My Journal Writings

Words You Can Never Take Back

Rose was waiting in bed her glasses low on her nose. She was trying to read her book but she felt that she couldn't possibly when she knew Jeff wasn't here and she didn't know where he was.

The door swung open and Jeff came stumbling in. He tripped a little and he then collapsed on the bed.

"Where were you?! I've been waiting hours for you!" Rose's eyes widened. "Are you drunk?" Her eyes were filled with anger.

"No! I just feel really sick!" Jeff groaned into his pillow. Rose wasn't buying it.

"How could you come home to me at 3:00 in the morning stumbling and delirious and expect me to believe that?" She yelled tears spilling out of her eyes onto her grey bed covers.

"Momfleamg" Jeff said and he rolled over.

"Jeff! Listen to me! List--" As Rose shook him she noticed foam coming out of his mouth.

"Jeff?" she started bawlling, "Jeff?" she choked out. His eyes were bloodshot and the foam was rapidly coming out of his mouth.

Rose got up quickly and jumbled with the phone. She was trying to call but it was difficult in her hysterics. Eventually she punched in the number.

"Hello, how can I help you?" a monotone voice said into her ear.

"My husband is dying I need ambulance!" Rose cried into the phone.

"They will be right with you. What are his symptoms?" she asked.

"He's foaming at the mouth. He's passed out too!" Rose whined into the phone.

"Turn him on his side so he doesn't choke." Rose put down the phone and rolled him over. Soon the paramedics came and took Jeff away. Rose sat in the ambulence staring at her fiance being worked on. 'My last words to him were yelled angrily' went through her head millions of times before Jeff was quickly brought to surgury. Rose just sat in the waiting room. She didn't cry just sat there numb. Her puffy red eyes were distant and her mouth seemed like it could never smile again. Hours went by and Rose's breathing got more and more heavy and ragged. Nurses came and went always giving sympathy talks about how he would be okay, but never bringing any good news. Only how he was suffering from a bad mix of prescription drugs.

That night Rose left the hospital without Jeff.
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I did this with a little writer's block book and I fused the prompts 'write about a couple fighting in bed' and 'write about a problem with prescription drugs mixing'.