Status: Just started

All I Ever Wanted

Well....what now??

Kain spent the next two weeks learning his new infected body. He couldn't really remember anything that happened before he was bitten by the little infected boy, he really didn't remember much about his human life except
1. He had, infact, been human and
2. He had lived in this house (though he felt a mix of hatred and anger towards the house)

So the new smoker stayed at his house till he got the hang of his new and altered apendages. By now, he emitted a thick green smog out of his pores every so often, followed by a fit of coughing. He really didn't know what to do or where to go so he just stuck around, eating the food in his room and drinking the bottles of water. He would also go out into the town nearby and let out his anger on the helpless zombies. He did encounter a couple healthy people. They were much more fun the play with than the dead, uncaring zombies. He'd play games with them; dangling the healthy human over a huge horde of zombies, bouncing them up and down with his tongue like a yoyo. When he got bored he would bring the healthy person back over to him on the roof, snap their neck and let them fall to the pavement with a sickening smack, then watch as the zombies crowded around them, fighting for fresh meat. He just shook his head and was glad he wasn't as stupid as them.

Having no one though was lonely and difficult. He kept himself somewhat educated (or somewhat sane) by reading. He didn't see the need in math or science but reading could help him as well as speaking.

He soon grew tired of blood shed everyday so he tried to find something else to do. He ended up just eating and drinking and playing video games (till their crappy little generator died) . He then made up games using his new tongues, strengthening them as well as holding off his rapidly increasing boredem.

Soon he noticed his food and water supply getting low as well as his sanity so he decided to venture into town. As he walked through the streets he observed the rest of his species. There wasn't much to observe because all they really did was wander aimlessly, moaning and puking. Some would bump into eachother and fall down and some would just stand in one place. They didn't seem to notice him, even though he moved more human-like than they did. He guessed they went by scent rather than sight so he kept moving.

He searched grocery stores, gas stations and cafe's, grabbing all the food that looked good to him as well as drinks. He grabbed a messenger bag from the floor and began to fill it up, taking trips from the stores to his house. When he thought he had enough he changed to clothes and soap. It was funny how human he was even as a zombie.

A couple months later he grabbed his messanger bag and went on another trip to the city to get a few things. He rounded a corner and was knocked flat on his back hard, something siting on his chest. The sun was in his eyes so he couldnt see what was on him.

"Die survivor!!" a boy's voice yelled as he raised his arms above his head.

"woah woah woah!" Kain yelled, shielding his face. "I'm no survivor!"

The boy ontop of him hesitated then got off.

"Oh... sorry... wait! You can talk too!!" The boy sat on the ground next to the smoker who was having a coughing fit.

"Sorry! Did I hurt you?" the boy asked, worried.

"no... I smoked too much when I was a human." Kain coughed, examining the boy.

He was about 4 or 5 inches shorter than Kain. He looked skinny inside his baggy dark hoodie and dark cargo pants. He had duct tape on his arms and wrists, ankles and thighs. He also wore ninja sandles like he'd seen in his Naruto game he played. His eyes were black except for a bright red pupils. Chestnut curls were peaking out of his drawn up hood.

"Do you remember about your life in the old world?" the boy asked, wide eyed.

"Not much... just little things.." The smoker replied.

"Oh... me too... Well, My name is Blaze. What's yours?" the boy said, holding out his hand.

"Kain." the taller one said, shaking Blaze's hand.

"Do you have a place to stay tonight?" Blaze asked, looking around.

"Yeah, it's right outside of the city. You?" Kain asked

The small boy looked down at the cracked, blood stained pavement and shook his head.

"Can I stay with you? I don't like being alone." the boy said sheepishly, scraping a sharp claw across the cement.

Kain felt bad for the kid. He didn't look very old. Maybe a year older than Max....

"Sure. Why not." Kain replied and the hunter's face lit up.

Blaze followed happily behind Kain as they walked through the broken city. Kain noticed that when there were large crowds of infected Blaze would lightly grab ahold of Kain's green plaid shirt and go quiet. Kain could understand why Blaze was so scared so he pretended he didn't notice.
When they got to Kain's trailer, Kain made them both easy dinner and then they camped out in Kain's room.

Blaze fell asleep at the foot of Kain's bed, feeling as safe as he ever had since the infection broke out
leaving him alone and scared.

Until now.
♠ ♠ ♠
:P sappy, yes. but whatever. The story should pick up after this next chapter. I'm going to explain the night of Blaze's infection next.
Comment PLEASE! I need feedback! TT-TT