Status: COMPLETE! <3

Comic Boys

The Final Issue: Saving The World

I sat in my bed, rubbing my eyes as I tried to read the note that had been pinned onto my board, since whenever Jekyll left he would always leave a little message. I squinted, before sighing and giving up, rolling over as I fumbled around my bedside table to grab my glasses. I slipped them on, blinking as my eyes quickly adjusted and sat up again, my eyes hitting the note moments before the door swung open, a strong form tackling my body off the bed, a frightened yelp released from my mouth. Jekyll laughed crazily, tickling my sides as he stared at the note he left, darting up to then scrunch it up in his hands to lob it in the bin. He let out a sound of relief, before turning to me, pulling me up.

"What the hell was that?! You attacked me out of nowhere! And now my tush-tush hurts. I bet it's bruised!" I pouted, shoving him playfully as he hugged me, his arms squeezing my tightly like his life depended on it. I awkwardly snaked my arms around his waist, turning my head so my cheek was on his torso, closing my eyes. "Why'd you get rid of the note?"

"Hm? O-Oh... um, well, it was just really... embarrassing?" he said, his voice quirking up in a question, causing me to raise a brow at my boyfriend, who stuck his tongue out at me. "Seriously. It was, um, I would have never lived it down. I have my manhood to protect, you know!"

"Pfft. Manhood. Riiiiiiiiiight," I said, slurring the last word as I teased him, making him feign hurt. "And that's why your manhood is the size of your cat's penis."

"Wow, feisty today, aren't you?" Jekyll laughed, but his eyes were not as light hearted as his voice, and he had this look on his face that told me he wasn't telling me the whole deal, and that he had something weighing down on his mind, pulling his body down like a ten-tonne weight. Jekyll bit his lip, his eyes flicking from one expression to another, as if he were having a mental battle inside his brain. He then seemed to give in-or give up- and pulled me into his arms again. He kissed the top of my head, before knocking his forehead into mine, eyelids sliding shut as his lashes scraped his cheekbones. "I'm so lucky to have you, but..."

"But?" I asked, worried. I smoothed his unruly hair from his face as his eyes grew stormy, his lips pressing against mine, warm and sweet like the sugar he drowned his morning tea with.

"But I don't think you're lucky to have me. You're not happy, London. You look so sad when you're with me, and I know why." I moved my mouth to interrupt, to deny his allegations but he just shushed me with his lips again, a longing smile etched on his soft mouth. "You don't have to lie to yourself, and you don't have to lie to me. You want Easton, don't you, London. Please admit it. I think it'll hurt me less that way."

"I d-don't... I swear I don't..." I mumbled, turning my face away from his, my cheeks in flames.

"That's just like you, grasshopper," Jekyll murmured, kissing the side of my mouth. "Always thinking of others before yourself. That's what I loved about you, but sometimes you have to put your feelings first. You're so strong, London, but sometimes being strong isn't the best way. I want to hear the truth with your voice."

"I..." I started, my throat constricting as my eyes teared up, making Jekyll wipe them off my pink cheeks with his rough thumb. "I... I still like Easton." My voice was a trembling whisper as Jekyll nodded, pulling my mouth to his one last time, before stepping back. He looked as if the weight on his shoulders had disappeared into thin air, throwing me my jacket as I tried to calm myself. I just broke up with Jekyll. I just broke up with him. Oh god. I really was a jerk. I want to crawl into a hole and die.

"No, you're not going to crawl into a hole and die, because you need to go and make another boy extremely happy right now, so put on your shoes and move your cute butt out of the door so we can save the world," Jekyll said, bending down so he could jam my feet into a pair of loose Vans, before taking my hand in his. He pulled me out of the house, grabbing one of my mum's chocolate muffins from the plate on the kitchen bench as he smiled at her, before gently nudging me into his car.

"Wh-where are we going?" I asked, buckling up as Jekyll slid in next to me. He just turned on his GPS and handed it to me, my eyes locking onto the destination that scrolled by on the top. The border? Why?"

