Watch out!"

The man ignored my warning and ran in front of the train. As the train flew by I heard the screams of the man underneath. They stopped.

I stood there, my head trying to figure out what had just happened. The train was still going by and I swear I heard disgusting squishing sounds. At that thought I broke down. I fell onto the gravel covered ground and cried. I sobbed, my whole body shaking together in horrified unison.I pulled my knees to my chest and when the train pulled out of the area I stared at the track. I was too far away to see any carnage but I saw red, and that was enough for me to pass out.

When I woke up the sky was dark blue and the crickets were chirping in my ears. For some reason, don't ask me why, I decided walking up to the tracks was a good idea. I caught a glimpse of the corpse, or what was left of it, and I puked. Thank god i didn't puke on the man or I would've puked again.

When I spit our the last tastes of my dinner I ran away form the tracks. The questions, 'Why did the man do that?' and 'Why couldn't I have saved him?' ran through my mind as I ran down a dirt road. I had to get home, I had to tell someone.
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This prompt was when someone else wrote the first line for me. I was given 15 minutes to write what ever I wanted.