Status: In progress

A New Mrs. Brian Haner?

After drama

The Michelle drama had made things a little weird for awhile. Johnny said something about growing up and everyone started telling Nikki about stories growing up. Whenever Michelle was mentioned, Syn squeezed Nikki's hand and the story went on. This went on for hours until Zacky said something about food. The guys argued on what to eat and who would cook. The girls simply just laughed and ordered pizza. After an hour, the door rang. "I will get it" Gena said, going to the front door. "And that is how we met" Lacey finished the story and kissed Johnny. It was super cute. "Aww you two are adorable!" said Nikki, sipping on her beer. They were all a little tipsy, but nothing like the night before. "Its the only time Short Shit is REMOTELY cute!" Johnny kicked Shadows in the shin who kicked him back in return. Syn rested his chin on Nikki's shoulder and she sat back, sighing.  It had become a great day she never wanted it to end. Gena returned with the pizza and everyone dug in. Alright Nikki, your turn. Tell us about your life"
"Vaaaaaaaal" whined Nikki. "Nope! Tell us! You know ALL about us." Nikki pouted. "Fine" Taking another sip, she started.

"Well I was born 25 years ago in Washington state, the bipolar state. It was just me and my mother, my dad was not in my life. I don't know if he is alive or just living a whole other life. Anyways, he was a drunk. And an abusive one. My mother almost lost me because he pushed her down a flight of stairs. But I'm tough so I survived. He left a week before I was born. My mom had a tough couple years. She had to work two jobs and I was always with a neighbor. When I was 5, a relative she didn't know about died and left her a LOT of money. So she moved me to another city, and bought a pretty huge house. Things were normal, mom dated a bit, unmade a lot of friends. High school was okay, I was not the smartest. I played a of of pranks, got in trouble some. Had a few boyfriends through high school. First tattoo at 16, lip ring at 17, belly button at 18, tongue and more ear holes at 19. Senior year I go my Harley, had a band at school, barely graduated. After graduation I met Keith. Moved out here to Cali and stared modeling for him when I was 20, so 5 years. Added more tats along the way. Pretty much it."

"Pretty interesting life, amazingly amazing girl" Syn said, kissing her cheek. Gena checked her phone. "Damn it's late! We should all go." Everyone got up, and exchanged goodbyes. Nikki was sad to see everyone go, but knew she would see them again sometime soon. Once everyone left, Val and Shadows cleaned up. "Do you need to head home, Nikki?" asked Syn. "Not tonight, I can wear this dress tomorrow. I can stay" she kissed him, and then her phone rang. She answered it and stared arguing with the person on the other line. After and slammed the phone down. "Fuck. I'm being evicted. I have a week" she say on the cough sighing. "I've got an idea. But it can wait till tomorrow" said Syn. "For now, let's go to the guest room and watch a movie till bedtime." Nikki nodded liking that idea and grabbing his hand, headed upstairs with Synster Gates.
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Sorry it took so long to update! Will do more in a day or two!

Commets please! :3