"Because your Superman is about to fly out of Metropolis," Jekyll said, forcing the car into motion.

"Easton's leaving?!" I cried, my heart leaping out of my chest as I almost crushed the frail GPS with my hands, my cheeks flushing a deep burgundy again as Easton's face flashed in front of me. Jekyll nodded gravely as I swallowed. "Jekyll..."


"Drive faster," I said evenly, as he smirked.

"Sir, yes sir."


Thank God it was a weekend. Thank God the school term is over. Thank God so many people are going on holidays at this very point in time. Thank God the border is crammed. Thank God Easton is stuck in the traffic jam. But I do not thank God for the fact that I have to search for Easton in this sea of people who are angrily out of their cars screaming for the people in front of them to get a move on. It was a freaking zoo of angry mid-life-crisis stricken men and women, all donning Hawaiian shirts and leather sandals, as well as a few kids who were whining their heads off, teens who were texting haughtily in the back seats of their family cars, and elderly couples who were waiting patiently in their cars.

And I had to find Easton before he crossed the checkpoint.

"Jekyll, how will we ever find him?" I yelled, frantic. Jekyll ran his fingers through his hair in agitation, before something hit him.

"I can't leave the car or else that old man behind us will actually get his shotgun out and shoot my balls, but you can do it, London," Jekyll said, as I nodded jerkily. Jekyll pointed to one of the booths, where the worker was collecting fees for passage through to the next state, and then everything just pieced together. Microphone. Speakers. Me speaking into microphone, and Easton hearing me through the speakers.

"O-Okay, but what do I say?!" I cried, freaking out as Jekyll just shrugged, winking.

"You'll work it out, young grasshopper. Just say whatever's on your mind. He'll listen to you no matter what." Jekyll gave me a reassuring smile before I toppled out of his car, biting my nails as I waded my way through the cars, scanning for Easton as I made my way towards the speakers. I couldn't see him (I was a little let down, because, well, I was a wee bit embarrassed hijacking the speakers to scream my love for my best friend to all the world), and knocked on the window of the booth. A middle-aged woman peered at me in curiosity as I spluttered my idea and life story, her eyes widening before she basically swooned, pulling me into the booth.

"My gosh, that is he cutest thing I've ever heard in my forty-three years of life! Here, here, here! Just hold down that button and talk. Oh dear, my daughter will just die when I tell her this story! She's a romantic, you see, takes after me," the woman chortled, clapping my back. "Go on. I'm sure the boy will hear you."

"O-okay, thanks," I stammered, before clearing my clogged throat, sucking in a tight breath. I pressed down on the button and opened my mouth.

"E-Easton. If you can hear me, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for hurting you like I did, and you don't know how guilty I've felt since leaving you. I couldn't sleep at night because you were always there, heart broken in front of me and I hated seeing you like that. I know now that I chose the wrong person. I know that I made a mistake, I know I'm stupid, but I also know that I'm head-over-heels in love with you... I... I really love you. I need my Superman, Easton. That can only be you," I said, my voice cracking at the end, before I pushed out my last few words, praying that Easton hadn't already slipped through my fingers. "I love you so much, I lo-"

"I love you too," Easton's voice said from behind me, thick with emotion as his arms wrapped around my shoulders, crushing me to his chest. The tears erupted then as he turned me around, his eyes also shining with a sheen of salty tears. "God, I love you. I've loved you ever since you sold me those comics."

"I think I've l-loved you ever since you laughed at me as you gave me that m-massive tip," I said, hugging Easton tightly, taking in his smell, his warmth, his everything. He laughed, kissing my forehead as he shot me his radiant smile that threatened to break his face.

"What about Jeremy?" he asked, as I shook my head, grabbing onto the front of his shirt with my fingers.

