Status: 1/15


Chapter 1

Mr. Gollard and Mr. Burns grabbed me from behind and pulled me away from my former best friend.

“Let go!” I yelled, trying to get away from them so I can cause my ex friend even more damage.

I wanted to kill him. I actually wanted him dead.

“Calm down, Lewis,” Mr. Gollard hissed into my ear.

Shut up.

You know nothing!

He does not understand.

Jason was on the floor now. He was covered in blood and crying from the beating I’d given him. This wasn't over though. The fact that he’s crying proves that he’s still alive and I won’t stop until his heart does. He shouldn’t be allowed to live. He disgusts me.

The two teachers were trying to pull me away, but I was putting up too much of a fight for them. I eventually fought out of their grasp and managed to land a few more kicks into Jason’s ribs. That’ll make him pay. He needs to suffer for his actions.

No one tries to kiss me and gets away with it. Dirty faggot.

There was a load of shouting and screaming echoing through the corridor but I wasn't taking any notice. This was about me and him. I don’t care about what onlookers think and I certainly don’t mind getting in trouble. This is something I have to do.


“I can’t believe he did that,” my mum cried as she spoke to the school’s headmaster. “What’s wrong with you?” she shouted at me, through her tears. “Jason’s your friend!”

I shook my head at her.

“Not anymore,” I muttered.

She gave me a look of disgust before turning to face Mr. Leavey again. I hate that man. He’s the worst candidate you could’ve picked to be in charge of a school. I swear he has no idea what he’s doing. He always makes wrong decisions and constantly annoys the students as well as the other teachers. No one likes him.

“Lewis is really sorry about what he did,” my mum told him. No I'm not. “He won’t ever do something like that again.” Yes I will. If I see him; I’ll kill him. “I understand that he needs to be punished but he needs this school,” my mum pleaded, making me feel really uncomfortable. “Please don’t kick him out.”

I rolled my eyes as she continued begging Mr. Leavey to forgive me for everything. I should be arrested for what I did to Jason. Getting excluded would probably be a light punishment; my mum doesn't understand that though.

“I'm sorry Mrs. Jones,” Mr. Leavey started, “but I can’t ignore what happened today. Frankly, I think you’re lucky that Jason’s family aren’t pressing charges.” Told you I should be in trouble with the police. “We don’t tolerate violence at this school, and I'm afraid I can’t stand by and let your son return to this school after brutally attacking another student like that.”

“You don’t understand,” my mum cried. “He’s just messed up right now. It’s not his fault. I’ll do anything,” she begged.

I put my hand on her shoulder for comfort but she pushed it off straight away.

“Don't,” she snapped. “This is your fault.”

I backed off again and stared into space.

It’s pretty clear what’s going to happen to me. They won’t let me stay here. Honestly, I don’t blame them. My actions were justified, but I understand why they’re getting so freaked out by them.

“There aren’t any other local schools; you know that Mr. Leavey. How is he going to learn if you kick him out the second he steps out of line? There’s nowhere else for him to go.”

He let out a sigh but I knew mum wasn't going to change his mind.

“Forgive me for being so blunt, but that’s not my problem. My concern is the safety of other students. Your son hospitalized one of them today and the brutality of it was sickening, Mrs. Jones. I'm sorry to do this, but you’ll have to find another school for Lewis.”

She let out another cry then before turning to me and glaring.

“Look what you’ve done!” she yelled, tugging on my arm to make me pay attention to her. “You stupid, stupid boy!”

I bit my lip and nodded at her. I hate seeing my mum like this. I'm acting like I don’t care, but I honestly do. My mum’s a good woman and she does her best for me.

“I'm sorry,” I told her.

I'm not sorry for attacking Jason. I'm just sorry that this is affecting my mum so much.


The ride home was horrible. Mum was sniffling still and she refused to even look at me. She clearly has no idea what we’re going to do now. That was the only high school in our little city and the only way I can get an education is if we find another one that’ll accept me. What are the chances of that?

“I'm not leaving everything for you,” she told me bluntly, when we pulled up on our drive.

“You don’t have to,” I told her.

“If we have to move, I’ll lose my friends, my family, this house, everything! I can’t do that Lewis. You know how much I love this place!”

She was shouting but she looked more upset and scared than angry. That’s what worried me the most.

“We don’t have to leave. I’ll get a job or something.”

“There aren’t any jobs!” she yelled at me, going into hysterics. “Don't you know what a recession is?!”

“I’ll fix it, mum.”

I’ve got no idea how, but I will.

“You can’t, Lewis,” she whispered. “It’s too broken to be fixed.”

“I’ll find something.”

She shook her head at me.

“No you won’t. Look, you stay here; I'm going to go and have another word with Mr. Leavey,” she told me, making me groan.

“Don't be stupid.”

“Shut it, Lewis. I'm your mum: I’ll fix this. I’ll make sure he lets you back in that school.”

Good luck with that...

She has no chance.


When mum eventually came home that night she had a massive smile on her face. Did she actually fix it? How the hell did she get my place back? I jumped off the couch and turned the TV off, rushing over to her to get the news.

“What happened?” I asked her.

She smirked at me.

“It’s sorted.”


I couldn’t believe it. My mum is a genius. I wonder what she did to make Mr. Leavey change his mind... Actually I’d rather not know about that.

“They’re seriously letting me back there?” I asked her, still in shock.

“Not exactly,” she mumbled, walking into the kitchen.

I followed behind her, suddenly feeling really confused.

“What do you mean?”

“He helped me fix it,” she told me as she put the kettle on.

“You’re still not making any sense,” I muttered.

“He found you a place to go to school,” she told me. “It’s not in this city, but it’s a boarding school so I wouldn't have to move with you.”

“O-okay,” I told her unsurely.

I never wanted to go to a boarding school, but what choice do I have? Honestly, I don’t want to move either. I can’t disappoint my mum anymore though. I’ll have to do this; even though I know I’ll hate it.

“All sorted.” She smirked. “There’s still one thing I want to know though,” she told me quietly.

I rolled my eyes, bracing myself for whatever question she was planning to throw at me.

“Fire away,” I sighed.

“Why did you attack Jason?”

I shuddered at the memory.

“I'm not talking about it.”

“Lewis,” she moaned.

“It doesn't matter.”

“Tell me,” she insisted.

“No!” I shouted back at her.

She looked hurt when I shouted. I admit, the look on her face did make me feel bad. I didn't feel bad enough to take it back or tell her anything though. I don’t want to talk about Jason or what he did to me. It’s disgusting.

“Look, mum,” I whispered.

“Just pack your stuff,” she told me strongly, holding back tears. “You’re leaving tomorrow.”

I stared at her like she was insane.


She’s has to be joking.

I can’t move city tomorrow.

I'm not ready.
♠ ♠ ♠
...And so it begins....

I haven't wrote anything in ages so I thought it was about time I did something.