An Answer in the Dark

Transmission 3


"There was water all around, it was clear blue like the kind you only see in books. The book's that you have to hide from the BLI. At the top of the water it look's like some thing is floating, I am reaching for it. It's a red ribbon, before I know it the ribbon has wrapped around my hand's and I can't move, I can't breathe. I try to gasp for air but I'm under the water and cant reach anything. I am tangled I fight to get loose from the ribbon, I can't breathe...."

Bandit woke up startled and looked at her watch. It was 1:35pm. She had sleep for nearly 3 hours! And the car was still going "home". She look around for something to do and she found a stereo. She clicked the on buttom and a song started to play. Bandit couldn’t heard anything so she turned up the volume. She heard one line
"Remember...Remember Me...Remember Me!" The song suddenly got louder, it was un-like anything she had heard in Battery City. All of the other music played there was simple composition's and gentle singing. Everything to loud was banned. The person singing started again and Bandit thought it was a man. He sang "
Remember me... Remember me... Remember me... Remember me,Where.. Where will you stand. When all the lights go out across this city streets. Where.. Where your you when, all of the embers fell. I still remember them."
Two more voices started to sing and a guiter started to play, the song continued

"Cover in ashes.. Cover in glass.. Cover in all friend i still." It when back to the first man "Think of the bombs they built" Again the other man joined in and also a drum "If there’s a place that i could be then I’d be another memory.Can I be the only hope for you? Becuase your the only hope for me. And if we can’t findwhere we belong, we’ll haveto make on our own, Face all the pain and take it on. Because the only the only hope for me is you Alone."

Bandit sat back and listern to all the song.By the time it was done the car had stoped. Bandit undid the belt and step out of the car. As she looked out the window she could see nothing more than desert. Desert and the car had stopped infront of an old Gas station. She jogged over to the door and tried to open the door. It was locked an Bandit cursed under her breath. She ran back to the car and started to search it the car. After the 2 minute of search, she pulled to open the passager’s glovebox. It slided open and she saw two things. First was a Key with a plastic nametag which said ‘GASSTATION’. The other was a gun.

Bandit stared at the gun. It was the same make as The Exterminator and the other soilders had , but this one was hot pink and had a skull and crossbones on the butt. There was a holster and an another note with it as well.
"what is will this person and notes"
Bandit thought as she opened it. It read
"To Bandit Be careful out there Love DAD."
Banit was confused she read it over and over again. Her dad had written this for her. Why had he giving it to her? There were many thing's Bandit was beginning to question now. It din't seem right that her father would shoot at her. Let alone that he would have this gun waiting for her in this old Trans am. She was determined to put all of these question's to rest. Bandit adjusted the holster around her wasit and put the gun in its place. She walked over to the door and tried the key. The door opened with a high-pitch squeak and she walked in. She felt the wall for a light and when she found it, flipped the switch to turn the lights on. The room she was in was near empty except for a desk, a record-player, a bunch of records, a microphone, two huge speakers and a large, black box. Bandit walk over to the box and tried to open it.
It didn’t move at all and after a few minutes Bandit was pissed off. She got up and looked around the room for a key. She couldn't find any key in this stupid Gasstation. She kicked the box. It started to shake,
"REALLY!?" Bandit shouted "I HAD TO KICK IT!"
She was about to walk out when the box started to open.
Bandit walk over as the box opened complely. She stop in her tracks as a shine, white ball started to hover.
"What the fu..." Her word's were interrupted by the shine coming from this box. Bandit was thinking of leaving as it exploded. She was throw towards the wall. She hit it hard and she could feel her breath escape her body. She clutched at her rib cage and curled up in a ball on the floor. The blast from the explosion knocked her out cold.
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It's a short chapter but please do tell me what you think.