Status: Almost Done... :')

When I Think About You

Chapter 81: Selfish

Chapter 81: Selfish

"Can we just sit down for once and... I don't know, read?" I asked everyone as I entered the kitchen and grabbed a few apples from the fridge. You see, I enjoy cold apples as opposed to the room temperature ones, so, I always put my apples in the fridge. It's not normal, but, meh... when have I ever been normal?

"Plan the wedding?" Cam suggested.

"When's the wedding, anyway?" Harry asked.

"The 12th." Zayn and I answered simultaneously.

"What!? That's too early." Cam protested. I looked at Zayn and he shrugged which made me grin.

"I think this is one of those silent lovers' communication." Liam murmured which made me roll my eyes and turn back to Cam.

"18th." I answered.

"Why the 18th?" Louis asked as he tried to feed Lux her breakfast. I smiled and walked over to Zayn before plopping down on his lap and kissing his lips gently.

"That's the day we met." Zayn answered smugly.

"I thought we first met on January 18th?" Niall asked confusedly as he continued eating his toast.

"Really, Niall? Really?" I asked incredulously.

"But, we'll be in Boston by then.." Liam trailed off.

"Well, we'll just have to plan everything out so that no one gets suspicious." Cam said thoughtfully and got up from her chair before walking to the living room.

"Did I offend her?" Liam asked.

"No," I laughed quietly. "That's just how she is. I guess we better go help her. It's our wedding."

"You're right." Zayn said with a chuckle before carrying me to the living room where Cam was scribbling down on a notebook. "Wait, shouldn't you be at school?"

"Louis called in sick for me." I reasoned with a wide grin.

"And how did you convince him?"

"Cheese cake." I answered simply before sitting down across Cam.

"The reception," Cam trailed off.

"It can be in the backyard. Before this dolt builds a swimming pool." I answered with a laugh. Zayn rolled his eyes and gently pushed my shoulder which made me roll my own eyes at him.

"Your eye-rolling is contagious, Lil." Louis said from the doorway as he carried Lux.

I got up and got her from Louis before plopping down back beside Zayn.

"So, want to read something?" Zayn asked.

"Sure. I'm feeling very Mythological today, so, Greek Mythology will do."

Zayn got up off the sofa with a chuckle before running up to our room to get a book. When he returned, he was carrying Mythology by Edith Hamilton. The book was very worn out, the pages were dog-eared, and the paper was yellowing up due to natural causes, various colored post-it notes were stuck in between the pages, but it was still readable.

"What did you do to that book!?" Louis exclaimed. "We just got that two years ago."

"I raped it." I answered with a grin.

"Raped it before murdering it!" Lou exaggerated.

"At least it helped me get a close-to-perfect score in my English exam." I countered.

"Close-to-perfect?" Cam piped up.

"There was an essay part on what you learned," I said with a scowl. "I'm sure that I only got a 7 out of 10 on that one."

"Speaking of exams, I.. err.. I need to talk to you, babe. Just.. you." I mumbled and handed Lux over to Cam before holding Zayn's hand and looking up into his eyes. I closed my own and took a deep breath to steady myself. The door closed and I felt my chest tighten in nervousness. It was hard enough just thinking about it, now, I have to say it, too.

"What is it, love?" Zayn asked softly as he reached his hand up to cup my cheek; but, he accidentally brushed my right breast which made me wince in pain. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just my boobs are getting tender, and it hurts when you touch it." I mumbled and tried to smile despite the pain that was decreasing by the second.

"Sorry." Zayn mumbled and I shook my head as he cupped my cheek.

"No, it's okay." I answered with a small smile. "Zayn, I don't know whether to continue school or not."

Zayn sat there; frozen. His eyes bore into mine and I looked away in shame. I was ashamed that I was even considering leaving for college when the baby was born. His hand dropped from my cheek and I bit my bottom lip.

