Status: 1/15


Chapter 2

I was shocked that mum went with me to the new school. I expected her to give me a bit of money then leave me to go off on my own. She said she was only coming to make sure I actually got to the school though. I guess she knows what I'm like. I’d get lost going somewhere on my own, or purposely not turn up because I’d rather not be there in the first place.

When I saw the school my mouth literally dropped open. It wasn't a school. It looked more like a freaking prison.

“What’s that?” I asked sharply.

“You know what that is,” she mumbled, turning the radio up to tune me out.

Ha ha, really funny mum.

I leaned over and turned the volume down again. She can’t get rid of me that easily.

“I'm being serious. If that’s a school, why the hell does it look like some prison?” I asked her, desperately needing an answer.

She can’t expect me to go to that school without knowing anything about it. What if it’s an actual prison? Maybe Jason’s parents did press charges and she didn't feel like warning me. If I walk into prison and act like I'm in school, I’d look like a right douche. I'm pretty sure douche-like behavior leads to severe beatings. Does she want me to die in there?

“It’s just a very strict school,” she told me. “It’ll straighten you up. Mr. Leavey said there’s no chance you’ll fight again after being in that school.”

Brilliant. I'm not even a bad guy. I don’t use violence! It was only one time and now everyone thinks I'm a horrible person because of it. I think they’re forgetting something. He kissed me! It was his fault; not mine.

They don’t know he kissed me though...

I think we’d both prefer it if no one found out about that. Everything would change for Jason if the school found out he was gay. For some reason, I don’t want them to find out about him. It would definitely add to his punishment, but me hospitalizing him was probably punishment enough. I don’t want him dead anymore, I just hope I never see him again.

“I can’t believe you’re punishing me,” I muttered. “I don’t need a strict school.”

“Really?!” she laughed sadistically. “I think that shows why you need this school. You don’t even realize you’ve done something wrong. You hospitalized your best friend! Do you know he’s in a coma?” My face dropped. What? “You should be in prison, do you understand that? I think this is a light punishment if you think about it.”

“I didn't mean to put him in a coma,” I muttered, hoping it would make a difference.

Inside, I wish I didn't mean it, but fact is, at the time, I wanted him dead. I actually wanted to kill my best friend. How messed up is that?

“But you did.”

I know I did.

I know.


When we got inside I noticed that all the windows had bars over them. What sort of place is this? If it’s not a prison, it must be an asylum or something. Is this where they send all the mental kids that put their best friends into comas? This doesn't make me insane, does it?

“Mum, are you sure this is a school?” I asked again, feeling even more nervous now that I'm sat outside the headmaster’s office.

“Yes, Lew,” she said, sounding a bit frustrated with me.

Well sorry! Pardon me for worrying about being chucked into some asylum/prison like building.

The door to the headmaster’s office opened and a giant, stern looking man in a black uniform stepped out.

“Jones?” he asked.

My mum nodded.

“Yes, that’s us.”

“Step into my office,” he ordered, putting on a straight face.

This man slightly scares me.

We got up and followed him into the room. I stopped abruptly when I saw a gun hung up on the wall. A GUN! Why does he need a gun? Is he going to shoot me?

“Sit down,” he said, sounding a little bit calmer. His face was still scary though. “Welcome to Stratford House Boarding School.”

“Thank you,” my mum told him shyly. It looks like she’s a bit intimidated by him too. “This is, erm, my son, Lewis.”

I nodded my head to him.

“The one who put a kid in a coma?” he asked.

I stared down at the floor then. Why does he know about that? He’ll think I'm some violent, out of control kid now. I'm a good boy really!

So much for a clean start; they won’t like me forget about what I did.

“Yes, that’s him.”

“We’ll straighten him out in no time, Mrs. Jones; don’t you worry.” He smiled to her.

I sat more confidently in my seat when I saw him smile. He’s not all evil, after all.

“You can leave Lewis with me now,” he told her.

Mum looked over at me for a few seconds before walking out.

“Is she leaving?” I thought out loud.

“Of course she is. The likes of you don’t deserve a goodbye.”

I stared at him out of shock. The likes of me! What’s that meant to mean?

“I deal with kids like you every day of the week. Don't bother pretending that you’re better than everyone else.”

“I wasn't.”

“Don't talk back!” he shouted. “I can see right through you, Jones. You deserve to be in here. Actually, you deserve worse than here.”

I nodded at him.

“I know.”

“Good.” He smirked. “You’re in Room 169. I’ll let you find it.”

How am I meant to find the room? I’ve never been here before. I don’t even know where here is.

I got up and walked out. I can’t believe this is happening.


After hours of walking around the school and not seeing a single person, I somehow managed to find the rooms. They were right at the top of the school, but I didn't want to check there earlier because there were way too many stairs.

I'm knackered now though. So, so, so many stairs. My legs are actually going to fall off. Not to mention that I’ve still got to find my room and I had to walk all the way up here with all my bags. I could’ve broken my back or anything.

166... 167... 168... 169!


When I went to open the door, I discovered that it was locked.

For God’s sake.

What am I meant to do now?

I banged my head against the door a few times, trying to think of something to do. I'm not walking back downstairs to ask for help. I'm staying here until the door magically opens on its own. I'm too lazy to use the stairs again.

“Hey, hey,” I heard a voice from behind me.

I groaned at their happy tone before turning to face them.

“Hi,” I grunted.

“You new?” he asked.

“Clearly,” I muttered.

“You in room 169?”


“Carson’s not going to open it for you,” he told me. “Come here.”

The boy pushed me to the side and started banging repetitively on the door.


I cringe at that word and I think the boy noticed this.

“I'm messing,” he insisted. “Carson’s one of the most homophobic guys you’ll meet,” he told me. “It pisses him off when I pretend I'm his boyfriend.”

“Makes sense,” I muttered.

“What now?!” I heard a voice shout as the door room burst open.

“You’ve got a roommate,” the guy told him.

“Nice to know,” he muttered before walking back into his room, leaving the door open for me.

“I'm Nick, by the way,” the boy who got him to open the door told me.

“Lewis,” I said before shaking his hand awkwardly.

“Carson probably won’t tell you, so I might as well, we’ve got today off, so just stay on this floor and don’t annoy the staff.”

I raised an eyebrow. Why would a strict school give you a day off in the middle of the week?

“Why’s it a day off?”

“Some kid got murdered yesterday.” My mouth dropped open. “I didn't know him, but we got a day off out of it. Awesome, right?”

“Y-yeah,” I stuttered.

Murder? Seriously.

“See you around Lewis!” he chirped before walking into the room next to us.

I took a deep breath and walked into my room. Carson was just lying on the bed.

I decided to copy him, so I dumped my stuff down and collapsed onto the only empty bed in the room.

“Hey,” I said, but he didn't say anything back.


Just then my eyes landed on the calendar at the front of the small room. The 3rd of March. That’s Jason’s birthday. He’s spending his 16th birthday in a coma because of me... His parents must hate me so much. I bet the rest of our friends hate me too.

I'm a horrible person.

I rolled over onto my side, to stop Carson being able to see my face.

For a few seconds, I just stared at the wall. It didn't take long for the tears to fall though.

I ruined my best friends 16th birthday. I’ve ruined his whole life! What happens if he never wakes up? That’d make me a murderer...
♠ ♠ ♠
I thought I'd be late with this one, but it's still Saturday so I'm on time :))

Thanks to DoYouEvenCare? and pink lemonade! for commenting :P