Status: In progress

A New Mrs. Brian Haner?

45 minutes later

Nikki had taken a lot longer than she expected in the shower. After getting out, she had stood in Val's closet, mouth gaping open. They were the same size expect Val was shorter. The jeans all looked weird on her and most of the shirts showed off major stomach. Nikki eventually picked a dress that showed lots of leg and showed off her shoulders. She hoped that Syn would like, and that the other guys wouldn't stare. She put on a little of Val's makeup, using the throw away brushes she found, before heading downstairs. She couldn't find anyone anywhere but heard voices coming from outside. They were all lounging around on the patio, and turned their heads toward her when she opened the double doors. The sun nearly blinded her so she could not tell who wolf whistled. Someone handed her sunglasses that were sitting on the table. "Get lost in my closet?" Val giggled. "Wowza! You look awesome!" exclaimed Arin, who wolf whistled. "Syn had got himself a sexy new girl!" Both Nikki and Syn blushed then he pulled her on his lap. "Everything fit fine but I'm so much taller than Val so a dress was the best choice" Nikki said. "Well it looks good on you" Syn said. Nikki blushed again and everyone awed. "Way to embarrass me, guys!" she said giggling. "I just feel kinda weird. Like I'm replacing Michelle..." she felt her stomach churn. She got up off Syn's lap and walked back into the house. She heard Syn say "excuse me" and follow her in.
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I'm liking how the story is going, how about you?

Comments/suggestions are welcome!!