Status: In progress :)

Haunt Me


There was an invitation to Layla Emmerson's funeral laying on the cluttered counter top of Sebastian's apartment. When he spotted Peyton's return address he hand't hesitated in ripping open the envelope. The funeral was to be held the following evening. Panic started to set in. How had she gotten his address?

For a few hours, Sebastian sat in a fold up chair in his cramped living room. He wiped his hands on his pin-striped pants, thinking of his mother. He'd hoped to have his own mother's funeral before he got arrested. He'd only sent out invitations today. That's when he realized that the police weren't coming for him. He'd invited all the people that Sebrina used to work with, Peyton had no doubt done the same thing. He'd worked with her, closely with her at that, for five years. Of course he would be invited to her funeral.Could he safely go, though? Would she recognize him if he showed his face? His shoulders slumped. She probably wouldn't. It had been almost a year since she'd seen him last. He wasn't too memorable.

Slowly, Sebastian lifter himself from his chair and walked four feet to the bathroom, letting his bare feet drag along the ugly brown carpet, to get ready to run his errands.

Peyton was out of bed before Darien, so she made him breakfast- hoping little by little he would become less upset with her. He emerged from the bedroom, rubbing his eyes, wearing boxers, a white muscle shirt, and a bathrobe. His short brown hair was standing up unnaturally, and there were bags under his eyes. "Rough night?"

He nodded, a small smile twitching at the corners of his lips. "Looks like you had it worse."

It was true. Her unruly dish water hair had been left unbrushed. She was still in her pajamas as well, with bunny slippers on her feet. Her eyes probably had bags under them, too. Showing how little sleep she'd been able to get.

They ate breakfast in silence, only making eye contact a couple of awkward times. The door bell rang, making Peyton feel relieved. She was just standing up when Darien got to her feet.
"I got it." He was walking through the living room, to the door, before she had a chance to protest.

Darien opened the door to see Kenny with a bouquet of yellow roses. "Oh. Hey." He lowered his hands and a petal fell from on of them. "Is Peyton here?"

"Yeah, come on in."

Darien checked the porch for a letter, but there was nothing, before following him inside.

Peyton was washing dished at the kitchen sink when Kenny wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her on the back of the head. She elbowed him lightly in the gut and turned around, glaring, armed with a fork. "What do you want, Kenneth?"

"Brr. Is it cold in here, or is it just you?" He was trying to be funny, but she wasn't in the mood. She was expecting another letter and didn't want him to be here when it came.

She lay the fork down in the sink and folded her arms over her chest, taking a step away from him. "Well, can you blame me?"

"Not at all." He was all seriousness now, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. Darien stood awkwardly across the room and rolled his eyes. "But I'd like to make it up to you." Peyton's eyebrows shot up in question. "I'd like to take you out to dinner tomorrow. After Mom's funeral, of course." He held the flowers up, offering them to her. She accepted, but immediately set them down on the counter.

"I don't think I'm going to be up for a date after that, Kenny. I'm sorry." She really was sorry. They didn't fight often, but when they did, it was miserable. He was making an effort, and she felt bad for shooting him down. But really? The same day as her mother's funeral? It had been three days since her mother died. Had it really only been that long?

"What about the next day?"

"I have to meet with her lawyer."

He was getting aggitated, she knew because his eyebrows started twitching. Well, just let me know that you'll let me make it up to you sometime."

"You can." Peyton kissed him lightly on the lips. Not so much because she wanted to, but because she felt guilty. He embraced her, taking in her scent, and let go smiling.

"Alright, I've got to to go back to work." Kenny worked at a computer cooperation as a website designer. He'd likely skipped his lunch break to some talk to her. He kissed her quickly before rushing out the front door, again.

I wonder if SLK will be there tomorrow...

"What are you thinking about?" Darien was watching her, still, from across the room. His beady eyes squinted, trying to read her mind.

"Just... Thank you for not saying anything to him."

Peyton finished washing the dishes then went into her bedroom to get ready for the day. She would be going out with Angela for an early dinner, later. Right now, though, a long, relaxing shower was exactly what she needed.