An Answer in the Dark

Transmission 1


5 minutes after the killjoys died...
The van got on to the freeway, the Girl caught her breath back. She had just seen the men who had save her life, had thought her how to shoot a gun and help her find her Mom die in front of her eyes. She stood up and walk over to Dr. D looked at him blankly and
She said "What should we do?" No one said anything for 30 seconds until a voice came out of the corner.
"Haven't you done enough?"
The girl turned around to see who had just spoken.
It was a women who look about 30 years old. She was wearing a dark green jacket, purple and pink legging and mutibly colour boots . She had black hair with dark blue high-lights. Her eyes were green and where full of tears. In her arms was a baby girl. She was about six months old and was sleeping quietly. She knew who they were almost instandly. It was Lyn-Z and Bandit. Party’s wife and baby girl; he had talked about them all the time. He had been telling the story of how he and Lyn-Z met... the Exterimator had...come for her.
Lyn-Z said "This is all your fault"
Her voice was raised
"Now..."Dr.D started to say but Lyn-Z shouted over him
"Today is the day he promise me that it was over, that he would stop running."
She stoped for air and continued "He called me he said that he had to help free somene and to get a lift ready."
By now Bandit was awake and was crying, Lyn-z was too.
"As we pulling up I saw...I saw... I saw him get shot and you just sitting there.DOING NOTHING!"

She was just standing up as the first shot hit the side of the Van.The van shook as another missle hit. Dr.D cursed under his breath. The van started to slow down. "No,No,NO" he screamed as it can to a comple stop. Bandit was roaring her head off. Lyn-Z put her in a make-shift cot and got a gun from a near back rack, she pased a gun to Dr.D and The Girl. She said "Its been a honer" and ran outside.
The other followed a few seconds later.
Out side of the van they were met by ten Drac's more where joining them. About 45 seconds they were all dead and Lyn-Z was laughing.
"That was it ,that was... O my god!"
She was pointing behind them at a car that was coming the other way. On the side was ‘S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W UNIT’ and driving was The Exterminator.
"O No... BANDIT!!" yelled Lyn-Z as she ran back into the van.

The Girl didn’t know how they found her and then she reamber something. When she had been kid-napped they had injected her with a soultion which had put her to sleep. She looked at her arm and saw, there was a small red light blinking under her skin on her right arm. It was a loctaining device.
"Shit" she said and showed Dr.D, who looked horrfied.
The S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W UNIT had just arrive and The Exterminator had got out. He was smiling to himself. "
This has been the best day ever!" he giggled to himself.
"I've killed Party Posion, his brother, the other two, I got his car and now his wife and child and by the way where are Lyn-Z and Bandit?"
There was a scream from the van. They looked at the van as Lyn-Z was pulled out with Bandit in her arms. Bandit was crying. The Exterminator walk over and took Bandit out of her arms. Lyn-Z spit on his face.
"Leave her alone you sick asshole" Lyn-Z yelled.
"How about.... NO."The Exterminator replied. "Drac's take away the prisoner and Lyn-Z."
She looked up.
"I told GERARD something important."
Lyn-z gasp and said "How did you know that name?" her voice full of venom
"Do you really need to ask?" both Lyn-Z and Dr.D lokked at The Girl.
"You told Him His NAME’"
The girl now in tears "They... They... They said they had my mom. I HAD TO!"She said and with that she lost control of her tear's she was now sobbing. She whispered
"It's all my fault" to herself over and over again
The Scarecrow continued on as if her sob's were nothing.
"Anyway I told himsomething before I put a laser in his head. I told him that when I caught up with you, i wouldn’t kill you. O no, I would put his wife in a little, dark hole and his baby girl." His eyes were sparkling like two diamonds.
"I told him as the life left his body, that i would raises his duaghter as my own."
"You mean" Lyn-Z gasp
"YES" he shouted happily
"I would raise his ownly child, the last Killjoy as my own and maybe she can become a Exterminator as well."
"O you should have seen his face and O yes Drac's" All of the Drac's raised there heads.
"Make sure that the Killjoys don’t have any guns on them. It would be really bad for all of you."

Then the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W put something over ther heads and all they could hear was the shuffling of them being dragged into the van. They drove them some were, maybe to Battery City. Before they knew it they had once more been injected with this serum and they were fast asleep. That was the last that was heard or known about Dr.D and Lyn-z and the young girl.
♠ ♠ ♠

Ok this is my third story I am hoping to be able to finish this one. But for that I need feed back from all of you. Let me know what you think so far It's only the beginning.