Status: In progress

I Fear Your Name Will Haunt Me Forever

PART 6A - Secrets letters and an broken heart

A few weeks passed and Ellie had gotten very close with Oliver, Fred George and Marie. They all knew that Ellie hadn't told them everything but they didn't ask what was going on and she didn't offer to tell them. Ellie had a feeling that Fred and George also knew that something was up but Marie and Oliver had probably told them to be patient and wait until Ellie was ready to tell them. Ellie was starting to worry that their collective patience was about to run out and she really didn't want to lose her new friends, but she finally felt ready to tell them, she knew they were her friends not because of her grandfather but because she was a good person.

"Marie can you tell everyone to meet me at the library at 7ish?" Ellie asked Marie, Marie frowned in thought trying to remember if there was a Quidditch practice that evening. After a few moments she nodded her head in agreement not asking what it was going to be about, she didn't have to.

A few hours later the five of them were on their way to Ellie's room, within the bowels of Hogwarts. When they arrived at Ellie's room she told them to take a seat, Marie sat on her bed and the boys got comfortable on the floor leaning against the frame of the bed. She asked them whether they wanted anything to eat or drink, trying to delay what she was about to start.

"Fred!" George exclaimed after a few moments of awkward silence, "This room isn't on the map" Ellie frowned for a moment wondering which map they were talking about then remembered that she had heard from her Grandfather about the map, that James Potter and his friends had made which had somehow made its way from Flich's bottom drawer into somebody's hands. Ellie thought that she had just discovered exactly whose hands the map had fallen into.

"If you are talking about the map I think you are then this room isn't on the map as it was created after the map had been finished. Dumbledore made this room for a four year old girl on Christmas Day. Her parents had just been found murdered." Ellie informed the group in an emotionless voice. She would never come to terms with what she had seen that day. Her eyes were welling up at the story. "I remember it like it was yesterday. It was the day after my birthday I was spending the day with Sev, he is like a brother to me, he also happens to be my Godfather. Christmas was one of the only days of the year I spent with him. Christmas is a time for family and Sev has none left, well me excluded, we always spent Christmas together as my birthday is Christmas Eve all the family spent that day together so it would be a little repetitive. That year Sev took me up to the Loch Ness and told me of the legendary monster there, we also had a snow ball fight and built a snow-wizard. After that we dropped in on my Grandfather who was in Hogwarts, I also saw Fawkes for the first time when he wasn't near a burning day. He was so beautiful, he is all red and gold with some orange, he actually reminded me slightly of the fire he was born from. Sev then gave me a present that I wasn't allowed to open until I got home and then a few hours later I stood with my arms wrapped around his legs trying to stop him from leaving. He promised he would write to me as I wouldn't see him again for a whole year. He mentioned my present and I instantly let go of him and ran into the house, sat on the bottom step of the stairs without looking back and looked at my present trying to guess what it was. It was a charm bracelet." Ellie still had the charm bracelet in one of her drawers, she only wore it on special occasions as she didn't want it to break. "Nobody had come and greeted me, but I thought they were playing hide-and-seek, and just forgot to tell me. So naturally I started looking for them. I looked all over the house, in every room the last room I looked in was the living room. I opened the door and with all the exuberance of a four year old I shouted 'I've found you!' it was then that I saw them. My parents, lying on the floor, their blood was everywhere I looked. They were lying next to each other holding hands. I remember screaming out in terror hoping that what I was seeing was a dream and my parents would wake me up. It wasn't, the next thing I realised was the living room door was opening and I hid under the table hoping it wasn't whatever monster that had done this to my parents." by this point Ellie had tears running down her face and was lost in her memory, she didn't see the amused looks that the Twins exchanged at her hiding place. "Sev walked into the room and instantly looked around worriedly, he shouted for me and I ran to him knowing it was now safe. I hugged his leg thankful that he had come back, and he carried me into the kitchen." Ellie once again back in the present and saw the sympathetic looks on her friends faces. "I ended up living here as Albus Dumbledore became my guardian, which is why I have a room here." When Ellie finished her story she looked at the collection of people before her they all looked like they were bursting with questions. Ellie just nodded her head knowing them well enough to realise they would take that as permission to start questioning.

"Why did Snape come back?" Marie inquired, when Ellie chuckled slightly at the question the others gave her funny looks.

"He had forgotten to give me the charm for my bracelet." Ellie stated. "I am very glad that for once he had forgotten something" it is very unlike Sev's character to forget anything but Ellie was glad he had otherwise nobody would have helped Ellie.

"Why did Dumbledore take you in?" Oliver asked clearly confused, Ellie had hoped this question wouldn't be asked but there was no way she was going to lie about it.

"He is my grandfather" after she said this those present in the room were asking questions left and right. Ellie knew that the questions would go on for a while, she just didn't know how long.

Three hours later all of their questions had been answered and Ellie was walking her companions back to the Gryffindor common room. Once the group were outside the portrait of the Fat Lady Marie gave Ellie a tight hug.

"Good night Ellie, sleep well." She told her, Ellie just nodded her head but knew that it was pointless she wouldn't sleep tonight. Both Fred and George wrapped their arms around her at once.

"See you tomorrow beautiful." They told her in perfect unison. It was then Oliver's turn, he held Ellie in his arms and whispered in her ear.

