Status: In progress

I Fear Your Name Will Haunt Me Forever

PART Eighteen

When she saw the person who was standing behind her she just wanted to smile and sigh in happiness.

"Sev." Ellie stated simply a large grin on her face. "May I ask what you are doing wandering the halls at this time?" Ellie had a cheeky grin on her face.

"I am looking for students who are wandering about without permission." He said starting to escort her automatically to her room.

"Oh, I can give you permission to wander the halls looking for students if you want." Ellie informed him automatically following his lead. He smiled at her indulgently for a second but then regained his persona.

"Very funny Eleanor. Why were you wandering the halls under the cover of darkness?" he asked her his eyebrow raising sardonically.

"Oh..." here she paused making him sigh impatiently. "I was coming back from Gryffindor common room, they were having a party and I was invited." She said this trying to placate him though it clearly didn't work. If anything Sev looked more annoyed not than he did when she had started talking. By now the pair were standing at the portrait that led to Ellie's room. He looked her in the eyes and she saw something in his eyes akin to disappointment.

"Goodnight" he stated to her coldly. Most people would have thought he was being his usual self, Ellie however knew that she had done something wrong, and through a rapid process of elimination she quickly figured out what.

"I am sorry, I was just spending time with my friends, I know you are upset that Gryffindor won but I can't do anything to help that." Ellie tried explaining to him. He just nodded her head and stalked off in the direction of his rooms. She sighed. She knew that he was missing her more now than he normally did as she was around but never available. She hastily made her way into her room and set her alarm for ten. She could do with slightly more sleep but that would have to do. After all she could always get up late on Monday.

When the alarm blared loudly in her ear, all Ellie could think about was rolling over and going back to sleep. But she knew she had some making up to do with Sev. Instead of doing as her body wished she rolled out of bed and stood on the cold stone floor wishing she had thought to put a rug down on it. She pulled on some fluffy thick and warm socks then found something comfortable to wear that she wasn't bothered about if it was ruined and slowly made her way down to the dungeons.

"What do you think you are doing down here" a sneering voice stated from behind her. When she turned she saw the visage of the young man who she had discovered was called Flint.

"Well I am on my way to the potions room, why do you think I am here?" she asked him watching the confusion flash through his eyes.

"You do not belong here you insolent little-" Flint paused in his sentence and Ellie looked confused for a moment before she felt the reassuring presence of her godfather standing behind her.

"I beg of you to finish that drivel that you consider a sentence Mr Flint." Flint watched in horror as an eerily similar look crossed both parties that he was facing off. He respectfully bowed his head in Snape's direction before wondering off up the corridor. Sev went into his office expecting Ellie to follow him. "What are you doing down here, do you not have friends to spend time with? A little homework perhaps?" he said to her a surly tone entering his soft voice.

"Nope, I am going to stick to you like glue today" Ellie informed him a grin on her face. Though there was no movement in his face his obsidian eyes which resembled long dark tunnels lit up slightly. "So what are you doing?" Ellie asked a clearly shocked Sev. He looked back at her for a few moments before shaking himself out of his shock and answered her question.

"Well I was going to do some marking but as you are here I have been requested to make some pepper up potion. If you would like to join me in the lab?" Ellie nodded her head and the pair made their way into the lab.

Ellie didn't brew anything she just sat and watched him, his skilful fingers moving without thought but with precision. Ellie watched him happily, working in silence. She would occasionally pass him the next ingredient without thought. Sev worked in silence and when he was completed both members of the pair automatically started to clear up what little mess they had made.

The pair were perfectly happy to not speak at all, they loved being silent in each other's company, they spent enough time together that they didn't need words to communicate. The pair then made their way back into the office and while Sev was marking Ellie decided to make a start on Lockhart's homework, not really caring how well she did simply because it was Lockhart and he shouldn't be allowed to teach.

After a few hours Ellie cleared her throat and Sev looked up expectantly. She shook her head and went back to completing the homework that a second year could complete with competency. When this happend again a few minutes later Sev decided he had had enough.

"Ellie will you please just tell me what is going on." He sighed exasperated. Looking up from his work for the first time, she met his eyes and he couldn't help but see the indecision in her eyes.

"Never mind." Ellie said but the glare that Sev gave her soon changed her mind. "Dimitri is getting married." She told him, there was a look of pity in his eyes but she didn't say anything about it. "He invited me, and I don't know what to do." Sev didn't say anything for a moment trying to balance his reply.

"Ellie, it is up to you though I am sure that you would kick yourself in years to come if you do not go." Sev explained knowing how he felt when Lilly had got married, though the situations were different Ellie had always known that this was a possibility.

"I will think about what you have said Sev, thanks"

After spending the day cooped up in Sev's office, he seemed a lot happier and Ellie was a lot more relaxed, she hadn't known just how stressed she was until she spent sometime in the calming presence of Sev. She made her way up to the entrance hall, along the way a few Slytherins gave her curious glances but none of them said anything.

"There you are! We have been looking for you all over!" Deniz said to Ellie a smile on her face. "You know how it is my birthday next week right?" Ellie was asked, clearly Deniz didn't need an answer, she ploughed on with her speech regardless. "We are going to have a party in the common room if you want to come?" she stated a smile on her face. Deniz's excitement for her coming of age was clearly written on her face. Ellie nodded her head trying to think of something she could buy Deniz that she would like. Oliver came over and joined them when he saw them walking into the Great hall.

"Haven't seen you all day!" he stated, a curious glint in his eye. Ellie answered simply.

"I've been around."
♠ ♠ ♠
Dedicated to my TwO reviewer's *claps hands excitedly* woo!!! would love to hear form you both!!

I know its been a while Summer gets in the way of these things.

Written especailly for JustThinking as she wanted a chapter with Sev in it :)