"You're selfish." He said seriously as his eyes narrowed at me. His words cut like knives and it was more than enough to bring tears to my eyes. Anger bubbled up in me and I desperately tried to keep a cool head, but miserably failed. I sprung up off the couch and glared at Zayn with so much hatred and anger in my eyes.

"Selfish!? I'm selfish!?" I exclaimed with a bitter laugh. "I'm practically failing school because of... this!"

As soon as the words left my mouth, my hands flew up to cover it from saying anything else that I didn't mean.

No. No. No. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say it.

"Hey! Hey!" Louis barged in the room and analysed the situation before trying to stop it; to no avail, really. Since I looked at Zayn with a guilty look in my eyes before running up to the third floor and locking myself in the lounge that was there.

I sat down on the floor and rested my back against the door as I placed my hands on my stomach before sobbing uncontrollably.

"YOU SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO HER FIRST, YOU DOLT!" Cam screamed at Zayn. I closed my eyes and buried my face in my knees and desperately tried to drown everything out.

Then, that's when the nausea decided to fuck my life even more. I squeezed my eyes shut even more and prayed to every deity that existed that I would be knocked unconscious; but, it didn't happen.

Nothing ever happened according to plan.
♠ ♠ ♠
What did you guys think? Too dramatic? Unbelievable? Do you want to kill me in the most painful way possible? lol..

I wrote a special letter for Joe Jonas today... ;D Here it is:
Dear Joe Jonas,
Welcome to the Philippines.
I hope you don't get heatstroke.
Lovingly yours,
I used to be you number one fan, but then One Direction came along.. so, yeah.. I'm only number 2 now. XX

My special people of the day:

Dance.Dance.Dance: lol.. thanks, beb! I'm already planning the epilogue out.. I hope you guys will like it. ;D

xodangersbellaxo: IKR!? All her pictures make me feel all gushy inside.. :3

dj tommo: Baby Lux is the luckiest baby in the whole universe.. That awkward moment when you're jealous of a baby. lol..
I agree, Call Me Maybe is too overplayed.. It's becoming very irritating now; since every bus I ride is playing the blasted song!
Amen to that! My life will have no direction after this.. But-- *suddenly gets shot*

onedirection1998: Glad you liked it, love! Lil is the only person weird enough to store apples in her fridge... and me. lol.. But, that's what the 'crisper' is for. It keeps my apples cold and crispy for a whole week.. :D I'm a really weird potato.. XD

thelovelyreader: That's okay, love! awww, thank you so much! I won't ever stop writing this if I had the time to dote on it. If I had the chance to do so, I'd write it forever.. ;D lol.. Zayn can't drive in real life.. he's useless. loljk.. awww! thank you for thinking that this is a good story! ♥ The end is near. And, HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT I WAS GOING TO WRITE ANOTHER STORY!? O.O Really, I'm planning on writing a new one after this. XD

grl_lk_moi_320: Want to trade places? I'm sick and tired of my younger brother.. >.< He doesn't listen to me and he's an annoying prick! He seldom follows my orders, and he always claims my iPhone as his.. Trade with meeee! :D

OKAY! So, I said earlier that I'm going to be writing a new story after this.. but, I don't know which plot appeals to you guys more..

Plot A: Arabella is the daughter of Britain's Princess Royale, and she's 18, a wild party person like her cousin--Prince Harry, she likes to go clubbing and other things that wild, out-of-control, and rich royals do, until she meets Liam Payne. Can Liam make her change her ways? Or will she let her vices break her and Liam apart?


Plot B: Layla is in college, she's a small-town girl who has a mysterious aura about her. Little does everyone know, she ran away from her home to escape all the pressures of being an only child and the sole heiress of her parents' money. One day, she stumbles upon the vain Zayn Malik, and the two get off on the wrong foot. After a few weeks of bickering insulting each other, Layla finally realizes her feelings for Zayn, and Zayn tells her that he has the same feelings. What will happen between them with Layla's secret still undisclosed to Zayn, and what with the press hounding them wherever they go?

WHAT SHOULD I WRITE BETWEEN THE TWO!? Kindly answer me, pleeeeeease!