"We broke up. He's no Superman," I said, Easton laughing, as he cupped my cheeks, leaning in slightly. His lips hovered in front of mine, his breath fanning across my face, as his eyes asked for kissing-permission. Of course I gave it to him. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

Our kiss was short but sweet, and had more passion than anything I've ever felt before. He pulled me to his chest again after we parted, as the back door to the booth opened again, the two of us turning around. It was Easton's parents.

They looked shocked, so shocked that their mouths were hanging open collecting dust. Easton possessively slid his arm around my waist, making me blush as his father shook his head.

"Who would have known," he muttered, turning around as Jaimie bustled through the door, cheering wildly as she snapped photos of us alongside the toll-woman. Easton's mother just smiled awkwardly, telling us to hurry up because they had to get a move on so they arrived 'home' early enough.

"You still have to leave?" I murmured, frowning as he nodded glumly, kissing my lips over and over again.

"I do... but I'll be thinking of you every day. I'll text you every day. I'll call you, I'll Skype you, and I'll visit you whenever I can. Once school finishes..."

"Yeah, I know," I said, smiling, crushing his lips to mine for one last, fleeting kiss. "Fly back over here soon, okay? Don't make me miss you too much."


My feet tapped impatiently as I stood on the steps of my university dorm, my luggage surrounding me like a wall. Jekyll just laughed at my impatience and excitement, since he was the one who drove me here. My parents tagged along, but they were too captivated by the white marble statues that spurted water into the fountain with Lanie. Who is Lanie, you might be asking. Well, she's Jekyll's fiance. Yes, I know, Jekyll is engaged. A year after we broke up Jekyll had returned to London to visit Kit and his parents, and that's where he met Lanie. Now they've moved back here and having the time of their lives. I was so glad they found each other- I already felt bad when I left Jekyll for Easton, but now that he's happier with her than with me I couldn't complain.

"Daniel is so rude, making his boyfriend wait for him before entering their dorm together," Jekyll joked as I pushed him, sticking my tongue out at my best friend who raised his hands in a white flag motion, before whistling. "Damn. You chose well, London. Very well indeed."

"Hrm?" I asked, as I turned around, my jaw dropping as I saw Easton pull up in our joint car park of the wealthy university. And he didn't pull up in an old rust bucket like Jekyll's, but a beautiful midnight black Porsche. It was like the fucking batmobile- that was honestly the first thought that went through my head.

Easton stepped out as I started bawling, as I did every time I saw him. But now we wouldn't have to talk over Skype. We were finally, finally together, in the flesh. Nothing could stop us now.

"Easton!" I screamed, jumping into his arms as I kissed him roughly, his strong arms catching me as his tongue attacked mine. We pulled away after a long kiss, Easton putting me down as he tangled his hand in mine, looking at our dorm with unabashed happiness.

"Home sweet home, huh?" he said, as I nodded in agreement. "Hey, you did bring the Batman bedsheets, right?"

"Of course. You brought the Superman kitchen utensils, right?"

"How could I forget?" Easton grinned, as we shared another kiss. "Love you. Thank you so much for choosing me."

"It's not a problem. I couldn't live without you anyway."

♠ ♠ ♠
Song of the moment: Say You Like Me by We The Kings
The end. Fin. Over. Done and dusted. :3
You all know I had a hard time finding the motivation to finish writing this, but I ended it and I think it ended well- and it was a happy ending (for most, I hope!)
I had fun writing this chapter though, and I'm terribly sad that it's over :[ I always feel like I'm parting ways with a child of mine when finishing a story, and I know I'll miss London, Easton, Jekyll, Jaimie, Kit and Elliot (Jekyll's cat lol, and I hope you'll miss those boys too! <3

I would also like to thank everyone for sticking with this story, even when it went down hill and just lots of oomph. It really means a lot to me, more than you'll know, because you were the ones who got me through to the end! I couldn't have done it without every single one of you :]

Thanks for reading, and I hope you had fun getting to know London, Easton and Jekyll. They all love you too ^__^
