Status: Just started

All I Ever Wanted

A normal day

The small, hunter bounded ahead of his tall, older companion. The boy would stop, looking back, waiting for the older teen to catch up.
“C’mon, Kain!” The infected whined, crouched in his normal hunter stance. “I want to find some food.”
The taller teen just shook his head and continued his normal lazy pace, taking a drag from his cigarette.
“I’m coming, I’m coming…” he chuckled, watching the shorter boy bouncing off walls and trash bins like a pin ball.

He enjoyed the little hunter's company, ever since the kid pounced on him, thinking he was one of the rumored "healthy people". After realizing Kain was infected, the kid followed him around, unsure of what to do. He didn't mind and they had grown fond of each other.
"Slow down, Blaze. It's not like we're in a hurry. The food isn't going anywhere." Kain yawned, wincing at the harsh sunlight as they walked out of an alley, into the open street.

"But, Kaaaaaiiiiiiinnnnn!!!" Blaze whined like a child and pouted. Kain chuckled and ruffled the hunter's chestnut curls. The hunter growled playfully and yanked his hood back up over his head, slapping the smoker's tongue off of it.

"You're tongues are stupid. Keep them off my hood! I don't like the sunlight!" he said, tugging the material farther over his face.
"How do you think I feel, kid? I don't have a hood like you." Kain replied, walking along side Blaze.
"Not my fault you don't have a kick ass hoodie like mine." The boy grinned. Kain just laughed and shook his head.

"Ya'know kid, you aren't as bad ass as you think you are." he snorted. Blaze jumped on his back, wrapping his legs around the slim waist of the smoker.
"Yeah? Says who?" he replied.
"Says everyone." Kain said, grinning.

The hunter just huffed and fell silent, looking around at the common infected wandering around aimlessly. It made him sad that they weren't as smart as him and Kain. Maybe if they were, they could rebuild the world they once had before this.Kain heard the smaller boy sigh and knew he was thinking about trying to save this dying world again. Blaze was very smart and thought of other people. Kain found it cute.

"Hey, look over there." The smoker said, pointing to what used to be a burger joint. Blaze straightened, jumping off Kain's back, and dashing towards the hanging sign and through the broken entrance doors. Kain chuckled and followed.

Once inside, Kain scanned over the surroundings. Tables and chairs were knocked over, several infected were scattered about, taking small, wobbly steps like a young child first learning how to walk. The sunlight streamed in the broken windows, catching the dust in the air and grime on the floors and booths. Kain sighed and shook his head at the sad scene and set off to find his companion.

"Kain! Look what I found!" Blaze grinned, holding up an arm full of hamburgers.
"Where'd you get those?" Kain asked.
"Over there." the hunter replied, jabbing a thumb behind him at the pile of wrapped sandwiches on the ground before plopping down on the floor and opening one up and taking a huge bite out of it.
"how is it?" The smoker asked. Blaze nodded, grinning.
"Fast food places around here never cooked their meat all the way." he replied.
"Well, i guess that's a good thing now." Kain said, picking one up and sitting on the counter by the register.

"So how did you know this?"
Blaze shrugged, opening another sandwich.
"I used to live around here before all this." he said, looking out at the sitting area of the fast food place.
"Really? You remember your life before the infection?" Kain replied, in awe.
The hunter shrugged again.
"Bits and pieces." he murmured, looking at his half eaten, 5th burger before setting it down.

The smoker got up and grabbed a large paper bag and gathered as many sandwiches as he could and put them in the bag.
"Let's get going." Kain said gently. Blaze nodded and stood.
"We can stay at my old place tonight. It's not far and it's in a more secluded area so there wont be many infected." Blaze purposed.
"Sure, if you don't mind." Kain replied.

The left the food joint behind and walked up the street, the run down houses slowly turning into nicer and nicer places till they reached the top of the hill and stopped at a huge, mansion like home. Kain gaped, looking up.
"This..... is your house?" Kain breathed
"Yep." Blaze replied boredly, unlocking the door with one of the keys he had around his neck. Kain tilted his head, looking at the necklace which held four keys but didn't ask.
Blaze opened the door to a clean, well kept house, and walked in.
Kain followed and shut the door behind him. A faint beep was heard, startling Kain.
"Don't worry, it's just the security system. I'll be right back. You can set the food in the fridge and help yourself." The hunter said, smiling nicely at Kain before disappearing around the corner.

Kain did as Blaze said and grabbed a warm water from the fridge, sitting on a really comfy bar stool and looking around. He never would've thought Blaze would be a rich kid. He didn't act snobby or better than him. He also talked about the run down fast food place like he went there all the time. Kain was impressed.

A whirring was heard followed by the lights turning on. Kain froze.
Blaze came bounding up the stairs and sat next to him.
"So whatcha think?" he said, grinning.
"Wow...." was all Kain could say, earning a giggle from Blaze.

"The generators are working perfectly and theres enough fuel to last us years. So if you want, we can hang out here a while. The infected rarely go uphill so we don't have to worry about them. Maybe some healthy people will come around and we can talk to them." The hunter said cheerily, taking a grape soda from the fridge.
"I never would've thought that you were a rich kid in the old world." Kain said thoughtfully.
"Well, my parents were rich, not me. Plus, I never really liked it. It was always about money. I preferred to wear normal, inexpensive clothes and hang out with normal kids. Not snobs who went to private school. My parents didn't mind, less money to spend on expensive uniforms and things like that." Blaze replied.

Kain smiled at the small boy.
"I'm beginning to really like you, kid." He said.
Blaze grinned.
"Ditto." he replied.

♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! A little background on Blaze :) I'll explain more about Kain in the next couple chapters :D
Comment PLEASE!!!! I love feedback, good and bad :) Thanks!