My Journal Writings


The road to recovery was a hard one. She had been addicted to it for too long. Stopping was the only choice. She had to stay alive for David. She thought of him and his patience. But she knew he couldn't look after her any longer. She longed for his soft touch. To put her fingers through his long black hair. To have his rough callused finger tips gliding over her body. She had to stop, for him. She gathered up her addiction and threw it into the fire. It went up in smoke. She pushed her glasses farther up her nose and smiled to herself, she was proud. She was seeing everything in a new light. She was doing this for him. She heard the door creak and she rushed to the door. she was expecting David but it was a small cat.

"You're going to help me through all this!" I laughed and picked it up. I opened the door wide open and breathed I the crisp spring air. I ran out side and set the kitten down, I smiled at the cat as it lunged toward a butterflly. This is the start of something new, and better.
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This was a prompt where the teacher would write a word on the board every couple of minutes and we had to include it in our writing. The words were, road, black, rough, light, glasses, spring, and lunge.