My Autobiography

My Autobiography

I am CIaudine Pantaleon Katigbak. I was born and brought up in Manila. Ours is a family of four with my parents, me and my older sister. The schooling years of my life is the happiest. I struggled a lot but enjoyed my studies. There are my friends and teachers who had been always there for me.

I was an average student throughout my academic life. I am not the best but I surely did my best. I engaged myself in extra-curricular activities like student council, red cross youth, I enjoyed those. It helped me gain friends,slight popularity, and grades. After completion of my schooling and now in College, I chose to become a teacher. It was a tough decision taken by me at that time. Today, however, I don't regret it at all.

My career in being a teacher began smoothly and I was more than happy to grab the right opportunity for which I was waiting so long. Today, I am happy with my life and enjoy it to the fullest. The positive attitude to face hardships brought out the best in me. Today I am looking forward to face the challenges of life in a positive manner.