An Answer in the Dark

Transmission 4

Bandit woke with a gasp and sat up. She was in a desert, she stood up and sat back down. Her head was sore from the explosion. She keep sitting down until she got her strength back. She tried to stand again and was succesful this time. She turn around and saw The Exterminator, She wanted to ask him some questions. As she ran over she saw that he was with two soilders. One was holding what look like... a girl. The other was holding a colorful box. When she got closer she saw that The Exterminator was holding a gun. What was with him and guns today.

Bandit finally got to him as she started to say
"Keep runi..." but before he was able to finish he was interupted by Bandit
"Excuse me, Where are we?"
The Exterminator turn around to look at Bandit and pointed the gun at her.
"Hey!" Bandit shouted “Stop pointing a gun at me!"
"Shut up" The Exterminator said ignoring her
"Excused me!" Bandit gasped. He had never told her to shut up before.
'What wrong with him?’ she thought
"I told you to shut up," The Exterminator yelled, hitting her in the face with the butt of the gun.
Bandit fell down into the sand, a cut on her face. It started to bleed as The Exterminator pulled her up. He put his left hand around her neck and started choking her. He ask her who she was
"It’s me... Bandit" she replained. She was trying to loosing the gip on her neck.
"Please..let me... go" Bandit bedded. The Exterminator sigh and drop her. She started to cough. She heard a click and looked up.
The Exterminator was pointing a gun at her face. He whisper
"Any last words, you brat?" Bandit replied
"No, you can’t." Bandit felt tears in her eyes. She shouted
"Its me...Bandit, your daughter." The tears started to flow freely. "I’m your...". No one heard the last part of her sentance over the gun shot.

Bandit look up at The Exterminator , as his smile started to fade. Then he collaspe as blood rushed out of a bullet hole in his side. Bandit screamed and placed her hands on the hole and applied pressure. She look up and saw a man. He had red-hair and was wearing a dark-blue jacket and demi jeans. He was pointing a yellow gun at where The Exterminator had been standing. He was smiling at her; Bandit was angry. She stood up and marched over to the red-hair man. He was about to talk but Bandit shouted at him first
"What the hell is wrong with you?" The red hair man looked shocked and his eyes turned dark, but she just kept yelling.
"He wasn’t going to killl me you idiot."
The red-hair man had got over his shock and spoke for the first time "
I just saved your life and this is the thanks I get."
Bandit was not in the best mood and she didn’t want to be yelled at. She slaped the man in the face. It left a bloodly hand-print on his face. She yell
"Don’t yell at me, you asshole."

He was about to speak once more but Bandit changed her focus on the two remaining Drack's she turned around to look at them. They were pointing their guys at her and the man. They were about to shoot. Bandit reached for her gun in her holster but it wasn’t there. She quickly ran over to where her now dead 'father's' gun lied. There beside The Exterminator bleeding body was the pink weapon. She grabed and fired two shots in a row. She didn’t miss. One hit the Drack in the heart killing him almost instantly. The other was hit in the face and he screamed before collasing.

Bandit looked back at the man who had just turned to see the body. He walk over to her and knocked the gun out of her hand. He asked her
"Where the hell did you learned to shoot like that."
She pointed to The Exterminator and said "He thought me." The man’s eyesbrows shot up in disbelief the only word's that escaped his mouth were a whisper
"what!!!" Bandit didn’t know why he was acting this way, he dint' know a thing about her. She should be upset at him for killing her dad.

The man sigh and whisper "I’m so sorry" then he shouted behind Bandit to someone
"Guys, take her out." A hand when over her mouth and nose. She tried to scream but no sound came out. She tried to fight her capture but his grip was to tight A darkest came over her and she fell into it, it was all around her but she keep falling. Falling and falling.