Status: Active

The Red SOLO Cup Chronicles



"I'm parting ways with you now, but when I get wasted, Imma need someone to get me back to the car. Chayce, thank you for being the designated driver!" Maxine went off to the bar, swaying to the loud techno music playing in the club.
"Well, she chucked the dueces at us mighty fast", I said, laughing and following Teague and Chayce to one of the table scattered around the room, away from the dancefloor. Teague sat next to me, no surprise. He thought he was discreet about his "crush" on me, but he really wasn't. it was kind of annoying, actually. But not because I didn't like him that way; He wouldn't make a move. He were stuck in the friend zone and I, being the traditionalist I am, was not about to make the first move.
"We'll if I'm stuck here, I might as well get a drink." Chayce got up and headed to the bar. Unfortunately, I wasn't old enough to drink at 20. I followed the law and stuck to the virgin stuff, but on my 21st birthday, there was no way I wasn't getting wasted.
"So, Anna-Leigh, how's life been treatin' you lately. I haven't talked to you in a while." Teague smiled at me, flipping his fiery hair.
"Okay. My classes are getting ridiculously hard, though. Other than that, I've been good."
"That's nice to hear." Finally, the DJ decided techno wasn't getting everyone in the dancing spirit and played Burn It to the Ground by Nickleback.
"I love this song! Come dance with me!" Teague pulled me up and practically dragged me to the dance floor.
We were all either drunk or just running on party fumes but 3 o'clock. Chayce decided it as time for us to go, rounding us all up. Maxine and I were walking hand in hand in front of the boys, heading back towards to Teague's car.
"Man, I'm surprised I didn't get totally shit-faced, this time", Maxine said, giggling. She wasn't totally drunk, but she was hella-tipsy. I rolled my eyes.
"I'm surprised, too, Max."
"You should be! That girl has a drinking problem", Chayce called from behind us.
We all laughed, even Maxine, who was too tipsy to be upset. I was all smiles because I'd had a really good time. I found out that Teague is a really good dancer, Chayce isn't as antisocial as everyone makes him out to be and Max can hold her liquor really well. Normally when we went out, it wasn't all together. We had to do this more often. I told the three of them what I was thinking.
"That'd be awesome!" Teague smiled brightly at me and I couldn't help but smile back.
"That'd be alright..." I ignored Chayce and turned back to the front, almost screaming at what I saw leaning against Teague's green Mustang.
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Hope you like it, I know you've been waiting a long time! Sorry about that!