Status: In progress

A New Mrs. Brian Haner?

Meeting everyone

Avenged Sevenfold was standing in front of Nikki. She could not believe it. They were real. She could touch them. Nikki, height wise, was between Synyster and Zacky. Shadows looked a lot taller than she imagined, and Johnny a lot shorter. Val and Lacey were there are well, standing next to their men. Synyster of course, stood alone. "Hey everyone, this is Nikki! She is Keith Roberts muse!" Gena sounded like she had known Nikki forever. "Isn't she so pretty?!" Nikki blushed. "Thanks" she said shyly. Val and Lacey came and gave her a huge hugs. Nikki's phone rang, it was Keith. "Hey Keith. Yes I'm here. Yeah they are right here too. No everything is good. Call you back later. Okay, bye" she hung up, putting her iPhone in her jacket. She smiled. She could see Synyster looking at her. All the guys were but not like he was. "So..." Nikki said. Val and Lacey grabbed her hands. "Come with us! The guys need to practice a bit more. We can see them later" and with that, Nikki was pulled to a back room. So far today was looking good.
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