"Good night love" when he pulled away there was a small smile gracing his handsome face. As the four people entered the common room Oliver turned to look once more at Ellie his eyes met hers and she felt a small stirring in her stomach, but what it was she couldn't identify as it was only present for a split second. Ellie walked back to her room slowly, the only professor who caught her out after hours that would give her a detention was Lockheart, and he would be too busy curling his hair to patrol. Ellie was pondering the feeling in her stomach she got earlier when Oliver looked at her, she didn't know what it was but wanted to work it out anyway. When she eventually arrived back to her room there were a grand total of five owls waiting for her. They were all sitting patiently on her desk. Ellie rolled her eyes to the room and wanted to pout. All her friends seemed to write to her on the same day and it drove her insane, she would then have to write back to them praying that it wouldn't happen again, but it always did. She sighed slightly annoyed when another owl, this one unfamiliar landed next to the others. Ellie took letters off five owls and a package off the last. The familiar owls all flew off going to the Owlery probably to rest after their long journeys, they also knew from experience that Ellie wouldn't be ready to send replies to her correspondence until tomorrow at the earliest. The owl she hadn't seen before stayed so Ellie decided to answer that one first. She opened the hastily folded parchment and started to read.

Dear Ellie,

I hope you are ok, I am tryely sorry about what happened, nobody should ever have to see their parents like that, especially a four year old. If you ever want to talk I am here for you.

Always Oliver

After Ellie read this a smile came over her face, she felt that fluttery feeling in her stomach once more and realised it was butterflies. This realisation worried her but she could handle it, she wasn't in love with him, she just thought he was good looking and clearly very sweet. Ellie found a small piece of parchment and hastily drafted a reply for him, it read:

To Oli,

Thank you for the sympathy, I have come to terms with what I saw that day. Well mostly if I ever recall it I do not sleep well that night, but I suppose that will always occur. I will keep your offer in mind. Are you ok? What are you and the guys up to?

Ellie x

She sent to letter with the unfamiliar owl and opened up the package guessing who it was from, she wasn't disappointed. Inside the box were seven perfectly rolled lengths of parchment and a recent photograph of Ellie's favourite Quidditch team. Ellie ordered the letters in way that would allow the swiftest answer for each person and then started to read.


How are you? I hope you are enjoying yourself somewhere hot and sunny, I know you dislike the cold. I have some good news, my Mum is pregnant!

When Ellie read this a large grin occupied her face. Rebecca had wanted to be an older sibling for years now but she had never been given a chance, no wonder she seemed so excited.

I get to be a big sister! My parents asked whether you know any interesting names, they want something that will be individual and considering the amount of countries you've been to I am sure you will know a parents say hi, and want to see you again soon, it has been nearly a year.

Anyway I will let you go I am sure you are complaining that we all wrote to you in one night, it is just a coincidence, I mean we couldn't actually write to you on the same day the letters just arrive on the same day!

Love you lots like jelly tots.


Ellie smiled she loved hearing from her friends they were all so different to each other but had the same loyalty and bonds of friendship with her. Any observer would be able to tell that Ellie did this often, she would read all the letters before composing reply's and incorporating the ideas from each of the different letter she wrote back, not only was it effective it helped her to reply rapidly.


How are you? I am glad you visited us during the summer holidays though now we all have the unfortunate problem of Ellie withdrawal symptoms. We are all bored and when you are here we always have something to do. My brother's miss playing Quidditch with you, well loosing badly. All three of us got onto our school Quidditch team. Mother and father send their love and hope you do well in school, even if you were forced to attend.

I should probably get going I am meant to be doing my potions homework, Opps!

From Fernando.

Ellie placed the parchment to the side and immediately picked up another one.

Bonjour Ellie,

With just this line Ellie could already hear her friend's strong frech accent, and the rest of the letter was read with this in mind.

Çava? My little sister is missing you lots, especially the muggle films that you brought with you last time you visited. I am enjoying being back at school but miss you lots, especially as you like me for me and not just my name or looks. We have been practising walking lots, which hurts your feet after a while, but other than that there is not much happening here. How are you doing on the boy front? Are there any handsome ones where you are or am I going to be all lonely once again?

Write soon,

Love Fleur

When Ellie looked up from this letter she was greeted once again by Oliver's owl. The owl looked slightly impatient, most likely he or she wanted to go hunting instead of ferrying notes back and forth whenever his owner desired.


I am fine, thank you for asking. I am insanely tired, but cannot sleep. Everyone else has gone to bed and I have just started my Potions homework, speaking to you reminded me that it is due in next week. Why will you not sleep tonight? What will you be up to?

Ellie smiled remembering that the Potions project was going to take a while, she would probably end up asking Sev if Oli could have slightly more time to complete it. She also liked the fact that he had seemed to have taken to his new name, she didn't like calling him Oliver it sounded too old fashioned, like he was an old man who was stuck in his ways. Plus it always made her want to sing to song 'Oliver' from Oliver Twist which if she was honest with herself was a rather annoying song.


Why do I get the feeling that only I will be allowed to call you that? I think you rather suit fact that you are tired and not sleepy made me laugh slightly, I get that sometimes and I know just how annoying it can be. I never sleep well after telling my story, it makes nightmares haunt my dreams. Tonight I will spend my time answering the thirteen letters I just received not including those from you!

Ellie xx

Once she had folded upnote as precisely as possible she started on the pile of parchment once again. She breathed in for a long moment and then exhaled quickly. She had a bad feeling, she just didn't know what was causing it. She was going to be answered soon enough.